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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 5-6
  2. What do they call male cougars? Panthers? I bet there's lots of those.
  3. Free! Dive to the Future 5
  4. 27 is only a cougar if you're 8.
  5. Rejoice, nerds! The forum is back.
  6. Are you getting a good reimbursement rate? I miss my old job, I used to volunteer to drive and pick up supplies at other offices because they paid 50 cents a mile.
  7. Blue Exorcist 6-8 Pop Team Epic 6
  8. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 3-4
  9. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 2
  10. You can buy whatever you want and you can take them to library every day... If they don't want to read they aren't going to. Unless you're holding a gun to her head.
  11. Really the only thing you did was not give your kid a learning disorder. The rest was on the kid.
  12. I know it was for drama purposes, but personally he was on my shitlist when he somehow did better than Izuku on the assessment test. I mean I know he couldn't really use his quirk, but he's a reasonably in shape young man. He should have been able to beat Mineta. It's an outrage tbh.
  13. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 1 Monster 55-56
  14. I'm Gonna Be An Angel!
  15. Forums are supposed to be back around Wednesday.
  16. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc 18-24 [END]
  17. It lasts for approximately 10 minutes and is scheduled just before he goes into sleep mode.
  18. I'm not very good at trash talking. I just want everyone to have a great time. Except Tom Brady. He can get fucked.
  19. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc 16-17
  20. Sirius the Jagger 4 Cells at Work 5
  21. Chio's School Road 5 Grand Blue 4
  22. Ang is right. Take all the waifus. I have like 15 baebs from this show already and we get new ones all the time. 😍
  23. My Hero Academia 3 16-17
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