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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. People better than you showed up.
  2. This is among the most idiotic statements I've ever seen or heard.
  3. Are there people that didn't think Buscemi was great? Maybe the Keitel contingent drown him out? I love character actors. And Chris fucking Penn dude. You're making me think about it and the movie is filled with fun performances.
  4. That is a slick ad-hoc fix but you should have already had replacement belts. Vacuum belts snapping is a thing that happens.
  5. Can't call favorite, but a good one was Rudesheim. Least favorite, driving into Kansas on eastbound I-70. After an hour and a half I started wondering if there was anything at all in Kansas. There were no exits. Went northbound on the first state highway I could find.
  6. Manhattan was fully habitable before it was developed.
  7. Why would you do that to Lorraine!?!? Cannibals!!!
  8. You have a horrible life.
  9. Destroy what's telling you not to be lazy and then go be lazy.
  10. I think that made me laugh more than the actual joke would.
  11. If I had nuts on my chin would those be chin nuts?
  12. Musket you idiot.
  13. I have a sinus headache.
  14. Happy Birthday you misanthropic ball of depression. You probably need to shave.
  15. Nope. My luck is exactly where it should be.
  16. Oh, this thread. I'm good.
  17. I don't know. I just buy pot at a dispensary.
  18. You buy it from people that sell drugs. Around here you get it by a pier. Some guy tried to sell me some a while back and it was a tough debate. I had to pass because I don't want to be high for ten hours (if it was even any good that's how long it should last). It's too easy to sell bunk lsd though, it's just paper.
  19. You sicken me.
  20. I talk to all animals like people, wild or pets. I yell "kitty" every time i see a cat when I'm driving.
  21. Pant that David thing Michelangelo made. But make them chaps.
  22. He's speaking of wage slaves who debate between car insurance and rent. People older than me are working in fast food because if you stay it can be a decent alternative due to the turnover rate. But even most of those people are jocking for a better restaurant position.
  23. They want everything to be homestyle, and refuse to recognize that it's not coming at minimum wage. If the girl at the counter had a house and a couple kids and didn't need to think about bills maybe she'd engage in some conversation.
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