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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. About ten to twenty times as long as you think it's going to take.
  2. Welp, time to wait a week until this thread rises up from the cynicism it's been plunged into.
  3. Do you have to be so goddamn pessimistic whenever the ratings are lower than usual? [furthermore, why am i giving a shit?]
  4. You shouldn't. I just enjoy the shows, not worry about how they'll do in the ratings like all the other people on here do. But even so, I have to wonder: are these the worst ratings the block has gotten thus far?
  5. Demarco is now officially on suicide watch.
  6. If that's the case, then Fem!Broly should be Caitlin Glass.
  7. I was actually referring to one of the Anaheim Electronics students who saw the war start to break out in Industrial 7. As for him voicing Angelo, I already knew that thanks to the show's Anime News Network page; always a good thing to have on hand.
  8. ...Sure. Why not?
  9. After which Troy Baker will teleport behind him and stab him in the back with multiple swords.
  10. We're waiting 'til after the Killer Bee vs. Sasuke fight to start bitching about that show again.
  11. Very impressive, knocking out a bunch of paragraphs like that. And yes, [as] as far as I know has never had a TV-PGDSV-rated program, but Cartoon Network actually has. Naruto episode 158, "Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challenge". Definitely one of the more exciting parts of watching Filler Hell.
  12. Brock is objectively awesomer, but you gotta admit that Hatred did a damn good job at keeping the boys alive and teaching them how to defend for themselves.
  13. I don't see why the lack of tattoo is a problem, it's not like he's ready to meet up with the rest of the Phantom Troupe yet. Huh, new bump music. Must be that “Run the Jewels” promotion thing I heard about in the 4chan discussion. DRAGONBALL SUPER KYOURETSU MOURETSU DYNAMIC LETS GO GO! Just look at how few fucks Vegeta gives. I had a feeling Bulma’s birthday was gonna play a role this episode. Dang, he forgot already? “I’ll have you know that I’m the fastest being in this whole universe…” Don’t let Burter hear you say that. Wait, he destroyed another planet already while in the midst of transport? The way the older purple Kai responded, it’s as if the younger one meant to ask if there was a reason for Beerus being so destructive, instead of insisting that there were reasons all along. Clearly he’s talking about Goku. Wait, what was that about a punch? EXTREME WEIGHT LIFTING. Oh Goku, you eavesdropper. Yes, we must never forget that time Cell blew up King Kai’s planet. At first, this chase was somewhat painful to watch. And then, it became amusing when King Kai stopped to rant. And now, I’m just wondering why Goku didn’t just Instant Transmission his way over to the other side of the planet. Then again, he’s not all that bright… But in the end, Goku just doesn’t give a crap. Alright, that second sweatrag gag got me. Very nice set design they made for Beerus’s place. NO NOT THE DESSERT IT WAS THE BEST CHARACTER. When all else fails, threaten to take away their food. Huh, never noticed the pile of wrecked stuff in the background there. Even in the original series, everyone hated King Vegeta. “…but there were a handful of survivors who were off the planet when it exploded.” Goku, Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz. Also Turles, Paragus and Broly if we’re counting the movies. …Did he just fart? Do destruction gods even have bodily functions. You heard him right, Beerus killed the dinosaurs. Well, some of the dinosaurs, others survived and later showed up in OG Dragonball. So the S subrating is for Whis looking at Beerus’s junk and blushing? Not sure if I should like this music or not, but it’s very interesting. THE LENGTH OF YOUR AVERAGE ANIME EPISODE. Mondo cool? Also you can’t not love Saitama. I’ve gotten so used to Colleen Clinkenbeard’s voice for 18 in Kai, and Amber Lee Connors’s voice for her in Abridged, that the original/Super voice for 18 by Meredith McCoy comes off as weird and a little too deep. Still, sounds better here than it did in History of Trunks. Oh yeah, and Krillin got with 18 and had a kid with her. Go Krillin. When all else fails, just fly to your destination. Dat’s a big ship. TRANSLATION FOR THE JAPANESE IMPAIRED: The grand prize is secret <3. Oh hey, it’s the Z Warriors that don’t matter. Fuck yeah, cruise ship exploration! Nevermind, the