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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. That Dimension W is clearly more adult-oriented than SD Gundam and Wulin Warriors? I don't know what you're trying to prove bringing other shows into it.
  2. SD Gundam - kid's show Wulin Warriors - kid's show Dimension W - adult's show You're the one who needs to accept the truth. You're free to hate Dimension W, but lumping it in with a bunch of obviously shitty kid's shows is going pretty far, even for you.
  3. SD Gundam and Wulin Warriors were CN Toonami. Dimension W was [as] Toonami. As much as you hate all of them, they just aren't comparable.
  4. Hey, the lineup promo from Run the Jewels night promised me a , and I was just basing my schedule rundown off of that. Don’t blame me for the blatant false advertising that was on display there, blame FUNimation for being complete fuck-ups! ::: DRAGONBALL SUPER I actually didn’t watch the 8PM premiere this time. Had to eat dinner late, so I took advantage of the fact that my family now gets Cinemax to watch the end of Dirty Harry, and then the beginning of Summer of ’42 before my folks decided that Dallas Buyers Club on one of the HBO stations we also now get was more worth their time. So yeah, going into it mostly blind this week. If you don’t count me browsing through the Wikipedia synopsis… -_' Say what you want, but Gotenks deserved to get hurt. Now it’s Vegeta’s problem. And then he went Super Saiyan 2. Twenty bucks says Goku doesn’t make his entrance ‘til the end. I love that whole column of open space in the water effect. I imagine that rocky surface is what the bottom of Enies Lobby looks like. Is that the Final Flash? I think that’s the Final Flash. “Say goodbye, you repugnant bastard!!” The only word that goes good with “repugnant” is “maggot”. I blame Sera. Apparently Beerus only gets visibly injured whenever it comes out of nowhere, like Bulma’s bitchslap. Whis is still the best. SUPER SAIYAN STATUS: SWITCHED OFF. GRATUITOUS VEGETA CROTCHSHOT. [mochi intensifies] OH FUCK YOU BEERU-never mind. Thank you, Bulma, for saving everyone’s asses. For the time being. You think the Pilaf Gang even noticed that Beerus was there? FOOL! YOU NEVER FORGET THE LEFTOVERS! …Come again? Okay, so he does know that Beerus is there. And so marks the first time Oolong’s been relevant since Dragonball. Oh hey, Gohan’s joined the rest of the comic relief characters. That’s what happens when you’re knocked out in one blow, apparently. “Let’s rock.” I get it! Again. Whis. The best. I really need to get back to my Jack marathon. IT’S A TIE! That is a surprisingly good point, Oolong. Speaking of tea… Hopefully this doesn’t turn out like the Regular Show pilot. And by “any prize”, she means her used panties. [facepalm] Dammit Oolong, why is it always scissors with you? Oh yeah, Puar still exists. YOHOHOHOHOHO. Always a fearful optimist, that Krillin. TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH GOKU. I had a feeling he was gonna point out how ridiculous Beerus’s decision to destroy Earth was. Super Saiyan please. Man, I don’t know whether to like Beerus or hate him. Maybe both? That’s our Goku, always popping in at the last second even when he has no reason to. Huh, no ending narration this time. Come to think of it, has there ever been one this season? TOP BILLING: Beerus, for both last week and this week. DRAGONBALL Z KAI “I shall call you Mini-Me.” “Actually, my name’s Goten.” Fuck you, blonde reporter lady. And of course, Vegeta and Piccolo agree. Way to go Piccolo. I kinda like the simple design of these attendant guys. Oh hey, even furries are competing! This announcer is a really cool guy. HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! Is that Tao Pai Pai I see in the background there? Krillin is on point this episode. Eh, 137 ain’t that high. To be honest, I forget if Tien showed up with them or not. “I’d let her knock me out anytime.” And I bet you regretted it in Future Trunks’ timeline. Huh, Goku was actually holding back more than Krillin there. Fuck yeah Vegeta. I bet you anything TOM’s thoughts on this game are pretty much Demarco’s exactly. So does that mean he’s a #1 seed? Welp, time to kill some more time. Krillin totally ships Gohan/Videl. He made a good call there. GO GO SATAN. It’s funny when Satan gets hurt. Oh boy, this is the best part… By the way, here’s the original version. THIS SHORT FILM