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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. Whereas scoob just hides his guilt with the old "????????" routine
  2. And to this day, some say they can still hear the cries at night shuuut uuup scooooob
  3. I am unreliable
  4. What if it is two people? Do you divide the number of cats by the number of people? [even though I am definitely the favorite]
  5. That better be a picture of your cat as a baby, and not a new kitten you got to build up a team to challenge mine
  6. I'm sure you could try painting bun art
  7. a friend took in a pregnant cat their former neighbors abandoned and couldn't keep all the kittens, these were the last two and no one was interested so given the option of my taking them or them being surrendered to a shelter, my big dumb bleeding heart kicked in and now here we are, no more vacancies at the Kitty Hampton Inn & Suites. quatro gatos
  8. thank you @Still Me you and your cat are going to get a run for your money, sponges said so
  9. no that is blackie and wilma one is a three legged legend and the other is a barrel with stubby limbs and extra toes
  10. This was my home. And then it doubled.
  11. I did a thing last friday
  12. back to the scene of the crime, secret discolemonade kidnapper I'm on to you!
  13. We went to the store to pick up some stuff to sand and paint the inside of the cabinets, then we went to the Spectrum store in the mall to drop off their equipment (giving fios a shot), and then we tried a bbq place around the corner, because the other places we tried going to had half-hour plus waits due to poor timing. Then we came back here and did nothing in particular and now it's practically bed time. It did not feel like a Saturday night to me at all.
  14. probably one part chill and one part narrow enough a targeted community that you get a somewhat broad spectrum of weirdo and not just one type of weirdo
  15. I'm not changing anyone's name. He's nekochan. Now, if you want to start the great Neko rivalry, by all means.
  16. @discolemonade! WHERE HAS @scoobdog BEEN HIDING YOU ALL THIS TIME the site goes down for a day and a half to upgrade, and he kidnaps you under the cover of darkness I swear
  17. I bought a house this fall and we refinished the wood floors before moving in this month. My father (a contractor) gave me the option of paying his professional floor guy to do it, or him doing it for the cost of materials, even though he's never done a floor before. So the floors aren't perfect because he/we did it, the sanding between coats of poly could have been been done more carefully, there's some marks that could have been sanded a bit more to begin with, and there a little bit of streaking when the light hits it just right. My mother, she is a perfectionist and can't let that go. So all I ever hear from her is "the floor was a cobb job, you can't sell that house until you get the floors redone again, you should have just paid the guy to do it right in the first place, you're going to have to do it all again but one room at a time now" and it's like 'holy shit, I just moved in and I don't even have a kitchen sink yet and boxes are stacked everywhere unpacked, and you don't even live here!' So that's my story about wood floors.
  18. Patience grasshopper
  19. I woke up 20 minutes ago. Just one of those recharging days.
  20. A picture has been painted in my brain, and it has been painted with wet cat food
  21. the best stuff
  22. and things
  23. oh you know
  24. let's ask @malon_loves_link
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