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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. i also wish you had a recording to share. it could also be your "having a bad day" secret weapon. i once had an hour and a half conversation with some dude in India trying to sell me different phone service before we got rid of our landlines. i explained to him pretty straight away that i didn't pay those bills, so no thanks. i was bored and high at the time though so i just sort of started a conversation by asking him what his favorite Bruce Lee movie was. we basically just talked about movies the rest of the time and he told me some jokes that i can't remember. good times, good times.
  2. i'm not even sure if it is or isn't terrible, its just highly obnoxious at this point
  3. journey- don't stop believing unintentionally i actually hate this song by this point in my life
  4. I do that too. No use holding onto them. The whole boob thing tripped me up this year. I didn't expect for them to just randomly go up in cup size without significant weight gain. So now I just can't even do button ups unless I get sizes that are too big. Oh well. Lol, then again. Maybe that means I'll be putting on the weight soon???
  5. no moar amphetamines for you
  6. its all fun and games til someone loses their kielbasa
  7. because tourettes and equal opportunity maybe
  8. i believe in love as a by-product of life
  9. i see. i try to stay away from the old pictures as motivation thing. i'll never be in my teens or twenties again so i try to stay away from thinking i can look like it. instead i set specific goals. like right now its all about this awesome bodycon dress i bought. i can pull it off fine now but i don't look, like, sexy as all fucks in it. so thats the goal. tone up some more in the tum and arms, keep on them booty workouts. near the end of summer, i noticed i was having trouble on hikes, so i decided to work on cardio and my legs for stamina. probably going to have to incorporate more of that again here soon, so i'm ready for when the weather gets better. winter hikes were too icy this year
  10. lol, that first one looked like it was taken with a really old webcam this one doesn't look nearly as bad tho anyways, whats up with all these photos? you sorting through them or something?
  11. nope. the bacon stuff doesn't sell well either. its weird, this trend of food on cheap clothes. it doesn't sell well unless its donuts or tacos. not sure why...
  12. we had some tshirts like that roll through work last year. they were so unpopular and hard to get rid of, we had to zero out half or more to charity.
  13. most definitely. and sometimes necessary, depending on what kind of work it is/deals with.
  14. 5-7 these days it my fault tho. if i would just stop being a twat and go to bed earlier, i could get 8 just about every night.
  15. i agree that they are convenient for some things but i don't use mine much like most other people do. its more or less just a music box and camera, if not a primary mode of contact. everything else is meh.
  16. the hell did you take that photo with? this must be very old.
  17. what? using landlines? not me. not at all. cellphones just give everyone an excuse to be pissed off because you're basically assumed to be at everybodys beck and call at all times. plus, i'm really crotchety about phones being attached to peoples hands and faces when they're already out doing things with others. put that shit away.
  18. welp, its cheaper than a landline, so there is that... aka, fuck that thing
  19. Hell no, I would go insane.
  20. Seems to be only those since the update.
  21. I like yer butt.
  22. I do have some pretty amazing underwear. Unfortunately, I am an unshapely woman. I think rogue has this one in the bag.
  23. so, was it peaked or flat?
  24. on top of a church?
  25. it can be weird to think about, but i've found myself remembering good sex and wondering if that person also thinks back on it too, like "damn, people got some shit to live up to." its cocky, but i sure hope so.
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