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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. So you can buy a house from me?
  2. You write erotica?
  3. You need a raise.
  4. Dang, you need to find a different job. With a few classes you could be an instructional designer. Better money and a whole lot safer. Social work fits into the whole ed design world.
  5. You need shoes that hide blood and poop better.
  6. Sounds pretty sweet, except the ass wiping.
  7. Pretty solid. I need a good nap spot.
  8. I know what some of you do but a lot of you I have no idea. Im a real estate agent. You need a house or a commercial property? I can hook you up. Even if you're a stay at home. That's real work. I am interested.
  9. I want a big fat cheese burger.
  10. I had 5 teeth pulled saturday so I have soup and other soft foods. I want a steak or something else substantial.
  11. Three more days.
  12. Report it and let them sort it out.
  13. I stained all the concrete in this house. I have no carpet. I can use dust mops on everything.
  14. If we road trip back that way I will. They have a contract on Gordon so its always possible.
  15. Sharing is caring.
  16. Yeah back were we started. Came home and built a house. We still have to travel some but at least we have a home base now.
  17. Im glad we were able to get out before it happened. I hear it's a huge deal that shuts everything down. We moved about two weeks before it started and people were already showing up.
  18. I lived over by grove town. I didn't get out enough to really explore all of it. Ee got out just as the masters was about to start and shut everthing down.
  19. I liked their massive flea market.
  20. No one wants to go to augusta. I lived there for three months. Hated it. The river wad nice but thats about it.
  21. My wife in her younger years was like that. Hers was mostly hormonal. I think she's grown bitter working with soldiers and living with me over the years. Now its all eye rolls and anger.
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