S subrating’s for Roshi peeping on random beach girls. And cue the nosebleed. Bulma’s mother looks odd with her eyes open. Meanwhile, Buu doesn’t give a crap about what Bulma thinks. “They feel pokey!” Did he just say my name? Goku went to Gohan’s wedding? Unthinkable! Oh Vegeta, you and your training. Well, at least Goku gives a damn. Thank god half-Saiyans aren’t nearly as training-obsessed as their parents. Nanban? That’s a giant hill. I take it the Z-sword is something I’m not supposed to care about until the Buu saga. Beerus will rock you like a hurricane. TOP BILLING: Beerus. And ha, even Cell got a brief credit! Thanks to Gundam Unicorn, I’ll never hear the phrase “Full Frontal” the same way again. DRAGONBALL Z KAI: THE FINAL CHAPTERS If this is Great Saiyaman’s theme song, then it is so very awesome. Oh, we wish there was a Mrs. Saiyaman. Great Saiyaman, everybody: impressive in his heroic feats, not so much when he opens his mouth. Even the loli thinks this is cheesy as fuck. Meanwhile, at the Towering Inferno… CROSE UP. Hell, I’d care about the building, but that’s just the engineer in me talking. Thank you Gohan. This is just further proof that the public likes the Great Saiyaman for what he does above all else. Classy Satan. Oh yeah, Goten gets the Nimbus now. VIDEL KNOWS, OR IS AT LEAST ABOUT TO. Yeah, I should’ve made that description for last night “Videl tries to find out who Great Saiyaman really is” instead of complaining that Wikipedia is getting the episode synopses wrong. Instant Transmission, I guess. Randomly spotted by civilians. “You realize the more you fight it, the more I wanna find out?” Part of the reason masking is my main fetish. Almost blew it. And so her suspicions strengthen… Those are some loud-colored shirts, even louder than that police car explosion they caused. OW MY SEXY FACE. DIS AIN’T OVA. Regular punches don’t mean much to Gohan nowadays. That background sign is totally jank. Well, Saiyan’s do have crazy strength, I wouldn’t be surprised if their skin was the same. Sweet, new music video. And it was quite possibly their best one yet. Awesome. As. Fuck. O0 I’m confused, is it Red Shark Gang, or Red Chalk Gang. Oh my Gomikai it’s Soviet Nappa. > ARRRRRR PEEEEE GEEEEEEEEE! Mr. Satan just wants to live in peace. Tightening his leash? Holding it in? Is this the start of some weird fetish porn or something? That quiet “dork”. :-D CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!? He can’t possibly think straight with poetry this boring. A manual earthquake? Impressive. Great Saiyaman: ally to good, nightmare to you! Way to ruin his flow, Videl. No shit it’s a lover’s spat, these two are supposed to marry in the future. Meddling cosmonaut. Okay, that reverse deliverance of the RPG was pretty damn fun. As strong as Great Saiyaman may be, Videl kicks ass. LIKE A BOSS. I hate it when “secret identity” is used in reference to who the person in question really is. For example, Iron Man is Tony Stark’s secret identity, not the other way around! TOP BILLING: Gohan. Also holy shit Rock has Nappa’s voice actor they did that on purpose didn’t they. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: Joseph staring down Sanviento. I assume Speedwagon told Von Stroheim all about Joseph and his notoriety. BOOP. “Make some love to the camera!” Even though there is none. Again, the transition is better this time but the song just ends too abruptly. Hence, not the best cut but it could’ve been worse. To be fair, Joseph has a point about the Nazis provoking him. You can’t pick your friend’s nose, sure, but there’s nothing saying you can’t pick those of your enemies. I love it when this show’s colors get all screwy. That wasn’t nearly as freaky as when he swooced right into the ventilation ducts, but still, very fuh-reaky. The Pillar Man is a fast learner. HOLY SHIT HIS RIBS! : o That’s the power of Hamon, baby. NO NOT SPEEDWAGON’S SEXY FACE! You fuck with Speedwagon, you wind up getting fucked yourself. “What the devil?” Don’t you mean, “What the Dio?” Wait, so Hamon doesn’t work on Sanviento? Dude. Goddamn I love Joseph’s trickery. I also love that Von Stroheim is joining Speedwagon as a commentator. “His skin is malleable like rubber!” YO HO HO HE TOOK A BITE OF GUM GUM. You say you felt his eyes, but clearly he averted your attack. What an improbable kick! USE YOUR HAMON BREATHING! Reminder that Sanviento absorbed the prisoner with explosives in his head, and that Von Stroheim plans on using that to destroy him. FUCK