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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Chio's School Road 8 Grand Blue 7
  2. Rewatching My Brother, My Brother, and Me because I need some good goofs.
  3. I knew they were setting up a Conan Goes to Japan episode. Actually Case Closed did get named dropped on Conan way back in the day in a Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage segment back on Late Night. (Way back when anime was on weeknights and Bebop got replaced by Case Closed.)
  4. True, but initially most of the comments I saw were complaining about it pandering to SJWs/tumblr because they were pushing a diverse staff.
  5. Do you mean will whiny neckbeards attack women and minorities in the fandom and industry and spend all of their time whining about too many gay/transgender/poc??? It doesn't work the same in regards with anime because if neckbeards start complaining about how straight white dudes are being erased from anime they'd have to point out examples and like 90% of anime characters are Japanese so... In regards to Crunchyroll locking a thread for being too political it's because they pointed out how diverse the creators are and you know neckbeards hate the word "diversity" like it murdered their parents. Most of the immediate backlash I saw to the show wasn't that it was "American anime" it was "THEY LET SJWS MAKE AN ANIMU!!"
  6. man that takes me back
  7. I like that she actually started as a male, but Horikoshi though it would be funnier to make her a naked girl.
  8. There's also Power Loader (though he's a skinny old man) and Tetsutetsu's costume would be showing sideboob if he were a woman. Death Arms is literally just wearing a shrug as a shirt and there's a male character who can end up naked just by using his quirk wrong so it's not like there's not dudes showing stuff off. Plus while there are fanservice ladies there are also female characters like Jiro who's tightest thing are her leather pants.
  9. I can't believe y'all out here ignoring Hagakure who is literally naked in her hero costume.
  10. They're always there and can just never wear regular pants. But it's mentioned in Ojiro's (Tail Boy) and Shoji's (Tentacle Kakashi) profiles that clothes modification is no big deal anymore so he probably has his pants special made. Iida is a good, good rich boy after all.
  11. Jotaro's hat/hair in Part 3 was because Araki wanted him to be recognizable from behind so his hair blended into his hat... when Part 4 came around he couldn't very well give Jotaro a regular hat. That's too easy!
  12. Free! Dive to the Future 7 Sirius the Jaeger 6
  13. If you're in Japan, sure, but not in the west.. Anime is animation, but it specifically refers to animation originating from Japan.
  14. It really is ridiculous considering how much time, money, and energy Crunchyroll spent to not only stream anime, but to actually move from hosting pirated content to becoming a legitimate business devoted to providing and promoting anime in the west. They've spent over a decade building themselves up, they're not just gonna wake up one day and go "you know what? fuck anime."
  15. Honestly they lost me at "anime Youtuber" like I get enough shitty anime opinions on this website and basically every other website where the word is breathed. I don't need to listen to someone prattle on in video form.
  16. You and like a million other people.
  17. I do know that Cruncyroll's Android app is pretty bad. It randomly skips the audio back 10 seconds while the video freezes until the audio catches back up.
  18. Black Butler: Book of Murder 1-2 [END]
  19. I've seen lots of "how dare they!!!" comments, but honestly this is something original that they can (hopefully) make some money on. It will also help draw eyes to the Crunchyroll channel on VRV which could lead to more streams of their anime titles. I hope it does well for them.
  20. Grand Blue 6 Lucky Star OVA
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