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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Considering my ratings log for it includes the OVA, I'm totally buying that Dimension W set.
  2. What, so we're suddenly not allowed to make fun of 4Piece just because its existence triggers you? C'mon, man, you never heard of freedom of expression?
  3. "Not Sucking Saturdays" was the worst ASA commercial ever, and it wasn't even about ASA.
  4. You need to learn to quit applying real world logic to shonen anime. It's painfully clear that you're having a bad time.
  5. Oh, and Kirino accepting Kyosuke's proposal definitely felt like her making good on the "I'll do any one thing you ask" promise if Kyosuke got an A on that mock exam. Episode 31: My Little Sister is This Cute Then again, she was also planning on confessing before Kyosuke's announcement of "I'm in love with someone" prompted her to run, so maybe she was pulling double duty in saying yes? Ah, whatever. My point is, Kyosuke and Kirino have now ascended to the series' main couple with only two episodes left, and as creepy as it may be in a general sense, they're perfectly okay with their situations and are ready to move ahead now that they've entered the normally off-limits "lovers" stage of their brother-sister relationship. (Of course, that's only after using eroge as a guide for what to do next.) But even with the impromptu engagement ring Kyosuke bought for Kirino as a Christmas gift - a nice shout-out to season 1's Christmas episode - they can't legally marry, so they'll have to put off the actual betrothal until such time that they're both able to wed in someplace where marriage of siblings is legal, and they're both ready to go through with it. Right now, they're starting off slow; dating as siblings, sleeping in the same bed (even if Kyosuke didn't sign up for that), and putting their things in each others' rooms as a "Lover's Ceremony". For that last bit, Kirino gets Kyosuke's school uniform while he gets her Meruru figurines and all-ages little sister eroge to keep in his room while she fills the empty space with more otaku goods she bought. Additionally, as a tie-in to episode 29, Kyosuke finally learns the contents of Kirino's photo album: pictures featuring him from when they were younger, which shows how much Kirino cared for him back then. Kirino also shares with him two recordings from her Zune log as messages to her future self. The first one is from 2007, where she asks herself if she's become the cool younger sister that she aimed to impress Kyosuke by becoming, but the second is from 2009, where she asks herself what she can do to confess her feelings to Kyosuke, in spite of all the odds pitting them from being together. (It's worth noting the second one is quite possibly the last time Kirino thought positively of Kyosuke before the series' plot kicked off.) To that last one, Kyosuke and Kirino together tell the past recording "Leave it to me!" I think it was that moment that made me fully realize Oreimo's purpose: to show the successful repair of a fractured relationship between a brother and sister through not exactly conventional meals, that just so happens to have an incest ending. 8) Oh, and there was also this one scene that didn't really fit in with everything else, outside of tying up a loose end. Remember back in episode 28, when Kanako gave that weirdly worded compliment about him eating food from "women other than me"? Well, turns out the wording was done slightly on purpose, because she has feelings for Kyosuke too. It isn't really important how she came to that revelation - I already wasted enough energy justifying Ayase's confession over a month ago - because what is important is that during a performance for a bunch of Meruru fanboys, she calls Kyosuke down to the concert hall and, once he's there, asks him right then and there to go on a date with her. Kyosuke, naturally taken aback by the suddenness of it all but still calm in the face of it, declines and says he already has a girlfriend. This turned out much better than I expected, primarily because Kanako took his rejection in stride. While Ayase reacted in disbelief, Kuroneko had her breakdown, and Saori - who didn't even ask Kyosuke out on a date - fretted over being shut out of the Kyosukebowl upon learning of his relationship with Kirino, Kanako just accepted it and went on with her show, the