yeaaahhhh, $2500 is still a lot in my world for a game. i love pinball... but not THAT much > lol. that place i was talking about is called the pyramid scheme and they have 25 machines that are really well maintained. they take it kinda seriously tho, like free play nights and tournaments. i wanna say that for big tournaments they bring in an additional 25 machines into the concert venue... but i'm not sure, i haven't actually gone and just heard about it. i love pinball fo sho... but never have i ever been able to maintain a high score on a machine for very long, even at the pool hall but i can hold my own for a while.
these are the machines at the pyramid scheme. they have most of those you've listed plus some of my other favy's like KISS, Simpsons Pinball Party, Indiana Jones, and Attack from Mars. this is a pinmap that i had no idea exist until just now, so imma see if there are some other hidden gems nearby.