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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. The kids with parents who can pay their way through private school and lunch go on to succeed in a less-crowded jobs market, and the kids whose parents can't afford private school or lunch or aren't willing to be indoctrinated in the majority religion remain in a permanent underclass performing manual labor.
  2. It's been a longstanding Republican priority that education be entirely controlled on the state and local levels. That way they aren't beholden to national standards, can impose religion, and frankly can deconstruct the very concept of the right to public education.
  3. looooooooooooooooool
  4. Nothing says "efficiency" like two dumbasses doing the same job that didn't even used to exist.
  5. I hate this
  6. their House majority is going to end up the same exact size as it is now
  7. during said years what is my repayment strategy
  8. yeah so now what am i supposed to do here
  9. i made a bluesky account the other night, wasn't sure I wanted to remain connected to mainstream social media any more than necessary but I went and did it. apparently I wasn't the only one because it's exploding with a left-wing exodus from tweeter, complete with all those big ticket resistlib accounts. maybe that'll be the drive to get mainstream shit to jump over. like i can't professionally delete twitter because the reporters and politicians still use it, otherwise it'd be deleted already.
  10. Things will def get worse before they get better (assuming people are concerned about such things). There are no adults left in his orbit willing to tell him no, so they are only limited by their own incompetence and (hopefully) a willingness to litigate everything.
  11. Democrats overperformed in swing states where the campaigning took place (trivia: Harris/Walz was like 125K votes short of winning the EC despite losing the popular vote, imagine that happening), but by and large there were no Trump coattails even where he overperformed. Republicans flipped Senate seats that had been on loan since 2006, but by and large it was a status quo election with odd, localized idiosyncrasies here and there. Thinking about it over and over, when factoring in the incumbent penalties taken in national elections worldwide and how comparatively small that penalty was in the US, there's a fair chance that this specific matchup led to the least-worst outcome for Democrats and left-leaning folks compared to a Johnson/Nixon/Reagan landslide. It of course doesn't feel like any sort of consolation, given that he's already said that his day one priorities will be to legislate trans people out of existence and put christian prayer back into secular public education (so much for the economy, right?). But maybe two years from now we'll look back and decide it made the difference.
  12. It appears to be the case that outside of the obvious red state Senate seats that were effectively on loan, there were no red down-ballot tailcoats. The Dems held all the other Senate seats, except (except Casey by a hair, but it's gone into overtime). On the whole, it appears that most everything else broke even/status quo, or shifted from one party to the other by a hair.
  13. how very Mitt Romney "47 percent" of you
  14. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351/
  15. She was a co-chair of his campaign. Miller is too fixated on purifying the country.
  16. *door close sound*
  17. goodbye
  18. Zelenskyy already forced to fellate him
  19. the courts allowed them to stay open late
  20. Basically every country with legitimate elections has thrown out the incumbent party in the past year, regardless of which side of the spectrum the party was.
  21. He started with half his team being responsible adults willing to check him, all of which spoke out against him in some fashion. The only question on his interview list now is "how loyal are you to me personally?"
  22. I'm fairly confident that was even before the veepstakes. He's just one of those isolationist people.
  23. WI called for Trump. Between presumably losing MT, plus NV and the three rust belt states hanging in the balance, there are another incumbent Dem Senators that could be swept under the rug. That'd be a 56 seat Senate majority.
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