YEAH JOSEPH. Dat Beerus smirk. ;D SCREENCAP #2: Joseph relieved at destroying Sanviento, or so he thinks… Sanviento: The Living Digestive System. I had a feeling the sun would factor into his defeat. Von Stroheim says sunlight is Sanviento’s weakness, but doesn’t want him going out into the open air where the sun is. Can someone say “hypocrite”? SUDDENLY FLESH LEECHES. GO VON STROHEIM GO. How strange, I’m actually feeling sympathetic for the Nazi character. Holy shit, Von Stroheim is surprisingly noble and gutsy. He must be the first fictional Nazi I actually like. Oh no, he found a way around his own weakness! STROHEIM NOOOOOO. Luckily, Stroheim prepared for an event such as this. More Pillar Men? Holy shit, dude. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Aw hell the other pillar is Dio isn't it.” The Pillar Men and Dio are two completely different animals, so no, not really. “Human greatness lies in having the courage to face down one’s fears.” Very wise words. Note how interesting it is that they didn’t show Stroheim’s corpse. I wonder… And into the well he goes! Now that’s what I call a creative solution. I’ve been quiet about it for months, but I just have to say it: this PS Vue commercial makes no fucking sense. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 Who voices this narrator? I need to know for reasons. This fight certainly got hardcore fast. Doesn’t look like she was expecting an explosion that size to happen. I’M ON FIRE! Did I just hear Dean Venture there for a second? Oh good, they got the fuck outta there before becoming casualties themselves. No way, they’re still alive after that offscreen gunshot? That spaceship commander looks like he came right out of Macross. Well… at least they’ve finally got a way through now. Even if most of their classmates are dead. I’m serious, that happened so suddenly and wasn’t treated as direly as their teacher catching fire, and yet we’re supposed to feel for Micott as she lists off their names? Gundam, your priorities are fucked up. Takuya, you Mobile Suit nerd. You say that like the other guy’s gonna assault you at any moment, and his keeping you from going after him isn’t exactly helping. Meanwhile, gun violence. Oh good, they missed Banagher. Dang, he’s good. [shot] But not good enough, apparently. Guess Angel was right about Audrey being this series’ Kudelia. I’m not exactly following this fight, but damn is it awesome. Great job spoiling the start of the next act for us, show bumper. SAVED BY THE SPOILER. Well so much for… whatever that was. IT’S A GUNDAM! Looks like it hasn’t been painted yet. Oh fuck you green mobile suit lady. I’ll admit, that’s a different way to open a speech about how innocent civilians have no reason to die as statistics. “How do I know all these words?” Oh yeah, that old dude is his father. Remember this scene from the start of the first episode? REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Get in the robot, Shinji.” How can he get in the robot if he’s already inside it? IT’S GUNDAM TIME BABY. Wow, he sure came outta there fast. The delivery there was just perfect. : ) NEWTYPE MODE ACTIVATED. Wow, what a transformation sequence. Gundam is a big deal around these parts. “Okay, I’m done.” I’m… not exactly sure what gender that grey-haired person is supposed to be. That guy looks just like Char. Could that be “Full Frontal”? :-D Meanwhile, possible child abuse. HUNTER x HUNTER I fucking love Hisoka’s theme song. Aw yeah, we finally learning Hatsu! I love that little bar on the side listing all the different Nen user types. This is all very sensible, even if it’s hard to remember all the user types. Good question, Killua. Is that a mint leaf, or just a generic anime leaf? Alright, this is a pretty fun test. If I knew Nen, I wouldn’t mind trying it myself. TRAINING MONTAGE. Oh dear god naked Hisoka. : o And his face is looking pretty creepy too. Honey-flavored water. I’d try some. Zushi’s movements look like they’re trying to emulate what happens when you animate a character in CGI. Holy shit Gon. Congratulations, you just graduated from Nen Training School! And by extension, the secret second Hunter Exam. FUCK YES CARL YOU ARE THE BEST AQUA TEEN CHARACTER. That Netero. “Just try not to kill anyone out of frustration this time, okay?” I had a feeling Kurapika was gonna be taught Nen by that one guy. And that’s what Leorio’s doing. Hey, you’re all still rarities when it comes down to it, though. Dang, Gon vs. Hisoka looks to be one hype fight. Well