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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. yes they are the new moderator
  2. ok so it's not like you add the pack, it's just a presorted list of accounts you can add
  3. If only California didn't hire those sloths from Zootopia to count votes.
  4. officially dropped from a majority to a plurality
  5. I know it's a minimum of 7 and maximum of 150. So how does it practically work, I create it and then people use it to add everyone? Is that manual or automatic? If I update the starter pack, do those who used it already have to manually go back to the pack and add new additions, or is automatic?
  6. ok so i have a bluesky question @matrixman124 if i create a themed "starter pack" of accounts to follow, can I update it after the fact and if so would people who use it always have access to the most up-to-date version?
  7. gotta curry favor now that he's got the incoming president's ear
  8. remember when michelle obama wanted to make food healthier and mike bloomberg wanted to reduce the consumption of soda
  9. are website apps really that much better than just using the browser or am I out of touch
  10. happy birthday kudasai
  11. ... ohhh
  12. House seats can only be filled via special elections, Senate seats have temporary appointments depending on the individual state. But the reality is that these House seats are all dark red seats almost guaranteed to go red, so it's a temporary inconveniece. The caveat is that post-Dobbs, the highest propensity voters who are most likely to follow all the news and participate in special elections are disproportionately Democratic. So there may be surprises.
  13. Johnson seems to think it's early enough to schedule a special before January
  14. Yes, my interpretation is that they deliberately went with Thune over someone more accommodating because they still want to act as a check on the stupidest of his stupid bullshit.
  15. I feel like if the Senate spikes anything, it's going to be this.
  16. uh ok?
  17. John Thune elected Senate GOP leader over the Trumpers' choice. The McConnell wing is still in control of the conference. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/11/13/john-thune-elected-senate-majority-leader-gop/76118719007/
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