BROUGHT TO YOU BY WAVES AND ROCKS, AND VIEWERS LIKE YOU. …Okay, that was not the dub I was expecting, nor the one that was advertised. It sounds like they just remastered the audio from the above link instead of trying to be original. I WANT MY TEAM FOUR STAR PORTRAYAL GODDAMMIT! I WANT MY ‘HIS COOLNESS IS OVER NINE THOUSAND’!! Eh, at least I can appreciate them combining the old not-so-good dub with the new and better one for the true Cell Games Reenactment experience. Yo, check out the southern hick. Fuck you and your mullet! TOP BILLING: Gohan last week, some attendant this week. Also, boo on the credits people for crediting 18 as “Artificial Human”. Even Shenron is intimidated by Lord Beerus! Also… “We’re screwed.” > Piccolo, you the best excluding Whis. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: A beautiful morning shot with frightening implications. Nah, that heavy feeling is coming from that brain latched onto your back. Okay, I think I might be getting used to Suzie Q’s accent, but I still think Bryce Papenbrook does the bad Italian one better than Stephanie Sheh. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Susie sounds like Brad Pitt's attempt at Italian in Inglorious Basterds.” Eh, she was actually attempting an accent, so I’d say it was more like the Bear Jew’s attempt at Eye-talian. ITALIAN DOUSHIO. We may have been gypped out of a TFS rendition of the Cell Games Reenactment tonight, but at least we’ll always have naked Lisa Lisa. :fap: SUDDENLY JOSEPH. I can’t fault his lips looking weird, they were almost burned off by Esidisi just last episode. GRATUITOUS JOJO ASS SHOT. It’s natural to think of Joseph as being hot, especially once you get used to the JoJo art style. [MENACING] What a mouthful, subtitles. And now for a part that is in no way disappointing. Unlike you-know-what… ::]:: NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE~. Clearly Joseph was so distracted by Lisa Lisa’s hot bod that he didn’t notice her surroundings. Ectoplasm! Clearly the mansion is haunted by perverted ghosts. Oh god, it’s nothing but sclera! With the occasional weird iris pattern. Okay, I’m kinda loving how kino the shading here is. One of the things I love about this episode is the overlap between Suzie Q and Esidisi’s voices during their speaking lines throughout the whole possession scene. Caesar, you so tsundere. It’s kinda funny that the Esidisi-possessed Suzie Q thinks Caesar won’t pick on her, since they both have obviously faked Italian accents. Another thing I love is that while Caesar is trying to warp this situation into a clichéd misunderstanding, Lisa Lisa – who actually knows what’s going on – is backing Joseph up in his insistence that it’s not. They said “dickheads”. AND THEY SAID IT AGAIN! Bluff Status: failed. There’s something oddly attractive about the possessed Suzie Q. Turns out Demarco liked the game after all. SCREENCAP #2: The Italian postal service doing their job. Welp, there goes the attractive quality. Ah yes, Von Stroheim. You’d think his exploding would cause the nightmares, but you’d be surprised. Two opposite types of Hamon working together in a manner that will destroy Esidisi but spare Suzie Q. Now that’s a good plan. It’s rare to have a protagonist that’s compassionate to those he’s rightfully enemies with. HAMON HYPNOSIS OVERDRIVE. We going to neutral territory now! ROAD TRIP! Okay, I think I ship those two now. That puppy looked like it got punched in the face, but it turns out that’s just how its cheeks look. FUCK YOU DRUNK DRIVERS. AND THANK YOU KARS. I also love how the passenger starts downing the whole wine bottle upon realizing he and his buddy are fucked. Oh no, it’s the Nazis! That dude in the back looks awfully familiar… “I don’t know any German soldiers!” No alive ones, anyways. German spies are very covert. Better it be in the hands of the Nazis than in the hands of the Pillar Men. That may sound ridiculous, but you’ll thank me later. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “How tall are they in American?” About 6 ft. Oh god, the one half-head on top of the other’s head. How grotesque. FUCK YEAH CYBORG VON STROHEIM. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 What series is worse with its use of recap: this show, or One Piece? 