worst thing she had to say being that Kyosuke would soon regret declining her offer once she becomes a popular idol. Now that is what I call exceeded expectations. The fact that the crowd of otaku just stood and watched it play out without getting jealous or angry at Kyosuke helped too, but that's probably because Oreimo's smart enough to avoid falling into every harem cliche I hate. (Really, Ayase's violent tendencies are enough.) I'll be honest; at this point in the game, I just can't bring myself to hate this show. I can understand the reasons people would, be it dislike of Kirino winning, hatred of even 2D incest, or the randomness of Kanako's affections for Kyosuke. But none of those really matter. Having accepted all those flaws, that allowed me to see the good and enjoyable in Oreimo, of which there was plenty for my tastes. A while back, ANN had a feature asking users what their favorite "guilty pleasure" anime were. Of those, I have two: IGPX and Oreimo. And the reasons for their being that way are way more solid than most would like to admit. And with that, there's only one episode left. The infamous wedding day kiss and Manami dropping the nice girl act are the only two things I really know about Oreimo's final episode. Whatever lies beyond those, I'm expecting fun times regardless. RATED: TV-14D WHY? Most of the episode's content laid with the themes of incest surrounding Kyosuke and Kirino becoming the series' endgame couple. From talk of confessions and marriage to them slowly settling into their new relationship, it was pretty much everywhere this episode. And as far as I know, incest is far from a PG topic to center an episode around. SAO might've gotten away with giving a TV-PGL to the episode where Suguha outright states she's in love with Kirito (though it also had Asuna getting molested by tentacles, so clearly something was in the water at Turner S&P that week -_') but at least it was just one fraction of an otherwise okay episode (minus the tentacles). This case with Oreimo is more like the Michiko & Hatchin episode that got a TV-14 straight for being about adultery. A single running theme too suggestive for a PG. As for where the dialogue subrating came from, besides eight uses of "eroge" and one of "erogamer", the scene where Kyosuke woke up to find Kirino "sleeping" in his bed had him poke her breast to wake her up, which was then followed by her accusing him of getting to legitimate second base with her and calling him a pervert for so much as the thought. There was also Kirino coming across a sex scene in her "Christmas Holy Night" eroge, with brief obscured nudity and the onscreen quote "Wanting sex on the day you confessed?", but that was more of a 14 set than anything else. SCREENCAPS: For act 1, your daily reminder, and for act 2, Kirino reenacting another scene from SAO. You know, if Oreimo was to be dubbed at Bang Zoom like it logically should be, Cassandra Lee Morris would likely be their pick for Kirino. That, or Christine Marie Cabanos, if they want someone cuter. Regardless, Brad Swaile will always be the one true dubbed Kyosuke in my headcanon. [gundam]
  6. I've felt that way since certain people decided that "less than 1M viewers" means "automatically bad ratings".
  7. ITT: I get more likes than Daos for a post subtly telling him how asinine he is.
  8. I only saw the first episode subbed and didn't rate it, so I can't say I have a ratings log for it. (I also keep my ratings in both a physical book and an Excel file.)
  9. Excellent choice in show, Blatch. In that case, I'll try and knock another of mine out myself as a sort of "pre-game". To Love-Ru #3 - Love Triangle [FUCK YOU, GUNDAM THRONES HARUNA SAIRENJI!]
  10. Kuromukuro 11 Oh, and here's the To Love-Ru 3 screencap, for the parties interested.
  11. Still don't care because I don't use the app.
  12. And I'm on #14. As far as kids' shows go, it's one of the best and most adult-friendly without having to use vaguely dirty jokes. To Love-Ru 3 Kuromukuro 10 (rewatch)
  13. Besides, [as] posting the 4Piece rap on their video section was enough.
  14. Maybe that's because Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid isn't actually yuri.
  15. Yeah, I feel like Turner S&P needs a good hard look at my JoJo album so they know how to rate this shit right. EmpressAngel[/member] Also Hamon gives you greater stamina and endurance than the average human.
