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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I would love it if all the Spanish names destroyed Florida for weeks.
  2. Quit trying to hide our emotions, maaaaaaan. Totally get it though.
  3. My lasagna is fantastic.
  4. I wish, I'd rather be doing manual labor. Some people refer to what I do as such, but most of the day I'm sitting. I like to be up and moving.
  5. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to fuck off and murder your whole family so your genes do not pollute the world."
  6. These all seem like extremely reasonable things to say to customers.
  7. I know I'm ten years late, but it's obvious why. So I have this unfinished save, with no desire to complete it. In my opinion they tried to make a game they don't know how to make. The world is gigantic and empty. Now I recently bought Xenosaga ChronicleBlade 9 and this feels like the game it wanted to be. All the little bullshit you pick up in that game doesn't matter much, whereas in Zelda it does because the enemies get scaled as you progress in the game. But don't scale the weapons they carry! Make sure those white bokoblins in the starting area are carrying tree branches so the shitty combat system makes them take ten years to beat! So all that little crap you've been ignoring now matters if you want to explore without a headache. And the four dungeons. I still have one to beat. It's a cool idea! Definitely something a little new. And disgustingly simple. It's just "where do I put the moving part to get what I need." And then the three bosses I've fought were basically exactly the same. Cool as a theme for the storyline, not fun to fight. Zelda is my favorite series. This one took the elements that bothered me in skyward sword and focused on them. And I like Skyward Sword. It's flawed, but it was a good experience. If one more Breath of the Wild is released I might be done with Zelda though. Don't call your tech demo a game, and don't try and tell me it's game of the year. It's incredibly mediocre and it's popularity is solely based on the fact it is a Zelda game.
  8. In past participle you want to use awakened.
  9. No pain meds! The pain is trying to keep you from fucking things up more. Hopefully it doesn't last too long for you, sounds like it was a bad one though.
  10. Wear tightly laced high tops or wrap it if you aren't already. If it wasn't for ace bandages I probably would have destroyed my legs by now.
  11. I could use a week off. I'm taking one in July to visit home and then I need to try and sneak a couple days in later in the month.
  12. You're Schmoopy Buddy.
  13. Who has a strong enough devotion to fiber to buy a grain that takes six hours to prepare? I hope that's for baking. Edit: But wait, it's flavored... Who eats that shit?
  14. I don't start punching women until at least noon. I'm getting old over here.
  15. All of my mornings. Only the paws should be pulling blankets.
  16. Yes. I authorize collection on behalf of everyone that has ever seen him debate a point.
  17. I apologize profusely for any role in that. Apparently there was some sort of pit viper waiting for me.
  18. And slash thread.
  19. Because it's a goose which have actually ascended from the sixth layer of hell. And I'm not looking up the layers of hell to see if that makes sense. I should probably say the second or third.
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