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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I just made this thread, thunder-thief! I'ma buy a beer real quick here.
  2. We have been getting shithammered lately, the raises in the fall better be significant. Just finished a six day stretch over some garbage. Being an adult is a load of shit.
  3. Similarly scheduled and unemployed give a woo! The unemployed giving a far more muted and sad woo. I think I'll nap soon.
  4. Liar! Nagina was your intent the whole time.
  5. Lol Latrenda.Is the signage at your workplace prefaced with "Ghetto?"
  6. You should just say, "I didn't read your post."
  7. Almost everything else you said is wrong, but yes, this is generally the case. That's why I said she should do it in public, cause a regular guy will cool off after a little while. Maybe she's the first girl he wanted to ask out, he'd realize it wasn't so bad and he did something wrong. I tell my friends and family when they're being assholes and they're all glad I do it. The main thing I was not aware of is that these incels are apparently Elliot Rodger fanboys. How can you watch that kid and not see he had a real problem. He was a fascination for a moment because it was like a peek inside of a crazy mind. I was just talking about dealing with some loser. I've seen women do worse shit to guys than what I said. I would say just have someone paralyze him because he's probably useless, Keep an eye on him and let the people around you know about him. If she starts hanging out with a few people that might spook him off. It's not hard to constantly have people around in school if you want to. If she has good enough friends around they'll meet up with her, because he could be looking for times she's alone. I dunno, I have video games calling and I can't be bothered to look up shit I don't care about. This internet subculture thing is doing an incredible job of filtering microcosms of society from interacting with it completely. Huh. That's... actually really interesting.
  8. I am going my own way away from all other people.
  9. I've argued with a guy that had teardrop tattoos, so take that as you will. It wasn't a serious argument but I could tell he thought about just smacking me and knew it wouldn't be worth it. I looked like more of a problem then than I do now though. And arguing in a public space should be relatively safe. If he does react, people will jump on a guy doing anything to a girl in a second. The anger will be instant, but she will get across she thinks of him as nothing. The dude was spreading rumors to a guy she talks to, and was showing her shit about that guy because he thinks any woman that talks to a man is romantically involved. A friend of mine had a guy that told her about standing outside her window because he thought it was romantic. Some dudes are dumb as shit. He's looking for someone else to blame for his shitty attitude and odd behaviors. But again, this is all up to her judgment of his character. If she thinks this guy might creep up behind her on her way home and crack her with a lead pipe, she absolutely should not do anything I suggested. But if he's just some lame dude tell him to fuck off and let him examine himself and realize he is not a likable person. Or not, but you can't really like a person that says something like that to you. Especially if it's just dumb infatuation, anime-wise as you mentioned. Oh! And mentioning to him that she's told other people about his habits is a fantastic blow. Just say, "And so you know, I've mentioned you to friends and family so I wouldn't really recommend trying to talk to or bump into me again." Close out however, but if she smiles and says, "Okay?" at the end, he is fucking cooked. The jackass might even go home and cry. And fuck him. He deserves to feel like a piece of shit, because he is. And the smile at the end really kills, because it drives home the point he means nothing. But again, I am how I am. I rarely have to do things like this, but when I do it I relish it. "No, you are a fucking asshole and you are going to know it." The inner fury is simply delicious.
  10. That's why I said she should do this around witnesses, cause he will get angry. Not for public embarrassment, the guy walks around humiliated all day. He's a loser. If he seemed to have the potential for violence she might not be thinking of sending some addicts to rob him or whatever. And what's crazier, making the guy look at himself or just having him beaten? After doing that she shouldn't have to interact with him again. I wouldn't recommend she go anywhere alone for a bit, just in case. I have an advantage of being a big enough guy that people generally don't want to mess around with me, so doing things like this doesn't phase me. She knows better than any of us what to expect from the guy. He sounds like a coward to me. I don't know much about these incel people, one thing I did stumble across a while back is Men Going Their Own Way. And they're all a bunch of whining losers that make you sick. And odds are most of them "suffer women" in silence. With as introverted as people have become, external action becomes way more powerful than it ever was. Especially with people like this. If she does it and ends up needing to get police involved, he got pushed far enough to create the potential to have him removed, or she does it herself. Why is talking to a person so crazy? You guys can go ahead and read into the habits of boring losers I just thought I'd throw out a suggestion about handling one.
  11. It's not anti-American, it's just a movie that wanted to be Braveheart again. Given the choice of The Patriot or Braveheart, which do you watch? And Escape from LA is an awesome shit movie besides. That fucking ending!
  12. Okay, this is an explanation of your vitriol. Brutal honesty is an awesome way to handle people like this. You used to talk to him, when you can just ask him why he told _____ you fuck for ketamine. He will probably deny it and you can follow that with "Why would they make that up. I see the websites you look at. What's your problem with me?" I expect a clumsy pass somewhere in here but the basic thing you should get across, and say out loud, is that maybe his personality is the reason he's celibate. He needs to stop blaming everyone else for not tolerating his shit, and maybe he needs to understand his behavior is offensive. This is just a basic idea of what to get across, you should personalize it. These people saying he's dangerous are probably overreacting a little, some people are just weird and try to find ways to bump into people they like. And some lack the courage to do anything and end up looking like weirdos. At the end tell him to get some confidence and leave you alone. I would do this in a place with witnesses because I love destroying a bad soul.
  13. Sorry, The Patriot is actually not good. It's a movie I would watch if literally nothing else was on. And my parents had to have HBO so I watched mostly movies growing up. It's three hours of I wanna be Braveheart in America.
  14. Surfer thing I definitely agree, but so many California women have that voice. In the midwest when you hear that voice it's a teenage girl 90% of the time. But here I get to hear 40 year old women that sound like high school kids all the time. It's great entertainment.
  15. All the women here talk like valley girls, which is not noticeable to people that were born here. It's hilarious. Like when you see a Samoan chick or some other girl that you wouldn't expect that voice from... it's hilarious every time. There are plenty of surfer bros here but not enough that I would say it's common. The dudebro thing can be entertaining to an extent.
  16. Liquid balls, it smells like Old Spice mixed with Drakkar and costs four dollars. And it will never go off the market.
  17. It's been a long time since I've looked at anything on the internet that I didn't want to see.
  18. Welcome to Earth.
  19. I don't know why you're so attentive, people are people. Some are shitty, some aren't. You can choose to contribute to rationalizing his shitty attitude, or you can contribute to it existing by simply being. Live your own life and let the people outside of it live theirs.
  20. Hmm. Reminds me of how a bunch of women decided to invade my life because I wasn't interested in talking to them. Mind your business.
  21. Why do you feel the need to insert yourself into the life of a stranger?
  22. I watched that for far too long and I hated it the entire time. Who watches porn like that?
  23. Wait, you're homeless? I now have zero sympathy for you. You realize a lot of people are homeless because they're crazy, right? You getting involved with a homeless man living in a van that is known for fighting people in a neighborhood where you don't even want to call cops. I understand the homeless have a sense of community, I've met some and there are some cool people. One was a marine that got checks for an injury and just knew how to live outside and liked it. Met a retarded one that kinda broke my heart. Walked by one shaking his head and yelling and kept fucking walking. You do not engage irrational crazy. And if you must, you better be able to take it on. Non-violence is a wonderful philosophy I adhere to as much as I can, but you need to be able to defend yourself. You did something stupid and you need to know that.
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