this is more theatrical than I expected. Quick reminder: the flames accompanying Hisoka’s entrance are blue, and according to Blue Exorcist, blue flames are synonymous with Satan. Make of that what you will. Holy shit Hisoka if you weren’t a pedophile before you’re a pedophile now. Also, SCHWING! HIDEHIKO SAWADA SAKUGA SPOTTED. I agree with Cocco, that opening exchange was too awesome for words. ;D I love that his flipping of the platform tiles is considered a special move of his now. FACEPUNCHER. Now I know why people binge watch these shounen shows. I don’t wanna watch that movie, but I’m too impatient to wait for the Wikipedia page to update to know what’s so damn creepy and special about this wellness spa. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN This episode will have… sexy results~. And so begins the great search for Sasuke that will ultimately lead nowhere thanks to all this rain. “Welp, mission’s over, time to head home.” And then he just randomly passed o-whoops, maybe not. GAH MY SEXY HEADBAND. Hmm, so there were tears also. So what type of skeleton is that anyways? “I will restore the Uchiha Clan in my own way.” By having copious amounts of sex with Karin? :-D Oh hi Kisame. Guess you know the truth now too. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “Finally, the one guy I can jack it to.” So you’re a futa now? : Sasuke said it himself, Danzo and those other two elders are his main targets, anyone else who dies is just a statistic. “…and you four Taka don’t have the kind of strength to handle this kind of thing by yourselves.” And that’s why he’s joining up with them. Jugo just wants peace, he can’t afford to get angry now. Nice block, Madara. “From her on, Taka will work together with the Akatsuki, and we shall be known as the Takatsuki.” …Shit, that’s good. Yeah, Sasuke would rather hear this from Madara than from Karin. Let’s see, we already know they’ve got beasts one through three, and that the Nine-Tailed Fox isn’t one of them, so which ones are left? Anyone else find it interesting how Demarco stopped pushing his favorite animated music videos in the Naruto block after everyone hated on the Gucci Mane one? From my count, the Akatsuki’s lost five members already: Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara and Itachi. Sweet, the Taka now get honorary Akatsuki robes. Did somebody say BULLHORN? Karin is so wet right now, wetter than Suigetsu normally is. Jugo, you’re great. Sweet landscape they’ve got down here. “Oh, my sight… Like, too bright…” BULLHORN INDEED. Not one minute in and I already love this guy. :D Oh my god when did the Year of the Sauce get so hilariously awesome? “What is this guy?” Your new favorite Naruto character, foo. O0 Shut up and respect the Bullhorn. I have a feeling this fight is gonna be awesome. …So what were the sexy results in this episode again? Hell, where were they, even!? I didn’t hear any dialogue, I didn’t see any nudity, there weren’t any profanities worse than “dammit”… Why the hell would the people rating this episode just straight-up lie like that!? I’m disappointed in you, Turner S&P, more disappoint than I was when you gave every single Akame ga KILL! episode a TV-MA straight. Shut the fuck up, you hunks of furniture. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Kuma. As hard to listen to as this screaming is, at least it’s not half as bad as TO THE SEA. Turns out they freaked out all for nothing. Chopper’s QUALITY face. What the hell happened to the exclamation point in the episode title? Little buddy? ??? That one guy in the background looks like a smaller human version of Moria. Oh shit Zoro’s getting serious now. Shut the fuck up Kuma. Okay that flattery was both jarring and kinda amusing. Nice to see Robin and Brook stayed silent, and Lola have a problem with it. Zoro, you are so awesome. HE’S FAST! Control your Hamon breathing, Zoro! Okay, wearing fursuits is one thing, but having paw pads on your human hands is just ridiculous dedication for a furry. DEFLECTED. Told y’all Devil Fruit powers were behind this sorcery. Hey, can’t be any more ridiculous than a gun becoming a dog, or a sword becoming an elephant. Oh, so that’s where that thought of Robin’s came from. Hey, paws are serious business. Just look at that chest wound. DEVIL FRUIT POWERS ARE BULLSHIT. “…and it creates a shockwave that can pierce through anything.” Except for human flesh, apparently. So soft… Is there any way this guy can be beaten? ‘Cause it’s looking pretty impossible right