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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-elon-musk-republicans-super-pac-election-2024-1235134877/
  2. The campaign dismantled the GOP's door-to-door GOTV operations in favor of cheaper "micro-targeting" early on, long before Biden dropped out. So the entire GOP GOTV operation was built from scratch at the last minute and is being run by Elon Musk and Charlie Kirk, who have no idea what they're doing.
  3. it's not about tricking, it's just good old fashioned anonymous intimidation
  4. happy birthday @OnTheAirOrtiz and @Mr_Batou!
  5. here's some nightmare fuel https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/little-secret-trump-johnson-election/
  6. It's a lot easier to pick up on the bottling than bottlers typically think, and I say that as a bottler.
  7. not that it matters in this world, but he was clearly talking about the blatant racism at the Nazi rally this will obviously be used to rile up the redhats, but even taken in the context they want it to be taken I think it will serve to only rile up the redhats (who were voting anyways) while giving red state Dems and east softball to contrast themselves with Biden.
  8. I'm not sure which adblocker I have but the past several weeks has been like a war between YouTube identifying the blocker is on and the blocker suddenly working again, back and forth forever
  9. A chance to see if scotus actually believes in the Purcell principle (that federal courts can't state election rules at the last minute).
  10. the right-wing grievance media that birthed itself out of rush limbaugh's hole spent two decades vilifying her, there were no introductions left to make or opinions to shape.
  11. happy boardiversary! don't worry we can always catch your long, sappy content later
  12. the actual rumor itself originates from this guy who is allegedly a black-listed Republican, claims purely through word of mouth in campaignland that it happened at a fundraiser in the past month and that there's a clear video of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. various amplified left-leaning twitter accounts are retweeting completely unsubstantiated claims that it's a video of him groping a donor's underage daughter but it's completely unsubstantiated at this point and without sources they're no better than the other side
  14. a bunch of grifty right-wingers like Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec have apparently been preemptively pushing out to their audiences that the Dems are going to release a deepfake of Trump doing terrible things, and some right-wing journalists like Mark Halperin (newsmax) have also claimed they were shopped a story that would end Trump's campaign if it were substantiated. idk that those two things are connected, but it appears that griftland is gearing up either way. the story shopping doesn't even make sense, why would someone shop a damaging Trump expose to newsmax or RCP unless they wanted some of that catch-and-kill money? we're balls deep into the silly season and it's probably worth just tuning anything and everything out
  15. was elon one of those four whales
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-22/mcdonald-s-quarter-pounders-linked-to-e-coli-outbreak-cdc-says
  17. what a weird timeline where this is a headline two weeks out from a presidential election
  18. Moldova votes yes to joining EU by tiny margin This is a “defeat for Russia,” said key European lawmaker after nail-biting referendum. https://www.politico.eu/article/moldova-votes-yes-join-european-union/
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