666? Well isn’t that subtle. I still have no idea why that woman looks so butch. So that means she’s infertile, right? Alberto’s such a loser. He wasn’t brainwashed, in fact his mind is saner than it’s ever been! “Don’t look at me with those big ol’ eyes.” Oh geez, that’s a nasty burn. Banagher made a smart move, getting out of there before things got worse. FUCK YEAH 3D BILLIARDS. Haro is fun. Now who are these guys? Blond Sasuke’s parents, maybe? Random British guy. The more I look at that woman on the comm, the less attractive she looks. Damn you, ‘80s art style! I say listen to Richard Epcar, he makes some very good points. The captain dude just wants to make some tea, not listen to Banagher bickering with people more qualified than him. And then Alberto left the series, never to be seen again. Why is the music in this series so good? YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Oh hey, that’s Patrick Seitz’s voice! Yep, that guy’s totally dead. Dang, I’m just not with it this week in regards to the preview, am I? What type of first name for a lady is Sloane anyways? HUNTER x HUNTER Has anyone else noticed that Kurapika’s outfit looks kinda… different? Bald rat girl seems pretty dang nervous. IT TAKES THAT MANY CHARACTERS TO SPELL “NEN USERS UNITE”!? I was wondering why the butler in that scene had heart eyes and was taking the bullets, and Baise’s Nen technique from last episode answered that perfectly. That guy with the pompadour and facial hair is so cool. I love the femdom chick. Turns out there was a mole in their midst, and it wasn’t the one that looks like one. Excellent detective skills there, Kurapika. And in the end, the only casualty was the butler. I’m surprised Kurapika didn’t correct him on that. NOW IT’S TIME FOR THE JUDGEMENT. Of course the sensor goes off near the brown dude. Seeing how he was already at the mansion last episode while calling his girlfriend about taking care of her dogs, I’m not really surprised that he’s the other mole. Guy made the right move, refusing the girl’s overpriced lemonade. At least he didn’t ask if it was Ice-T. The rat girl is oddly cute for someone so conventionally unattractive. Pretty cool, too. Oh hey, pompadour dude is doing something! TOONAMI HAIKU TIME! ;D I love this dude, no homo. Anyone who hates this show can go home. That means you, Ben. Kurapika: “I swear I’ve heard that sound effect somewhere before.” Before now, “180 Minute Love Slave” meant listening to this for three straight hours. Well, that scene sure was something. owo But I wanna know what the bulldog was gonna do. So she would keep a man as a pet then… Uh… Who’s this dude supposed to be? RANDOM LATIN CHANTING! Meanwhile, at the Zoldyck family estate… Wipe your mouth, dude. Best seat in the house. Is it just me, or do Killua’s sleeves make him look kinda femboyish? FALCON INCOMING! Oh, so that’s why he’s wearing the elbow sleeves. You fools! Smoking will never die! Especially when they find a way to give us cigarettes with all the joys and none of the negative side effects. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Okay, that one guy down there definitely looks too much like Haku to be coincidence. Maybe he’s his brother? Or perhaps his sister? He’s only gonna need one shadow clone for this job. I’m still way too distracted by the Haku doppelganger to comment on anything else. Though the Kirisame technique is pretty cool. “Don’t be aggressive, Naruto.” What’s the better phrase to drink shots to: Bingo Book or Trump Card? YAMATO: MASTER NEGOTIATOR. Oh hey, their leader’s here. Good that he’s more reasonable than his underlings. Woo, success! Things changed after Zabuza got himself killed. I’m still waiting for the context behind that flashback. His master looked like a creepy dude, or maybe that was just the lighting. REVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGE! Utakata’s such a dick, and yet I hate Angelo more between the two Sinterniklaas characters. Yamato is the best character of this arc. Clearly the first thing you should do is check and see if Sakura’s doing alright by herself, it’s been forever since we last saw her. If he tries to run away, threaten him with Draconian methods, that always works. MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: The video was neat and the main girl was cute. The song, however, was really shit. Like, a 3/10 on my stilted scoring system. “I wonder why he doesn’t want me to call him Master.” Not everyone’s into the whole dom/sub thing, girl. Sir doesn’t really work either. Sensei is always a good pick in the Narutoverse, though. I personally