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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. The firm? Nah man I work for an independent firm.
  2. I bought a stove top percolator just for this occasion.
  3. He has more money than everyone on the boards combined. Ask him to share it with you.
  4. I like hoarding all my money.
  5. Also, drive on up here and we can grab a coffee. You are buying.
  6. Imokwiththis.jpg
  7. I had a giant cup this morning. That little thimble cup you got pictured there wouldn't fill my pinky toe, quick.
  8. Pain meds and coffee.
  9. I believe you.....
  10. The fbi.
  11. I agree with that dude. Its evil and it's every where.
  12. Fermantrata is the devil, pomp and circumstance at graduation was a perfect example. I play euphonium and it was the worst song ever written.
  13. She works on them on and off. Lately shes just been drawing her royalty checks. Shes on a kidney transplant list and hasn't been feeling up to the task.
  14. Sci fi mostly.
  15. You have two days.
  16. Pshhh college kids don't care. Have you seen the ignorance high schools are churning out lately?
  17. No one truly knows.
  18. I own many.
  19. My mawm writes romance. Shes had 6 books published now I think.
  20. I thought you were a professional Mega man 2 player.
  21. What ever gets you off.
  22. At this point I would consider it.
  23. It happens a lot when you are 12.
  24. I thought about getting into coding and programming once. Then I remembered how mind numbing it would be for me.
  25. Thats got a beat that I can dance to.
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