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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. DxD and Garo. My ideal 2AM-hour replacements right there.
  2. If they were removing a show (which I doubt), it looks like it'd be One Piece over anything else, since the episode that airs the week before the blank schedule is the last episode before the Sabaody Archipelago arc, a.k.a. the beginning of the adaptation's pacing issues, a.k.a. three episodes past the perfect point to remove the series were it necessary according to myself and Jman, but just as good as the three episodes after Thriller Bark are for the most part filler.
  3. When you think of Yorknew (it's just one word) as the arc as opposed to its namesake city, it kinda works.
  4. In their pursuit of the Super Aja separated from them by Esidisi, Joseph, Lisa Lisa, Caesar and Messina have headed to Saint Moritz in Switzerland to get it back. On their way there, a group of German soldiers retrieved the Red Stone for their own purposes, and agreed to an alliance with our quartet of heroes to keep the Pillar Men from getting their hands on it. However, upon their arrival in the Swiss resort town, the Pillar Man known as Kars finally makes his move. As far as we know, only one man can stop him. Or rather, one machine... Before I start bragging about the wonders of German science, Goku brings out the Dragon Balls to wish Beerus up a Super Saiyan God, Goten and Trunks show off their skill sets in the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division, Banagher and Daguza arrive at the supposed location of Laplace's Box, Gon and Killua finally make landing in Yorknew City but they aren't the only ones anticipating the grand auction, Naruto and Utakata return to Mount Katsuragi to find out how to remove the jutsu seal on Hotaru's back, the bane of Angel's existence returns to once again throw her into her own personal hell (but on the bright side, Porche!), and the Major passes up the chance to lez out with her friends in favor of Section 9's newest task: investigating the police's suspect in the Laughing Man case. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #9 - Thanks for Waiting, Lord Beerus! A Super Saiyan God is Born at Last! - TV-PG ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #9 - Thanks for Waiting, Lord Beerus! A Super Saiyan God is Born at Last! - TV-PG 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #107 - Everyone is Surprised! Goten and Trunks' Super Battle! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #19 - A Race to the Brink - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #9 - Retribution - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #41 - Gathering of Heroes - TV-PGL 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #148 - Heir to Darkness - TV-PG 2:30 - One Piece #382 - The Slow-Slow Menace! "Silver Fox" Foxy Returns - TV-PGL 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #5 - DECOY - TV-14LS Now, I know what you're thinking. "Man, more Naruto filler? Hasn't Ghost in the Shell been run into the ground by now? WHY THE HELL IS FOXY ON MY TV SCREEN!?" Well, if you have Turner Classic Movies, try switching over to it for two hours. Believe it or not, they're actually airing a legitimate anime tonight! Granted, it's from 1973, super-experimental, and nearly bankrupted one of Osamu Tezuka's anime studios, but hey, it's kid-unfriendly anime on basic cable. Might as well live it up before it disappears like Chiller Ani-Wednesdays. 2:15 - Belladonna of Sadness - TV-MA
  5. Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 7 Please Teacher! 1 TFS Plays DB Xenoverse 40 [fuck tien's z-soul!]
  6. I think it's the combination of this not technically being the ASMB and Demarco's questionable decision-making and Ben-level wankery that's done it.
  7. It's been so long since I've seen Bleach I've forgotten what its narrator sounds like. But still, I can totally see it now.
  8. He only likes it because it falls into the same "HERPADERP THIS MENIAL TASK WAS THE FOCUS OF THE EPISODE SO I'M GONNA ACT LIKE IT'S WHAT THE WHOLE EPISODE WAS ABOUT" mindset that he views HxH with.
  9. Welp, one week has passed. It's time to deliver. Episode 32: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute. The final episode of Oreimo takes place on the day of Kyosuke's high school graduation, where he bids farewell to the rest of the Gaming Research Club. The two big guys aren't there, for whatever reason, but we do get some closure for the members that really matter. Gennosuke's main life goal is to establish a video game company that will produce all different kinds of games, with hopes that the other members apply for jobs there when it opens for business; Makabe and Sena are now a couple, which is nice considering the former's initial fear of her yaoi fantasies and the number of girls who are attracted to Kyosuke already; and Mikagami... well, let's just say that Makabe will never forgive him for that one time he shaved a couple cup sizes off one of his bustier figurines. After the graduation ceremony, Kyosuke bids farewell to his general education alma mater, meets up with Kirino who was waiting outside for him this whole time, and go to the park to tie up one last loose end: Kirino's fight with Manami. Kyosuke, like myself a while back, thinks that by that they mean they'll talk out their differences and try to come to a greater understanding. But, as teenage girls gotta be teenage girls, the "fight" turns out a little more literal than that. Sure, the whole thing does start out vocal, but the moment Manami delivers a surprise sucker-punch to Kirino's gut, it turns out into an all-out catfight. Yep, to the point of hair-pulling, glasses-shattering, and Kyosuke stupidly trying to stop it which gets him two fists to the face. Now that the general characteristics of the fight are out of the way, Kirino and Manami's little argument focuses on one thing squarely: the stealth love triangle between Kyosuke and them both. Kirino loves Kyosuke, Kyosuke loves Kirino, Manami also loves Kyosuke, Manami is disgusted by Kirino's