feel like Iruka was more of a father figure to Naruto than Jiraiya, but I get what he’s saying. Damn, if only Sakura were here! :-\ Huh, Naruto knows a little something about medicinal herbs. Guess getting beaten by that middle-aged lady for pulling some out with her weeds really taught him a bit. Like know which plants to pull out while weeding. It was an easy find, but it could’ve been soooo much easier. “Uh… It’s not what it looks like!?” Still, that’s one freaky growth on her back. To hell with forbidden jutsu, indeed. And now we have a sympathy angle. What the actual fuck was that commercial. A singing shrimp? That sounds like a worse dream than the one I had two nights ago. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Brook, for both last week and this week. Does that one dude have pigtails? I still don’t get what the big deal is about the whole “chopsticks up the nose” thing. Looks stupid and kinda uncomfortable. Well, that and your dreams. Brook’s head thing is so cool. ;D I knew Brook was gonna join the Straw Hats, well, the first time I saw him with the others in the promotional material, but it was pretty much a given after he got his shadow back. But still, congrats to the 9th official Straw Hat Pirate! Robin giggling is actually pretty cute. <3 SKULL JOKES~. To confusion! Alright, now I’m starting to feel secondhand embarrassment. But the 45-degrees thing is impressive, all the way down to the shadow. Meanwhile, Laboon’s having a little celebration of his own. I love all these newspaper articles covering Iceberg’s search for a replacement secretary. Is that a Yagara trying to audition for the spot? Now that is an introduction-acceptance speech. Bravo, Brook. Luffy gets two beers because Zoro’s too unconscious to drink for himself. Remember Franky’s guitar? I can’t read shit on that tombstone. Nice to see that Franky’s come to accept the name selected for the Sunny, even though he designed the head to look like that of a lion. Still so very moving… :'( Oh hey, Zoro’s awake again! Goodbye, rusted sword. The Halloween-themed Chance the Wrapper commercial will always be the best one. The bandages already did their job, hence he no longer needs them. Almost forgot all about Brook’s love of panties. “Mermaids don’t wear any panties~.” That they do not. BEST NAMEDROP THUS FAR AND YOU’LL SEE WHY IN HALF A YEAR. And a little sneak preview into where the manga currently is on top of it all! Speaking of, has that Veevr card been used yet? One Piece worldbuilding is actually pretty neat and informative. ACE FLASHBACK, GO! That burning must have something to do with his upcoming execution. SO LONG, THRILLER BARK! T_T7 As far as Luffy’s concerned, that’s the second-best seat in the house. Ooh, how intimidatingly interesting… CHEERS! Welcome to the wonderful world of air travel, Brook. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX When I was younger, I tended to have strange and nonsensical theories about certain things, one of which surrounded this episode. One Moral Orel episode I saw half of on one of the nights where I woke up super-early to record the weekday anime reruns over a decade ago had the Italian family move to a new house after their old one was torched, and the one that aired the next day had the daughter inexplicably confined to a wheelchair. Now, I know it was setup for the joke that this cute and friendly puppy could fix even the injuries of the crippled, but I came up with the theory that she was put in the wheelchair because one of the boxes her family was unpacking in the previous episode fell on her legs. That’s the reasonable part. The unreasonable part was my belief that the father sued the moving company over that stunt, explaining why the GITS episode – this episode – that followed the latter Moral Orel episode had a FedEx box that didn’t have FedEx’s name on it, but that of a knockoff name; because the moving company that was sued had to change it. It’s a stupid theory, but it was fun, and there’s no denying that. Also, cyborg Babycakes is the best minor character. [i wanna live on a mountain]
  5. Fun is subjective. It appears that you've forgotten that again. ::]::
  6. There's only one DXD that has to do with anime that I trust, and it would pull good ratings if [as] was man enough to air it uncensored. [boosto]
  7. That comment just proves that your standards are impossibly high. In other words, sorry, but I don't listen to bastards.
