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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/ipb-conversion/
  2. http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/ipb-conversion/
  3. http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/ipb-conversion/
  4. http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/ipb-conversion/
  5. http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/ipb-conversion/
  6. We are almost ready to update to the new board software. As of right now, the tentative plan is to shut the board down early Tuesday morning to do the conversion. UEMB will be down for the day as the conversion takes place. Anything posted after midnight Monday night may not be saved. Other questions I've seen: Yes, all the posts and threads should be transferred, including JMC's. And no, the URL is not changing nor will anyone be required to reregister. It's not a new site and fresh start as with the original conversion from FreeForums to the SMF site. Rather, we're gutting the old house to replace the insides with fresh new plywood, piping, and wiring. KN[/member] and I will try to answer any questions that you ask here. Once the board goes down, we will post any updates to the UEMB Twitter account, so follow that if you want. And once the boards are back up, I will send out a mass email to all accounts to to let everyone (at least who didn't register with a bunk email) that we're back up and running.
  7. The URL isn't changing, we are upgrading the software to something modern that KN doesn't have to jerry-rig to get to work.
  8. I don't see why we'd exclude his content and port everything else over.
  9. We will make an info thread. But the long and short is the board will go down for 15 hours or so, in order to transfer the boards, accounts, and posts. And once that is done it will come back up.
  10. posts are transferring, as far as I know. fuggs, you never talk about it. also if you don't know your password, change it now.
  11. didn't you copy them all into the other folder I set up?
  12. Fortunately - and this is an exclusive that you're all hearing here first - we're almost ready to do the conversion to the new software. And when I ban your stupid alt because you don't understand where to draw the line, your main account will be fine. Until you get that banned too.
  13. And one day it just let you log back in?
  14. he gave up on logging in a few days into the ban apparently that means it doesn't show the time remaining on the ban phillies, how did your main account get resolved, given that it wasn't actually banned?
  15. his expired too
  16. great, just when i need to blow my nose
  17. the ban expired like a week ago, but don't tell phillies because he'll just get it banned again
  18. cow, not bear
  19. Congratulations!
  20. Strawberry gashes was alinaanime, you're mixing the two up
  21. I do know ryan_expert[/member] did join here.
  22. That was sockator I think. On topic, good juju.
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