incestuous affections for Kyosuke and vice versa... You get the idea. Being the obligatory vocally anti-incest character, Manami's feelings on the matter are particularly strong. According to her, both at the logical and social level, two siblings related by blood can't possibly get married, let alone be in a relationship with one another. Therefore, she wants them to remain regular siblings, something she's wanted and practically enforced ever since they were young. Not to mention if they'll keep it up as they get older, and how those close to them will react to the relationship. (Note that this is all under the assumption that they're very public about it; which I wouldn't deny, after that little stunt with the recorded confession.) But regardless of her points against the incest ending, Kyosuke proclaims that none of that is gonna change the fact that he loves Kirino, that her obvious but just-now-confirmed feelings for him will be returned all the same; he even begs her to keep their relationship a secret from their folks. Though she still dislikes it - slapping Kyosuke to prove that point - Manami accepts and leaves them be, finally giving Kyosuke and Kirino the chance they need to get things done. And so, days later, they head to the church where Kirino did her modeling shoot in episode 26, that Kyosuke managed to reserve for them using the mass amount of connections he developed over the course of the series. Dressed in the proper wedding attire, they go up to the altar, embrace, and then kiss. It's only after the deed is done that the curtain drops and the illusion shatters. Given the scant spoilers I read surrounding this "facade", I was expecting the OVA finale to be some daydream sequence, even a regular dream sequence. But Oreimo did one better and let everything that happened happen, only providing some clarification to make the extremely hopeful feel just a little gypped. As much as they've come to accept their attraction to one another, Kyosuke and Kirino are still only human, and know how socially unacceptable incest is. As such, they came to an agreement that they would be lovers for a limited time period, which would end once he graduated high school and she graduated middle school. And so, after their graduations, her spat with Manami, and a faux-wedding in an empty church for closure purposes, they return to being normal siblings, just with the acknowledgement of where their true affections lie. Though, while on their way to greet a new member of Saori's little "Otaku Girls" gathering circle, Kyosuke finally takes advantage of the "any one request" agreement and kisses Kirino on the cheek affectionately, so there's still hope that they'll get to enjoy the private benefits of incest for those of you into that sort of thing. ::]:: So yeah, not gonna lie; enjoyed the finale. Not to the same level as I did episodes 18 and 29, but hey, when you've come to accept a show like Oreimo as deep as I have, it's only expected that you won't find a problem with it. After all, 2D incest always trumps the 3D equivalent, even if you hate the whole concept of incest to begin with. RATED: TV-14D WHY? As with the last episode, the main 14 set for the grand finale of the Oreimo animated franchise was the incestuous themes, from the kiss that riled up 4chan to Kyosuke's exclamation of "Incest for the win!". If not for that and the other dialogue indicator - Makabe complaining about Mikagami ruining his figurine and calling him a "little girl lover", alongside his exclamation of loving big boobs - this would've gotten a TV-PGDLV. The L for Kirino using the phrase "pissing me off", and the V for her fistfight with Manami. Hell, even Kyosuke got a bit of a bloody nose from being punched from both sides at once; if any episode deserved a violence subrating at any level, this was it. Also, there were four "eroge" mentions. SCREENCAPS: For act 1, Kyosuke and Manami taking the long road to school, and for act 2, my personal nickname for the final boss battle: The Love Triangle. Final thoughts to come later this week. [why does the site always crash when i put effort into a writeup?]
  10. Yes, I know, but my other pick is one that 1. has no dub, and 2. would be a ratings sink even if it was. But, under the assumption that the "one step at a time" approach won't work, yours is good too. [the other pick is reideen]
  11. High School DxD and s-CRY-ed, back to back. That is all.
  12. Eh, it's more relevant to this thread than the dream I had last weekend about President Trump buying me Asian hookers.
  13. Between all the good things I've heard about it and how surprisingly attractive Princess Marco is, I kinda wanna start watching Star Vs. now.
  14. I might be the only person to vouch for the Naruto adaptation being better, and even then it's only on the merits of technical direction for a handful of their episodes. [toshiyuki tsuru forever]
  15. Well that sucks. But the Internet is TFS's home, so it's only natural that it stay there. Besides, as disappointing as the alternative was in the heat of things, combining the original DBZ version of the Cell Games reenactment with the Kai-dubbed commentary makes for an interesting experience.
  16. March Comes In Like a Lion #14: Blinding Darkness / Just a Little Water
  17. March Comes in Like a Lion 14
  18. When has anyone ever made that comparison? I've been seeing Goku get compared to Homer more often than Peter. As for my personal opinion, I've liked it for what it was, though Beerus could be a little less dickish.
  19. But Cille's a chick.
  20. He thought he was buying Penguindrum.
  21. Well, I know what I'm rewatching next Saturday.
  22. Just because I gave up responding to your failure to acknowledge me spelling it out to you, it doesn't automatically mean that you "win".
  23. True, that's also rather extreme, but when he only does it when someone else brings it up, and when the so-called "fun-poking" sounds more malicious than the term claims it is... It's actually kinda hard to figure who's more in the wrong between the two of you.
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