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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I had no idea you were 130 years old now.
  2. Hah! They like cracked corn, leave a big pile of it somewhere easily accessible to them. They like it way more than little seeds. This seems like a mean version of the catapult, but it was easy to find. The one I remember was more squirrel friendly.
  3. My strategy would be to put out food that is more attractive to the squirrels than the bird feeder. Then you have squirrels that like to hang out and leave your bird feeder alone, which is always cool.
  4. Hah, she likes the shineys.
  5. If she devotes herself to gaining a few more pounds her neck can look like an entire pack of hot dogs.
  6. I fucking hate male instincts.
  7. I think my last name might have been used to hide the fact that they were Jewish. The closest origin I can find is the name of a river valley in Poland. Immigrated in the early 1920's, I believe.
  8. Dude, I'm already working on something here. I know that you know that.
  9. I'm white, but third generation immigrant so I appreciate it. I should get some video games going, but instead I'm watching people talk very slowly here for no real reason. I think it's because I live in my mind and I can sit and think for about an hour and look here again.
  10. Heart shit runs in my family so I try and diet accordingly, but sometimes I'm awake at 3 AM and six tacos for four bucks sounds good. Fucking bastards.
  11. I was gonna say, not big enough. Off a cliff into a lake would be amazing, but it's not a perfect world. Into a lake would be good enough.
  12. Jack in the Box is run by the devil incarnate. I'm certain of it.
  13. I'm a sucker for breakfast burritos at 3 am but I'm trying to not do that anymore.
  14. He was 19 and lived in Omaha. He was afraid of people knowing he was gay.
  15. You mean how everyone is hitting on every possible vagina they can to the point where none of the fun women want to be present?
  16. My g spot is the head of my cock.
  17. Yeah, the gay guys in Omaha are like any other guy. It's an interesting thing. I think one dude was trying to feel me out, he asked me to come by and smoke weed and watch Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. What idiot isn't down for that? Before I was leaving he was talking about how he thought his hair looked cool in some movie. I just shrugged a whatever. After that he seemed on edge around me. I dunno. Life is a strange thing. People are odd.
  18. Lol. I was at the supermarket one day and these two fucking immense buff dudes were shopping together. Coming from where I did, it takes some getting used to. Like, I don't wanna laugh just cause they're gay, but they looked like they could take out 20 people in ten seconds. That's what struck me as funny.
  19. Why would Trigun ever talk about something other than balloons?
  20. Yeah, all the manly men love having things shoved in their ass. I've got a can of creamed corn right now for you, baby.
  21. I think I'm gonna go with Kinsey and say sexuality is a spectrum. People like what they like. Could just as easily have been his wife trying to keep things exciting.
  22. I didn't like how a finger in my ass felt.
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