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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Sure, it could save me the effort of rating it.
  2. I have an announcement to make. Tonight, I will finish the Oreimo animated franchise with episode 16 of season 2. With that, the series will be behind me, until I feel the need to rewatch it. However, as I have two midterms tomorrow - both of which allow the use of note sheets, but still - the writeup will be postponed until next Wednesday. So expect the screencaps in the Anime Watching thread, but wait for them to show up here, mmkay? [mmkay]
  3. I was thinking something more along the lines of them taking away the 8PM Super premiere and making it a rerun from last week.
  4. I'm expecting either a huge schedule overhaul or Demarco apologizing for something in the coming weeks. I'm not saying it'll happen, just that it's expectant at this point.
  5. Hey, I get plenty of things wrong in those writeups all the time. Like when I said Gon was gonna watch Hisoka's fight with Kastro, when it turned out Wing actually forbade him from seeing it until he recovered from his injuries.
  6. The Pillar Men defy logic. That’s pretty much the default answer to all the impossible shit they can do. Doing things a little different this time. DRAGONBALL SUPER – Yes, Beerus threatening to destroy the Earth and beating in all the protags is terrible, as was his unleashing Vegeta’s wrath on us by slapping Bulma, but let’s be straight about what the most important part of the episode was: Whis. He is the best character, if you hate him you’re factually wrong, and he is once more proof that Ian Sinclair is one of FUNimation’s best talents. That whole scene where he’s trying the sushi for the first time was perfection. DRAGONBALL Z KAI – Is it wrong that I find short-hair Videl cuter than twintails Videl? Almost didn’t recognize Yamcha with that haircut. It’s easy to forget that Goku has a “cares about his family” side after all the memeing about him not caring less about them. Personally I’d love to know what happened post-Cell Saga that convinced 18 to return Krillin’s affections. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE – I always thought Esidisi was the most dickish of the Pillar Men. The creepiest, too... Regardless, his and Joseph’s battle of strategy, deception, and all-out ruses was excellent. And as bad as Bryce’s accent for Caesar is, I actually find it better than Stephanie Sheh’s for Suzie Q. You’ll see why next week. Welp, one ring down, one to go. This week’s screencaps: Kars and Esidisi chilling at their hangout, and Messina inadvertently perpetuating Asian stereotypes. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 – I’ll admit, this series is harder to follow than IBO, but UC really knows how to deliver on the action, and damn does it look cool while doing it. Also that whole Newtype backstory-sharing sequence was strangely beautiful. HUNTER x HUNTER – The woman with the “180 Minute Love Slave” Nen ability is my new favorite minor character. Did you know that her name means “fuck” in French? NARUTO SHIPPUDEN – Okay where the hell did Haku’s ghost come from and why did he show up when he did? Probably to foreshadow the presence of those other tracker ninja. Also, did anyone else think the conversation between Hotaru and Utakata in that misty area was oddly suggestive for even Naruto filler? ONE PIECE – I wish it was easy for me to cry as the rest of you guys, that Binks’ Brew performance/montage was moving as all hell. :’( GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX – There is nothing wrong with liking things that are obviously dated. I, for one, am fond of my car and its lack of an anti-lock braking system. [pump the brakes]
  7. That existed before anime got big, your attempts to turn me away are irrelevant.
  8. You're just mad because he is right, World Autofellatio Champion.
  9. >implying we're not the winning party here
  10. Over the past several weeks, Joseph and Caesar have been trained extensively in the more complicated uses of Hamon and the proper breath control needed to pull them off. With the Pillar Men making preparations to find the ideal Red Stone of Aja for their plans, and the rings inside Joseph having one week left before they dissolve, Lisa Lisa declares that a final exam is in order, to see if Joseph and Caesar have what it takes to match their enemies in combat. But little does Joseph know, one of the Pillar Men is already itching to fight him, and will interrupt his exam in order to do it. Speaking of interruptions, Beerus ruins Bulma's birthday party in the form of pushing in the Z Fighters' shit, everyone's training for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament continues on while Videl finally gets the hang of flying, the Federation and ECOAS begin their attack on Palau which isn't the Pacific island like I was supposedly promised, Kurapika finally gets that bodyguard job he planned on obtaining post-Hunter Exam, the suspicious-looking villagers our protagonists left Hotaru turn out to be, well... suspicious, the actually tragic part of Brook's backstory finally kicks in, and Section 9 finds themselves having to figure out why all these gynoids keep killing themselves. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #7 - How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury! - TV-PGLV ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #7 - How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury! - TV-PGLV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #105 - The Dragon Team Fully Assembled! Goku Has Come Back! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #17 - The Deeper Plan - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #7 - The Battle at Palau - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #39 - Wish and Promise - TV-14L 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #146 - The Successor's Wish - TV-PG 2:30 - One Piece #380 - Binks' Brew! The Song That Connects the Past With the Present - TV-PG 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #3 - ANDROID AND I - TV-14
  11. Huh. Apparently I burned Daos so hard it broke the boards. Nice. 8)
  12. At this point, the only thing here that's illogical is the fact that you're still challenging him with your bullshit. Is your opinion so goddamn important to you, that you don't want to admit that he's right? That's totally fucking it, isn't it?
  13. He could always be a masochist.
  14. Do webcomics count? If so, then Demon Candy: Parallel Chapter 8.
  15. It may be hard for you all to believe this, but this line was what inspired me to watch Kuromukuro. My reasons for that are... personal.
  16. Rewatched Hunter x Hunter 2011 38, Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 6, and Kuromukuro 11.
  17. Didn't really see anything in there that said it was terrible either. Just that the ratings would obviously be low. Besides, the Fairy Tail anime didn't even exist when [as] picked up Moribito.
  18. My favorite bump was the Moribito one. I didn't think of it as anti-ASA, though. More like, "we know the ratings are gonna suck, but we're airing it regardless".
  19. Under Adult Swim General, Promos 2008, February 2008 Saturdays Promo. Download Quicktime if you haven't already. http://asfdotcom.net/
  20. Outlaw Star was pretty manly, even with the Y7 rating.
  21. Alright, now I'm really gonna buy it, just to spite you.
  22. March Comes in Like a Lion 13
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