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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I think old faptor pat just dropped the ball here. I think it's K_N. I am basing this off of very limited information, but I think I might be right.
  2. Honestly, have you ever thought during sex that you wish someone was doing something to your ass? It's not one of my erogenous zones.
  3. I don't find it pleasant. I may as well be having shin licked.
  4. You realize your butthole is keeping shit from falling out of your body, right? You can't accidentally put your tongue in there.
  5. I feel that way about in.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case sometimes. He does disappear.
  7. I'm supposed to do my biometric for work but I'm now partially wasted. Darn! I guess I'm stuck playing these video games.... I am the most diabolical fiend on Earth.
  8. You should have been in on the skype days! Lemme see if I can post a thing. Socks showed me this gif And I laughed at it for 20 minutes straight and she couldn't believe it.
  9. They did. Also Pooh's gif is one of the funniest things to me right now. I love old shitty animation.
  10. That can be okay, they're mentally in the same place. Usually.
  11. Yes. I was pounding this broad last night while we were both smoking a blunt, and it was so amazing and you're all a bunch of fuck-ups for not figuring out how easy it is to bang sluts. Also smoking pot is the best. WEEEEEED.
  12. The only option was to throw black people at it. You would never get a white person to jump ten feet from the ground into splits.
  13. This is racist and amazing.
  14. Naw, it's a different thing for women. A guy can nut in anything and feel okay about it if that's what he wanted to do. Biologically, every time a man has sex he climaxes. But some dude could fuck you and just be boring. But, a man can make a boring fuck interesting by putting in extra effort. It's a crap shoot for women, and picking carrots for men. "This carrot's not so good, lemme dig around a little bit because I'm sure there's something good here."
  15. People are too dismissive of animals. Our domesticated brethren are smarter than most people give them credit for. Animals understand respect, and if they respect you they will smile for the camera.
  16. Magic? I suppose being a walking hardon helps that a little bit. Not as in I'm looking to fuck everything, but I can fuck everything if I feel like I want to.
  17. Fucking finally. I was getting sick of that 20 degree temperature change between day and night.
  18. How is this whole thread not about how a cat tried to smile now?
  19. Lol. If I'm fucking someone I don't like much I feel evil sometimes. Mostly because I'm able to discern their feelings about me very quickly. My emotion at that point is, "why do you need to like me so much? This is for fun."
  20. If he's doing that he's incredibly bored and has to be on a computer for work purposes or something.
  21. Trains are trains. They provide people with a cheap form of transit and are a positive influence upon society. Trains are okay with me.
  22. Ah. I have an overabundance of energy, so I can't help you there. My not working out is now just due to me not caring about staying alive. However long I live from now on is fine.
  23. Life is an experience designed by your surroundings and will. It is what you make it absolutely.
  24. Don't know why he would be proud of it, I did not attempt to hide at all. Edit: And I forgot to thank tsar for that awesome video. The cops in the aisles were surreal. People complaining about their freedoms these days aren't entirely aware of the passage of time. And this doesn't come from a perspective of past versus future, but a general assessment of what amounts to ethical behavior by authority figures. There are definite problems, but god damn only 50 years ago things were horrifying.
  25. What did I ever do to you? I suppose I should thank everyone that gave a warm welcome. Glad to see you as well! And I mean that as forcefully as possible.
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