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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. From the context of the scene - a ceremony celebrating the official change from the Anno Domini way of counting the years to the Universal Century system - and the fact that Unicorn takes place in 0096 U.C., I'd say distant past on that one. Yes, it confused me too, and the flash-forward cold opening scene of Banagher getting in the Gundam didn't really help matters. Taking Straitzo's final words, warning him of the dangers of the mysterious Pillar Man, to heart, Joseph has set off for the Mexican border in the hopes of finding answers about Speedwagon's fate. But as important as his safety is, Speedwagon's own worries lie with the Pillar Man, and what Major Rudol Von Stroheim and his team of Nazi scientists plan to do with him. Whatever the case, things are about to get particularly nasty in Mexico, and in more ways than one. While I leave you to figure that out, Goku goes to King Kai's to train while Vegeta goes on his first family vacation, Gohan develops his own superhero persona in order to crime-fight without being caught, Banagher accompanies the girl he randomly saved to stop what might be the beginning of another One Year War, with one of the three Floor 200 rookie-crushers down Gon and Killua prepare to take care of the other two, Madara finishes up his Uchiha angst exposition by explaining Itachi's true motives, will the shadows Moria puked up make their way back to their owners before they burn to a crisp in broad daylight?, and Saitama crashes a meeting of Class S heroes in what many would later consider a very good call. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #2 - To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip? - TV-PGLV ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #2 - To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip? - TV-PGLV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #100 - A New Hero, Great Saiyaman, is Born! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #12 - The Pillar Man - TV-MAV (broadcast and personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #2 - First Blood - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #34 - Power to Avenge - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #141 - Truth - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #375 - Not Out of Danger Yet! Orders to Annihilate the Straw Hat Crew - TV-PGLV 3:00 - One Punch Man #10 - Unparalleled Peril - TV-14LV
  2. The only good Initial D raps are the ones by m.o.v.e. [never gonna stop streak my dream]
  3. TFS DB Xenoverse Let's Play 32 Infinite Stratos 2 10 DBZ Abridged: WEN BROLI Edition [his power is maximum] Alternately: [all hail princess trunks]
  4. Alright, now it's back to nor- Dammit, DxD, quit trying to make me rewatch you before I'm comfortable with it!
  5. You know, now that you mention that, A-1 really fucked up by missing out on that opportunity. Anime fans: more creative than the people that make what they watch.
  6. Rewatched Kuromukuro 6.
  7. March Comes In Like a Lion #10 - Something Given
  8. And those who want to do to anime what MST3K did to low-grade movies and riff the everloving shit out of it.
  9. March Comes In Like a Lion 10
  10. Toonami exists for fans of the block, those who can only afford monthly cable, and other individuals who exist right under your nose.
  11. Dammit, I was hoping you wouldn't say anything...
  12. I dunno, I'm here whenever I'm not elsewhere.
  13. Beat you to the punch there, Masq. Real sorry. :-\
  14. It's the first Wednesday of the new semester, and to accommodate my accommodations for a day where my free printing units randomly ran out, here's the first installment of this thread's newest incomer. To Love-Ru #1 - The Girl Who Fell From the Sky
  15. For you, maybe. :
  16. Rewatched Dragonball Z Kai 99, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 1, and To Love-Ru 1
  17. Hmm... No, I'd rather watch DxD back-to-back with s-CRY-ed, just to see how long it takes people to figure out that the Boosted Gear totally ripped off the Shell Bullet. 22, actually.
  18. Not that level of uncensored, you dolt. Even though uncut DxD on Toonami would be pretty friggin' sweet. [pair it up with s-cry-ed]
  19. I think his default setting is actually being a jerk to shows he hates as if their subjective badness is as factual as the Pope's being Catholic.
  20. Yeah, well, cynicism doesn't really lighten the mood when ratings like what we've seen today come in.
  21. Well, this thread sure got pessimistic in a hurry. Guess that's what happens in a world where Trump's about to be president.
  22. I went into this thread expecting a well thought-out list for you primarily consisting of Toonami shows you don't like. Turns out it was just a shill for those guys who distributed the Nostalgia Critic videos.
  23. This forum desperately needs a dislike button.
  24. I'm just going to assume you're exaggerating.
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