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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. sometimes.... people leave me in cars with the windows rolled up while they shop but its not like i chose this life
  2. a girlfriend of mine just said "if you buy that i am not going to the beach with you. thats disgusting." which really only fuels my desire for it >
  3. i seriously just might have to! i'm also hoping a hot dog will show up as well
  4. Cancer, on the cusp of Gemini Rat
  5. isn't he married to some beauty pageant queen that gave birth to their child? i are confused unless this is old news.
  6. i mean... lol... i don't look like that in a swimsuit. it'll be more like those pinterest attempt posts :D but nanner floaty or no, you should still put in a pool cuz people, party, and skin
  7. so, i guess its kind of offensive marketing but to me its mostly just ridiculous. i'm tempted to buy it because of its ridiculous possibly offensive innuendo. :fap: > :D
  8. lolololol, thats the fly for the shorts for sure. they always do that. > > > > > >
  9. i haven't noticed them fade at all and its been..... like 20 years. just not getting new ones is all. also, lol, re-read that post. that is not me. that was a google image search.
  10. well, thats one way to look at it. i've had stretch marks on my inner thighs and a few on my hips since i was a young young teen. almost exactly like this chicks (i know its not much) they haven't seemed to progress much at all but it was something i hated hated hated being young. now i don't care because really? what am i gon do, hide em forever? dumb. uncomfortable. and the upside, being old... most people big and small, male or female, have them and don't seem to pay any mind. anyways, the awesome things is you are working to be healthier and thats just great!
  11. RIGHT!! i haven't played video games in years and was never very awesome at them to begin with but damn. i'll definitely be putting this in a few of my girlfriends heads.
  12. its as common for vocalists to lose their pipes as it is for them to retain them. that shit is not easy on the body. there is a huge range of things that can happen, preventable and not, that can destroy a voice. if ariana stays in the music game as long as mariah, it'll be interesting to see where her voice is at then and whether or not she will be eating her own words.
  13. now that is a genre of music i am not a big fan of, 80's pop tunes. there are some gems but mostly, i just can't get into it, generally speaking. but i'll tell you what, for the genre, thats a pretty legit cover even if i can't get into it.
  14. its going. work is work is work, doing that. i'm losing confidence in my fitness because i am not really seeing much results at all from the last few months of it. i can feel the results in my muscles, strength, stamina, and mood... which is half of the reason for taking it more seriously.... but i'm not seeing them physically so that is getting me down a bit merp. the weather is finally getting better tho! so thats a serious bonus. soon enough, i'll be beach bummin it regularly and happy as a clam... not sure why clams... but you get it. it also means my calendar is filling quickly with events to be excited about the neighbors across the street have been having friends over all the time into the late night and doing nerdy things like sword play in the front yard. its been a year now and i still haven't talked to them because i'm an awkward pussy. i want to cuz they seem like fun people but i'm just weird like that. i'm not good at abrupt introductions.
  15. but... but i'm not into pegging
  16. i don't. the animation is good, i'll admit that... but otherwise i just can't find the appeal and also can't really stand to listen to shinji.
  17. how did you know what my plans are?
  18. things with fuggs not working out for ya?
  19. Suspend my personal beliefs? Okay. Then I'll go the reincarnation route. I would like to be a house cat for a caring family. Just sleep, play, eat, poop, and be pet or held when I want it. Then after that, maybe an eagle or similar bird of prey. Cuz flying. I'd be into that.
  20. Thats pretty sweet and all.... but where am I gonna string up my hammock?
  21. lol, see! thats what all our dads looked like in the disco era its okay tho, we'll all get our turn with ridiculous throw backs. at least you got that one. someday, someone is gonna have this yikes!
  22. thats wut all our dads looked like in the disco era
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