  16. IIRC this premiered in China before YoI did it in Japan.
  17. One day for him and Caesar to travel from Rome to Venice, another spent dealing with the Hell Climb Pillar. Maybe, but since Whale Island appears to be, well, an island in the middle of generally nowhere, I'd imagine it being behind the times technologically. The exception being Gon's laptop, but he probably bought it from either a traveling vendor visiting the island or in the city where Heaven's Arena was. DRAGONBALL SUPER I wonder what Chi-Chi’s problem with that giant daikon is anyways. I feel like “the powerful warrior who had appeared in his dream” would be a better choice of words here. “Let’s go see Yamcha…” That line still gets me. Thank god for sweet sciencey magic! Well, that’s not exactly untrue… Ha, Florida’s got a baby penis! And apparently the Bahamas are missing entirely. Almost didn’t recognize Bulma’s mom there for a second. Krillin can fit the most [REDACTED] in his mouth. (Can’t be too dirty. ) Nice transition there. This scene looked better when I was watching it on the CRT in my living room. Letterboxing makes everything better. Part of the reason I value IGPX more than the rest of you. “What’s happened to my body?” What’s happened is that the fear of god has entered it. Is that someone other than Chris Sabat voicing young Vegeta? KING VEGETA, YOU AIN’T SHIT! All this wreckage over a pillow. As to be expected from a being who’s part-cat. AND HE, IS THE PRINCE OF ALL SAI-oh there go his organs. “He’s had too much punch.” But the real question is, who spiked it? Thank you for the inadvertent save, Bulma. Yeah, leave it to the two former villains to screw things up, just like equally former villain Vegeta did not five minutes ago. Oh Yamcha. You’re only the greatest martial artist in that manga where some ordinary high school student takes over your body. Russian Roulette takoyaki? Oh, I think I remember that from a Yuruyuri episode. Except the “bullet” was filled with hot mustard and not wasabi. “No one likes a pooper of parties.” Beerus has the greatest lines. GO BEERUS! GO BEERUS! IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! DBZ knows how to milk the tension out of mundane events. Only an 8.5? Demon God Dumplin is displeased. [comedic ding of defeat] FUCK YEAH TAKOYAKI. KRILLIN SUPER OWNED COUNTER: 1. Heh, the dog’s using the viewmeister. :-D I’m starting to think aging down the Pilaf Trio was Toei’s excuse to add more lolis to the show. The one Saiyan on the ship isn’t strong enough, and the half-breeds just suck. Sometimes I forget how terrible Beerus’s memory is. Remember the basics of anger management, Vegeta! Oh goddammit Trunks. Even in the present your existence is fucking things up. And then Prince Vegeta ran away like a bitch. TURNS OUT HE WAS JUST FISHING FOR OCTOPUS. “Can you hold the wasabi this time?” “NEVER!” I would watch Cooking with Vegeta. So smooth and jiggly… [Cosby intensifies] FUCK YOU BUU I AM GONNA ENJOY HATING YOU IN KAI. Poor Mr. Satan. Buu may not have a fear of god now, but Beerus is gonna force it into him one way or another. I’d congratulate Beerus, if he wasn’t going to fucking murder everybody right about now. Okay, why the fuck would you dub the ending theme? And more importantly, why the fuck would you list the cast in alphabetical order of the actor’s first name? Vegeta and Beerus deserve top billing, not Trunks! Samara crashing a plane with no survivors is still the stupidest thing I’ve seen this year outside of Infinite Stratos 2 episode 10’s pointless physical exam subplot. DRAGONBALL Z KAI I still don’t really remember Gohan promising Videl flying lessons. Maybe it was offscreen. What is energy control? We just don’t know. Of course she would believe that it’s all smoke and mirrors and shit. She is Satan’s daughter, after all. Goten’s getting the fuck outta here. Might not wanna get too close… Oh man those tears. :-\ I never liked that expression, “I’m starved”… HOW MANY ROOMS!? And now Chi-Chi ships them. Don’t worry, they’ll be wed soon enough… And then Goten got them toilet water as a wedding gift. Oh hey, she’s slowly getting better at it. …Wait why am I trying to do it now? MEANWHILE ON THE SOUTH KAI’S WORLD… Dang, and they even gave him a Southern accent. Now those are weighted clothes. I’m still not sure who that green guy is. So that’s how that works. EVEN MASKED GREEN IS SHOCKED! Hey, don’t blame Goten for being so energetic. In which Kara Edwards cries for two characters. And they complain about how bad the far shots in Super look… You gotta be tight and loose! SUCCESS! I should’ve guessed that the Satancopter was Capsule-compatible. Oh, so that explains what happened to those twintails. Videl is the second greatest tsundere in this show. I’ll leave you to guess who the first is. TRAINING MONTAGE! Trunks’ head looked awfully big there. Like I said last week, they can just turn it on at will. Vegeta, if he was a Legendary Super Saiyan, his hair would be greener. “I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Not half as hard, not some arbitrary percentage…” Oh hey, there’s the amusement park reference they flashbacked to in Super. For a second there, I thought the [as] logo was vibrating. Must’ve been a one-time thing, then, ‘cause it looks fine now. Heh, the butterflies like Piccolo. [zap] Welp, not anymore, they don’t. Eh, at least they aren’t dead. I heard Goten’s “Thanks, Mom!” as “Very small!” What is wrong with my hearing today? VIDELBLOCKED. Okay, the pixie cut works for Videl. TOP BILLING: Gohan. Vegeta may be the weaker man in comparison to Goku, but he’s the better husband, no doubt. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: OMG A SKELETON. Caesar makes a lot of good points. I’m slowly getting used to the OP just ending like that, but not entirely. RANDOM POSES. A mask? You now have my attention. I recognize those water ripples! OARWNED. Turns out it was a beautiful woman! I’ll admit, Wendee Lee can do a British accent surprisingly well. Okay I like this woman. And then Joseph was Bane. Well, at least he can still tread water in it. I don’t know where people get off bashing this dub, it’s practically perfect for the type of series it is. I’d make comments here, but I’ll refrain. Spoiling may not get you banned on this site, but it’ll still get you ostracized. Ersaplina Island looks pretty cool for just some random, probably fictional Italian island. Get a good look at Speedwagon, because it’s the last time you’ll be seeing him for a month or two. Hell Climb Pillar? Sounds intimidating. And it is intimidating. Also, oily. Well, at least Caesar seems to be getting somewhere. Joseph… not so much. NO CHEATING. Okay, I’m starting to like her a little less. >( Hey, that beauty is reason enough for some people to get off on this challenge. Wait, why is it all Turner stations? Is this because it’s airing on [as]? SCREENCAP #2: A reminder that the translated subtitles used to be different under Warner’s reign. Remember what he said about the fingertips! REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Okay that mask might be doing things for me.” Welcome to my fetish. OWNER OF A LONELY HEART TIME NOW. Good work, Joseph! “Things are finally starting to look up for me!” Look up! Hoo boy. Now that’s oily. FUCK YEAH CAESAR. I’m really liking the special effects here. Wait the subtitles spelled Caesar’s name wrong what the hell Viz. GO JOSEPH GO. Hooray for creativity! Thank you Caesar. DON’TLEMMEGODON’TLEMMEGODON’TLEMMEGOx5. Hooray for training from hell! Unless it’s Samurai Gun-style training, otherwise fuck that noise. Again with the pudding. Is tonight pudding night or something? Alternatively, Loggins and Messina. Such an obvious trick. You were expecting “Make a Man Out of You” to accompany this montage, but it was I, “Roundabout”! I love the giant “To Be Continued” arrow. Is it considered fair that the Pillar Men didn’t appear all this episode but showed up in the ED? That end part of Roundabout is just the best. WHY THE FUCK ARE USB MOUTHS EVEN A THING THAT IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT YOU FDA SONS OF BITCHES. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 My DVR synopsis for this episode opens with “Frontal reveals himself”, which would be even more hilarious if they included the “Full” with it. By Palau, they mean that island in Oceania, right? I’d assume that’s the case. Silver-haired Dean Venture hates you. “Huh, so this is what gravity feels like…” He wears the mask because it’s his fetish. Now to perform the handshake of trust. Silver-haired Dean Venture also thinks you’re a punk bitch. Wait, what’s that moving in the background? Maybe this is a different Palau than the island on Earth… MYSTERY BOX… The asteroid drop on Earth was from Char’s Counterattack, for those of you who haven’t been watching since 2002. Spacenoids not allowed to vote? Inconceivable! Fuck you, silver-haired Dean Venture! Full Frontal is a Char, but not the Char. Not much to say about this Nahel Argama stuff, but Haro is still the best mascot and Micott is still super-depressed. VERY EXPENSIVE! Sometimes I forget that one chick is a chick, but then I see her chest. Yeah, even with the real-time score, this “live” Snickers ad still looks pretty scripted to me. Not exactly the civil dinner party I was expecting, but hey, at least it’s civil. How Marida picked up that small child. Goddammit Banagher don’t make it political. Clearly the biggest loss of the first colony drop was the Sydney Opera House. Into the mine shaft we go! Sweet, a secret church. SIEG ZEON! Newtypes know other Newtypes best. Marida is actually a pretty cool chick. Wait, so is Blond Sasuke the new love interest for Audrey now? Sweet, free pen and paper! In Gundam, it’s hard to know who to root for, and this series is no exception. Some of those Mobile Suits look more like a Gundam than the Unicorn Gundam in standby mode. Shut up Micott, why are you even here? “You got lucky this time, slut.” Holy shit… that’s my university’s library in that local online home-schooling advertisement! HUNTER