now. KUMA, RIGHT BEHIND YOU. Thank you for the save, Sanji. You idiots do realize that the louder you celebrate, the less likely it is that his attack’s gonna work? Just as I expected, it’s a Charley Horse. And of course Usopp’s too scared to even so much as run. All of this shit going down, and Luffy’s still unconscious. Back when I first saw Ubermansion, Black Saturn and American Ranger were the only names I couldn’t remember. Probably because Cooch and Brad had better introductions in that promo video. Ah screw you Kuma. …The hell is he even doing now? Calling on the power of Goda? Or maybe he’s calling upon the power of that thing. All we can do now… is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE! Well said, Brook. Now that’s an ultimatum if I’ve ever heard one. Heh, Brook’s jaw returned to normal. :-D And why the hell is Franky smirking? GRATUITOUS SHOT OF ROBIN FROM THE BACK. Seriously, why the smirk, Franky? And yet he says “NEVER!” while Robin keeps her mouth shut. Curious… IT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN. That montage of reaction faces. It’s like they stole them directly from the manga. NOOOOOOOOOO EVERYBODY. Even if this doesn’t kill them, it’ll definitely sink Thriller Bark. [and apparently it did]
  14. Untrue, he likes Kuromukuro. [more than neo voltron anyways]
  15. Here's my light novel title for an untitled project I have in the works: I Tried to Summon a Powerful Demon to Kill My Yakuza Overlord Boss and Summoned a Succubus Harem Instead!? [animated by david production]
  16. Still no reason to cyberbully the guy into suicide, especially considering he's gone mad on the old boards more times than I can count.
  17. How are you still even allowed on this message board? ???
  18. Eh, seems more like a dance club with female entertainment for extra show than a straight-up strip joint.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Otokotsuki was from GT, right?
  20. Hence why it wasn't surprising at all when Hoods Entertainment was commissioned to animate the adaptation.
  21. Having gone through a decent amount of trouble to come this far, Joseph Joestar is finally face to face with Santana Sanviento the Pillar Man. As steel-faced and uninterested as he may appear, this foe is a remarkable one, dangerous enough to scare even the German military who brought him back into the world. Will Joseph be able to find a way through Sanviento's strange abilities as a lifeform beyond human, and on top of that come out victorious? Smart money says no, but stranger things have happened. In other happenings, the God of Destruction Beerus and his attendant Whis travel across the universe in search of the Super Saiyan God from the former's dreams, I have no idea what's going on in Kai because the Wikipedia descriptions are handled by literal monkeys, Side 4 finds themselves involved in the surprise confrontation between the Sleeves and Londo Bell, the Heaven's Arena arc nears its close as Gon and Hisoka finally have their fated match, Sasuke's new goal of destroying the Leaf Village is sidetracked by a request from Madara to capture the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki in the Land of Lightning, the Straw Hats have to deal with Tyrant Kuma and his Devil Fruit powers before they can properly celebrate defeating Moria, and Saitama faces off with the denominator of the universe himself, Lord Boros. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #3 - Where Does the Dream Pick Up? Find the Super Saiyan God! - TV-PGLS (!) ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #3 - Where Does the Dream Pick Up? Find the Super Saiyan God! - TV-PGLS 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #101 - Videl's Crisis? Gohan's Urgent Call-Out! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #13 - JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeform - TV-MAV (broadcast and personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #3 - They Called It Gundam - TV-14V 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #35 - The True Pass - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #142 - Battle of Unraikyo - TV-14DLSV (!!) 2:30 - One Piece #376 - It Repels Everything! Kuma's Paw-Paw Power - TV-PGLV 3:00 - One Punch Man #11 - The Dominator of the Universe - TV-14LV [ok]
  22. Infinite Stratos 2 11 Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 5
  23. Rewatchd Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 4
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