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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Not the same as fighting with him. Knowing Tekken, I imagine he's probably comparable to Bryan Fury. And I gotta say I love how no one can let SNK die.
  2. Yeah yeah, I know it's a crappy fighter. But it's the last one I played cause I don't really play them anymore. The person who owned it was hitting a wall at the character before her, and fighting her Just brought back memories of Geese in Capcom vs. SNK. Geese would make me so angry sometimes...
  3. Trimming a lot? And do I get to see or is it gonna be a surprise?
  4. As long as he isn't cheese, I fought with this person and had to change because she was boring to fight with.
  5. I hope he's less cheese in three dimensions.
  6. Is that fucking Geese? Tell me that's anyone but Geese.
  7. So no trim then? Also six fucking hours!? That's a long time to devote to hair when it isn't your job.
  8. Nah, we fix what's broken and throw the non-repairable in the trash.
  9. So my statement stands as fact.The crap you sell isn't worth the postage.
  10. So you're bragging about how much other people will sell the garbage you collect for when in the same post you say postage will be an issue, because it seems a possible $40 - $80 dollar postage will make a huge dent in your profit margin. If I'm not mistaken this is what you're saying.
  11. I would name them after my friends and tell them how they died, along with antagonizing their fictional being. "Fuck your cholera Scott, we need to get to Oregon."
  12. Next button, fat boy on the inside.
  13. This game was fun.
  14. Lol. And I find modern games boring for certain types of hand-holding. I spent 10 minutes not being hit in a damage recovery tutorial to see if anything happened.
  15. I always enjoyed long drives. At least when the scenery is nice, otherwise I focus on the music going.
  16. I don't feel the need to congratulate people on their relationships much, all I keep thinking about is what percentage of gay relationships are ass covenants.
  17. Take the freebies.
  18. No, but three people agreed upon it. And three is the magic number.
  19. A man unexpectedly taking out his dick is the same as a woman crying in public while waving a butt plug in the air.
  20. Simpsons did it! I am legitimately surprised, sort of.
  21. Form an army and be like Batman. Except you're Coonman. HAHA! Racism.
  22. Sushi sounds awesome. Maybe next weekend. A couple yellowtail rolls and some salmon nagiri. Maybe some ramen... It's been a while.
  23. Frilled Lizard.
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