x HUNTER Oh hey, the Hunter cold open is back! He ain’t pressing the stop button anytime soon, Ghost Dad. He really planned this out, didn’t he? Alright, now I’m having conflicting feelings. Holy shit, Ging is the coolest deadbeat ever. Hmm, so Gon doesn’t care knowing about the woman who gave birth to him. Okay, now that is horror movie-level fucked up. Grab a bat and go full Office Space on it! But did it affect the other tape? Well, that answered my question super-fast. You can determine all that from a cassette tape recording? Inconceivable! Is it wrong that I thought the JS was a reference to the Nintendo DS and not the PlayStation at first listen? We’re going antique video system hunting! Just like that one Bebop episode, but with video games instead of VHS/Betamax tapes. The cure for wellness is apparently loads and loads of eels. And not the grilled kind either. Also, that is one unattractive ring gag. Hey, what’s so weird about not playing video games? I stopped playing once my DVDs started piling up, and I’m still not through them all! Now, remove the memory card before it has the chance to get wiped clean! Because even when something is out of print, that doesn’t mean you can’t buy it either. IT’S OVER 5 BILLION!!1!!!!!1!1!1one!!! If you seriously hate this show and its intrigue, then never speak to me again. Holy crap, look at all those hits! Damn you, counterfeiters! [shakes fist] That settles it, then. To the Dark Web! Or to Killua’s fatass brother. SUDDENLY RANDOM ANIME FIGURINES. It’s like Paranoia Agent all over again… [thanks madhouse] HOLY SHIT IT’S LIFE SIZED. Not that one, Gon. Even without the whip in this hand, Milluki is still heavily unlikeable. Send it to him in the usual way! How convenient, that Yorknew City is lead #2. I want that stew, but real life pasta casserole will have to do for now. Milluki, you are truly incorrigible, and that has nothing to do with your being an otaku. Fuck yeah, good food! And thus the Yorknew City arc truly begins. So the Greed Island memory card is a riddle now? FUCK YOU, POP-TART POODLE! NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Of course the bandits have a leader. Is that Crispin Freeman I hear, or someone who just sounds like him? “I thought it was just your face, but your head’s got something wrong with it too.” You’re referring to his double-chin, right? Just shut up and live with your situation, filler girl. Okay, that was a pretty good plan to get her to agree. And Naruto catching the ink slugs and throwing them off is just the kind of casual “little thing” that I like about these fillers. Now it’s time for your weekly reminder that Jiraiya… is still dead. Oh hey, that’s the popsicle from the opening theme. Her ultimate goal in life is to get pregnant. Oh Sai, you and your social miscues. Yamato doesn’t know why he puts up with these kids as much as he does. It’s a good thing I know what a vagabond is now, otherwise I’d have so many questions that Google could answer for me. I presume the bubbles are the reason Angel’s talking about JoJo in place of Naruto during this arc. Dean Venture’s still a dick, but at least he isn’t kicking anyone around for being hypocritical now. S: I like the look of Xenoverse 2 TOM. The same can be said for these Samurai Jack teasers. And that LetGo commercial, whoo! “You owe me, for my hospitality.” “Wait, did you just say “you own me”?” “No, I said the other thing.” Did you know that Jesus was a ninja (but not really)? I’d call her a Mary Sue for achieving that, but considering she failed the first try immediately and practiced all night, I’ll let it slide. It’s all about energy control, filler girl. Aloof and detached Dean Venture is disturbed by her tenacity. Well, at least he’s got his reasons. And then his flashback daydream became an S&M nightmare. You guys aren’t gonna be lords of anything, considering you’re filler villains. “What was that!?” A bubble clone, obviously. GAH MY SEXY EYES! Prog Rock Pyramid no Jutsu! Well, it’s a nice-looking village, I’ll give them that much. Seems pretty dead, though. Maybe it’s a Ghost Town Maneuver in action? (Don’t feel bad if you don’t get my super-obscure in-reference.) Instead of knocking Naruto for this act of recklessness, I’m just gonna say that Yamato is the only sane one here. Yeahhhhhh this village is mighty suspicious. And Naruto, in filler-with-a-plot fashion, knows it. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Brook. He deserves it, this being his big backstory episode and all. I don’t know how Brook is crying when he has no tear ducts, but regardless of how that works, it’s still very moving to see him all teary-eyed like that. Back in those days, pirate crews used to have musicians all the time, so Luffy wasn’t too far off the mark in wanting one. Even if it was more important to him than the essentials… Bones Station? Afro Knight DJ? Okay, I’m loving this episode already. Well it’s waking them up at least. Holy crap baby Laboon really is a cute one. Oh hey, it’s the Pandaman Pirates! Thank you, convenient sea companion. FUCK YEAH TREASURE. To pirates in the Grand Line, Seakings ain’t no thang. Well, the afro makes it that way. AND THE TEARS JUST KEEP COMING. Whatever’s going on, the feels are real. Oh, so they weren’t in the Grand Line then. So where’d the Seaking come from? [childish screeching] I haven’t commented for a whole minute and I’m starting to feel something in my heart, the feels are really real now. Vegeta. Vegeta is the greatest tsundere in Dragonball. Shame on you for not knowing that. I recognize that lighthouse! Entering the Grand Line nowadays is even harder on the animators, so they conserve the budget whenever they can. Like right now! Look at how young the old lighthouse keeper was back then! It’s so weird, seeing him like that. I think. Turns out Laboon stuck with them all this time. Laboon’s got a hard head, he’s alright. I had a feeling that big guy in the pink shirt was one of the other crew musicians. Also, PANDAMAN PIRATES DEFECTOR SPOTTED. You can’t not admit that that’s a fun song. Trying not to cry here… Great, I can just feel the heartbreak now. And in Brook’s case specifically, not even death will stop him from returning. PIRATE FISTPUMP OF TRUTH. So… we’re at the tragic part now, right? Right… Premieres at 10? Didn’t premieres end weeks ago? GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX Welp, so much for that supposed re-rating. >_> The tank says he’s going and you can’t stop him. I never liked the look on that guy’s face. Must be his hair. Can’t talk now, paying attention to all the plot stuff. I unironically love this 2002-era CGI. “Wow.” So simple, yet so hilarious. The current time is 8:53 A.M. Surprisingly early in the morning. I don’t know the name of this song but I love it. That un-freezer needs to set his hair dryer to Jamaican, if he really wants to thaw those patties properly. I don’t even need to take notes to see Toshiyuki Kono’s influence on the direction of this episode. The current time is 10:10 A.M. Even though the hour hand shouldn’t be that far in. Still, love the second hand still ticking in the background. Even when injured, the Tachikomas remain in good spirits. I also love all the shots of these people seeing the incident go down. “Even laser-guided missiles?” “Especially laser-guided missiles.” And in come the real feels of the evening. :-\ GRATUITOUS MAJOR FANSERVICE #1. Why is the direction of this episode so damn good? Smart move, president guy. GRATUITOUS MAJOR FANSERVICE #2. And in they come with the trump card. Ohba’s face says I should feel sad, but the way he says Kago’s name is telling me different. Well, that explains the L subrating false flag. And now they’ll never know. Truly this franchise is Production I.G’s masterpiece. [directed by kenji kamiyama]
  18. Or how Esdeath is smoking hot and a good encapsulation of my femdom fantasies in spite of the fact that she's probably the most murder-happy character in AgK. Thirty-three days remain until the poison rings inside Joseph dissolve and kill him, which means thirty-three days also remain for Joseph to improve upon his Hamon skills and defeat both Wamuu and Esidisi for the antidotes. Luckily for him, Caesar knows someone who will help him achieve the necessary skills within those 33 days, in the form of his own instructor in the ways of Hamon. However, their first task for Joseph may prove even deadlier than the battles later to come... But before that's proven, Vegeta realizes how fucked he and everyone else are when Beerus crashes Bulma's birthday party, Gohan teaches Videl and Goten how to fly, ECOAS forms a plan to rescue Banagher from a surprisingly civil dinner party at Full Frontal's mansion, Gon and Killua do a little more investigating into the keepsakes left behind by Ging, Team 7 tries to keep Hotaru from running after Utakata or something, Brook's tragic backstory is finally revealed in its full detail, and Section 9 is tasked with chasing down a runaway tank that for some reason looks like a scorpion. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #6 - Don't Anger the Destroyer! A Heart-Pounding Birthday Party! - TV-PGL ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #6 - Don't Anger the Destroyer! A Heart-Pounding Birthday Party! - TV-PGL 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #104 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Flying Technique Tutorial - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #16 - Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach - TV-14LV (broadcast), TV-PGV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #6 - Under the Mask - TV-PGL 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #38 - Reply from Dad - TV-14L 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #145 - Successor of the Forbidden Jutsu - TV-PGDV 2:30 - One Piece #379 - Brook's Past! A Sad Farewell With His Cheerful Comrade - TV-PG 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #2 - TESTATION - TV-14L [he loves german beer!]
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