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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Finding new good music is like a job now. My boss is into hip hop, but he's almost my age so he likes a rap that has a story or is saying something other than, "Uh. Yeah. Check out this beat we made. Ungh yeah.."
  2. Sarcastic and cutthroat. And probably in surprisingly good shape.
  3. Why did you do this, now I gotta go listen to Paula Abdul. And all of you can shut up about it. 'Grats Still Me, everyone seems to be shedding weight lately. The science of dieting!
  4. Same, sorta. The consensus among the two women that have seen the picture of me and my nieces is "D'awwwwwww."
  5. Well.... That's terrible.
  6. The vomit is kind of bothersome. But we have to know he's a drunk somehow I guess?
  7. I'd love for you to love me!
  8. Do one for taco and jez and I'll tell them about it tomorrow.
  9. My niece is fourteen now, hadn't seen her in three years. She grew up a lot. And at this second that whole man instinct is kicking in... fucking hate that shit. She's smart though.
  10. Airports are a hell of a thing. You guys should see the pic of me and my nieces! But you won't, sorry!
  11. Just makes the whole situation awkward.
  12. Okay, you might not be 14. But you also might be.
  13. Hi guys, my name is Rick. Fuck you.
  14. Food trucks have stricter regulations than a brick and mortar place. So I doubt it's terribly unusual.
  15. Fixed correctly.
  16. I can always choose to not click spoiler tags.
  17. Oh, I remember you now. Google imaging the word rejected is just shit.
  18. I kept showing people my dick.
  19. This is made more funny to me by the fact that my perception of time is very skewed and long periods of time are like nothing to me.
  20. "Hey, I'll have the crab fries but can you serve that up without the fries?"" Also people here disparaging food trucks don't even know. A food truck is occasionally run by a person that can't afford a storefront but wants to share their culinary prowess because they think they're good enough to make money with it. There's a woman that sells burritos out of a cart illegally by the border and border patrol agents buy from her. She gets shut down from time to time but she always comes back.
  21. Do you think remembering pictures of you or making sure I see every picture of you is something essential to me? Don't forget my only presence here for the past however long I've been gone was lurking every three or four months for a half-hour or so.
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