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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. thats like showing up for thanksgiving and finding out the person you've been dating for months has children for the first time
  2. its one of those movies that are bad but at the same time, just entertaining enough that you will watch the whole thing like most cheesy kung fu flicks
  3. MEXobiologist

    Toy Story

    lol, you bad
  4. jokes on you! can't lose something you never had to begin with (psst.... i'm actually a big fat baby scardy pants about plenty of stuff like this.... but don't tell anyone >.>)
  5. lol, High Risk? that movie is >
  6. lol, you wouldn't ever catch me on one of those things. because stuff like that can trigger a vertigo attack, i tend to just not take the risk. so the handful of times i have, whether or not it triggered one..... i'm the lil bitch who can't take it. scurry. no thanks.
  7. yeaaahhhh, $2500 is still a lot in my world for a game. i love pinball... but not THAT much > lol. that place i was talking about is called the pyramid scheme and they have 25 machines that are really well maintained. they take it kinda seriously tho, like free play nights and tournaments. i wanna say that for big tournaments they bring in an additional 25 machines into the concert venue... but i'm not sure, i haven't actually gone and just heard about it. i love pinball fo sho... but never have i ever been able to maintain a high score on a machine for very long, even at the pool hall but i can hold my own for a while. these are the machines at the pyramid scheme. they have most of those you've listed plus some of my other favy's like KISS, Simpsons Pinball Party, Indiana Jones, and Attack from Mars. this is a pinmap that i had no idea exist until just now, so imma see if there are some other hidden gems nearby. https://pinside.com/pinball/map/where-to-play/967-the-pyramid-scheme-bar-grand-rapids-mi
  8. ::spin:: spensive! i don't think i will ever buy one. there are zero barcades where i live. a couple where my sister is at about 35 minutes southeast of me tho, so sometimes i indulge. one of those places is actually a concert venue in the back of the house as well. whenever there is a show, i try to go at least 2 hours early so that i can play otherwise, the pool halls that had the most machines in town have closed, so i would have to go to a bowling ally just to find one... and those are smelly... and they only have the cheapest gross beer.
  9. yes indeed, i do. you don't get the combos and free balls just slappin around all willy-nilly like that. pinball is the shit. there is a pinball museum somewhere in cali.... i forget where, that is only open once or twice a year due to the cost of keeping the machines on. it has some insane amount of machines to play in it... like 600 or so. its my dream to go there and play one of those days. <3
  10. That jaw tho... <3
  11. Omg... as soon as I get to some better speakers or a set of headphones!
  12. Thank you, but I am not interested in a subscription at this time sir.
  13. Fuck that. Why do they hate goats so much?
  14. Whatever you do, don't stop playing or you will feel like a 3yo attempting to understand quantum physics when you go back
  15. whut ......... how the hell does this always happen? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG WITH MY LIFE!?
  16. Life is riddled with bad decisions
  17. If its a pb&j, it has to be strawberry and it must also have chips in the sammich. Ever had jalapeno jam before tho? Its heavenly... i do not recommend it with peanut butter however.
  18. Idk man... you gonna paint my toenails for me?
  19. Oh god, nightmarish flashbacks of the first and last time I stepped into a LAN cafe ::: Why you do dis!!!!?? Whyyyyy!!!!
  20. hiphop stuffs https://vensondix.bandcamp.com/album/the-mushpot https://manatworkproductions.bandcamp.com/ https://apollobrown360.bandcamp.com/album/ugly-heroes https://nixonhiphop.bandcamp.com/
  21. the tourist shit is rather underwhelming anyway. idk, i usually just look at things i can't afford, go to art exhibits, and try to get fat for the most part. find something fun, let me know cuz i'm going to visit my bro for 10 days late sept-oct and hes kinda boring. not cocaine and hookers tho... can't afford those either.
  22. i would be sooooo tempted to pay the 70$ in rolled pennies after some shit like that
  23. Yeah, you're good, thanks elfie[/member] It's just some yahoos always getting edited in here, so a reminder was needed this time
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