  8. IIRC, Oda said that Sanji was spiking their food with stuff to make their breasts grow. Bur Robin's increasing bust size isn't my problem with her post-timeskip. The real concern is how white she got.
  9. And even then, "hypersexualized" is kind of an exaggeration. Last I checked, that skimpy top is covering more of her breasts than just the nipples.
  10. That's butthurt playboy manbaby speak for Nami and Robin's breasts getting bigger.
  11. Learn how to haiku right. You know what I love? Watching Ben get so triggered OTN masks rule
  12. The first of Joseph's battles against the Pillar Men has concluded. With one Wedding Ring of Death having been disintegrated, all that's left for him to do is fight Wamuu to rid himself of the other, and then move forward into the inevitable final battle. But before he can do any of that, he finds it imperative to warn Lisa Lisa that the remaining Pillar Men are about to make their move. But unbeknownst to him, the supposedly defeated Esidisi isn't done with him just yet... In more treacherous parts of the schedule, a pissed-off Vegeta proceeds to throw everything he's got and thensome at Lord Beerus, Team Four Star (SHUT THE FUCK UP BEN) guest stars (or so we hear) in a so-called historical account of the Cell Games, Banagher learns exactly how the Unicorn Gundam is the "key" to Laplace's Box, Kurapika and the other bodyguard applicants find themselves having to face their prospective client's army of masked soldiers before they can even do anything, blah blah Naruto filler blah blah, Brook finally makes good on the promise he made to Luffy at the start of the arc less than a year ago, and the death of a former colleague pushes Togusa to figure out who did it and why. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #8 - Goku Makes an Entrance! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!? - TV-PGV ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #8 - Goku Makes an Entrance! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!? - TV-PGV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #106 - Who is the World's Greatest? The Tournament Preliminaries Begin! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #18 - Von Stroheim's Revenge - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LSV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #8 - Laplace, Where it All Began - TV-PGL 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #40 - Nen Users Unite? - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #147 - The Rogue Ninja's Past - TV-PG 2:30 - One Piece #381 - A New Crewmate! The Musician, Humming Brook - TV-PG 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #4 - INTERCEPTER - TV-14 [niiiiiiiiiiiiiice]
  13. Ben0119, ladies and gentlemen! :fap:
  14. It just feels weird hearing Whis with a voice that doesn't belong to Ian Sinclair, I'm sorry.
  15. Ain't that the depressing truth. :::
  16. Remember when everyone thought the so-called "whitewashing" was the worst part of this movie?
  17. Rewatched Kuromukuro 12 and March Comes in Like a Lion 13
  18. I'm gonna be quicker than usual with this one; mostly because TLR has taken it over as the show I really get in-depth about. March Comes In Like a Lion #13: Black River / Beyond the Door
  19. The latter, I'll give you, but you'd be surprised by the things some people dub...
  20. Okay, Blatch, you and I need to have a discussion about you dragging politics into an already divisive thread.
  21. Eromanga Sensei, for sure.
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