No episode today, just a couple addendums to the previous episode.
First of all, I forgot to mention that Kirino plans on going back to America after graduating middle school, likely to resume her track & field training. Only this time, she won't purposely keep herself from checking in with the others for the sake of some seemingly unattainable personal goal. That's pretty much that.
Second, my current reasoning as to why Kyosuke decided that his own sister was the girl for him. Keep in mind that this may change if anything in the next two episodes pops up to contradict these three points.
1. About half of Kyosuke's interactions with Ayase had her being hostile towards him, which he clearly disliked, plus his flirting/sexual harassment of her was mere teasing that he kept up in the hopes that she'd eventually figure out he wasn't serious. Hence why he rejected Ayase.
2. Kuroneko broke up with Kyosuke in a manner that hit him harder than your average breakup - transferring out of his school and moving to another farther part of town - which, if I were Kyosuke, I wouldn't want to put up with a second time were I to get back together with the ex who did it to begin with. Hence why he rejected Kuroneko.
3. Kyosuke's done a lot to help out Kirino after learning of her otaku tendencies, and in turn she did a lot to help him out, the biggest of which was helping him get through his breakup with Kuroneko. And no matter how many times she showed her frustration and sometimes hatred of him, she kept coming back to Kyosuke for advice and started treating him more and more like a human being, if not an outright equal. This level of dedication and slowly improving good relation would be enough to make Kirino much more representative of Kyosuke's ideal female than one with violent and borderline yandere tendencies like Ayase or one who would break off a relationship just as things were going so well like Kuroneko. And since Kyosuke's already given up plenty of his dignity in doing various tasks for and making reputation-saving moves towards Kirino over the past 30 episodes, what harm would there be for him personally to go straight for confessing to his sister instead of searching for someone with her qualities and getting to know them in an amount of time most definitely shorter than he's known Kirino? Hence why Kirino won the Kyosukebowl.