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Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Episode 15 of JoJo aired three years after episode 144 of Shippuden, but the Battle Tendency manga came out decades before this filler arc. So yeah, it’s safe to say that it’s a ripoff. Alright, who’s playin’ the Colonel this time? DRAGONBALL SUPER I had a feeling Goku would mistake Whis for Beerus. Oh good, Gregory can still talk. But wasn’t the Kai planet always tiny? Homemade brownies? Tell me, are they the special kind? I’m loving how much fun the dub crew is having with this. :-D Goku’s stilted polite voice is great. That bastard Freeza. “Just so long as nothing there annoys me.” Then you’d better stay away from Buu, then. And according to 4chan, he soiled the hot springs too. True, Goku is a fool, but not this time. Exactly. “I swear you have brain damage.” Well he did fall on his head as a child. QUALITY TIME! Well, Frieza did technically survive Goku’s wrath and was only finally killed by Trunks. When it comes to fighting, Goku is the cleverest. Still don’t know what the visible difference between SS1 and SS2 is. King Kai actually looks kinda adorable when he’s all scared and worried. The fuck happened to your voice Goku. I’m currently working my way through Samurai Jack as prep for the new season. (Just watched “Jack vs. Mad Jack” yesterday.) My hype for the new season, like Broly’s power level, is pretty big. Beerus makes a very good point. Whis is the greatest and if you don’t love him you are factually wrong. Nope, not even a scratch. Oh man, he even thinks to himself in that guttural growl. Poor Kai planet. :-\ Remember that one time I innocently referred to finger-flicking someone’s face as face-fingering? Well, whatever the proper term is, Beerus is clearly a master at it. Also, HE FREAKING SHUT OFF SUPER SAIYAN 3. Meanwhile, Vegeta made it after all. “Let’s go see Yamcha.” > I love you Vegeta. No way, Vegeta knows King Kai? NO VEGETA-ING. Oh yeah, fusions are a thing now. “Is that a level I can reach if I train hard enough?” No, that’s Super Saiyan 4. “I have to find a way to stand up to this guy!” Well you’re standing, that’s a decent start. TOP BILLING: King Kai. Holy shit they did a Toonami-themed [adult swim] bump. They really do care. DRAGONBALL Z KAI In Japan, the whole Great Saiyaman arc lasted only one episode. I think the International version did one better with proper pacing. Now that’s a mouthful of a title. Crab. OH MY GOMIKAI KRILLIN HAS HAIR. And he got married to 18. Good for him Even after 7 years, Gohan is still one of the many people pwning Krillin. Oh hey, Dende got taller. And also a slightly deeper voice. I love the birds in this show, whether it’s those two chicks grooving out in the nest on Gohan’s head or that owl with the sweet-ass Team One Star cap. Am I the only one who thinks Chi-Chi’s words don’t really match her expressions all that much? Because it’s weird. And this scene needs more sound effects. That poor owl. :-D It’s a river of stars. Oh hey, another dinosaur. And this one’s pink this time! I wouldn’t really call stag beetles “adorable”. Maybe because it’s purple. Goten, put down that dinosaur and take this lesson seriously! How many times do I have to tell you Goten, dinosaurs aren’t the same as lizards! Heh, that small dinosaur from before is watching them. [insert Goten fading from existence here] Holy shit Goten you a strong one. Piccolo should be proud that Gohan can dodge so well now. Yeah, Super Saiyan takes a lot of triggers to activate. Dead Krillin, dead Gohan, easily dodgeable Super Saiyan blast, whining about wanting to be one, or realizing how stupid Episode of Bardock is. All perfectly fine triggers. But noooooooooooo… Well said Vegeta, what the fuck Beerus, goddammit Yamcha, and surprise Keanu Reeves! Guess Super Saiyan is just in Goten’s genetics. ANGRY CAT STYLE! Dammit Chi-Chi Goku doesn’t have a grave, if he’s rolling around somewhere it’s up in Otherworld. And then she had flashbacks to the time Gohan went Super Saiyan. We flying lessons now? SATANCOPTER SIGHTED. I have a feeling Videl will figure out Gohan is the Golden Warrior too, once she sees his hair. Oh, Goten. What happened to you in Super? RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING. In which Chi-Chi meets Gohan’s future wife. Chi-Chi vs. Videl. > Out of the mouths of babes. “I’m not trying to marry your son, I don’t even wanna date him, alright!? It’s never gonna happen, so can it!” Says his future wife. : Talk about a pair of broken records. TOP BILLING: Gohan. Gross lewdity is the best criminal offense. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: Caesar showing off his sweet pectorals. BOMBARDMENT! > And then tiny tornadoes. I’ll leave it to you guys to guess which one’s the Big Bad. “OW MY SEXY FACE!” Hamon was a tribe? And there’s the source of the best chain letter ever. They were also laughing because Caesar is showing empathy for a German army soldier. Probably not a Nazi, but still probably racist to some race of peoples. Huh, didn’t even notice the foreshadowing there. Those throat-clearing noises. MMMMMBALLS! “OHHH NOOO!” And the subbies claim that none of the Engrish translated over well at all. Don’t you mean next Saturday? Now here’s some real foreshadowing: FOUR BALLS! A COUPLE OF SENTENCES Speedwagon (internal monologue): “It would be comical if it weren’t so tragic…” Joseph (external dialogue): “Why isn’t anyone taking my little metal balls seriously!?” Me (written comment): “Yeahhhhhh no it’s pretty comical too.” I fucking love dub Joseph. Speaking of lines lost in translation… One anime minute. Alright, that’s actually a pretty badass line. FUCK YEAH BOOMERANG BALLS. ORA ORA ORA. I actually prefer this anti-smoking advert to that stupid and creepy one where the people have USB ports for mouths. Seriously, what the fucking fuck? SCREENCAP #2: A brief snippet of Joseph vs. Wamuu. Senketsu is best narrator. Did somebody say Maelstrom? Yes, save Speedwagon before anything else. FUCK YOU WAMUU. Yeah, as if Joseph would die that easily. : Yes, think about Speedwagon! Even Senketsu is surprised his gall! Time for a 1930s-era cartoon mine cart ride! He could tell what he was planning from the very beginning. Dang, Wamuu, that’s impressive. Boy oh boy, things are getting mighty interesting now. “Pride is his Achilles heel!” And ironically, he was the strongest homunculus. Eating dynamite? Hardcore. Wamuu’s ring, I can understand, but Esidisi’s was just a dick move. Meanwhile, Kars just doesn’t give a crap. I find it kind of unsettling that Esidisi just evilly laughs as he departs. Ha ha! Mormons. TWENTY-FOUR BEFORE MY LOVE AND I’LL BE THEEEEEEEEERE. Guest animated by one of the two studios who ruined the last three episodes of Hellsing Ultimate. THIS WEEK IN MARVEL VS. DC MOVIE EDITION: The former has a live-action adaptation of the X-Men franchise’s bad end, while the latter has Batman team up with Constantine to kick the Devil’s ass. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 Thank god for these recaps at the beginning of every episode. Between Speedwagon, Hisoka and Full Frontal, I’m starting to think Keith Silverstein is my new favorite voice actor. The fact that he can supposedly perfectly replicate Steve Blum and Crispin Freeman’s voices makes him all the more worthy. I DEMAND ONE MILLION HELICOPTERS AND A DOLLAR. I respect the amount of guts Audrey/Mineva has. Perfect timing there, Banagher. REPLY TO ANGEL: “You knew her for like twenty minutes, calm your tits boy.” No way, he knew her for longer than that. Not sure how longer, but definitely over an hour overall. I can understand why Angel and Buu aren’t commenting as much on this show as they do on the others: they’re too busy trying to make sense of what’s going on. Such is the bane of watching Gundam. Don’t know who that guy is, so his death means nothing to me. That use of “bastard”, however, does. I’m slowly starting to get the point of pilot suits. Slowly but surely. All these Sonic dogs make me jealous that I can’t eat any of them with my food sensitivities. Hey, all the more reason for me to recreate them at home. WE AMURO VS. CHAR NOW. I forgot how fruity Dean Venture’s mobile suit looks. THUNDERTHIGHS ACTIVATED. An I-Field? Is that anything like an AT Field? That Gundam transformation sequence is never not breathtaking. “So we battle again, Gundam.” What are you talking about? This is the first time you two have fought. SURPRISE MARIDA. Was that vomit or just saliva? Audrey’s getting the fuck outta here. La-plus. Get it? SIEG ZEON! SIEG ZEON! Wow, Audrey just gives no fucks, has she? I heard “in turn” as “intern”. It’s probably just the fact that Atelier Musa handles the backgrounds for both shows, but that mansion in the background is giving me DxD vibes. Riddhe is the true blonde Sasuke. “There’s… activity around the ship.” Who the fuck cares about Commander Norm? This hallway’s giving me DxD vibes too. The more I see these, the more I keep expecting bare breasts to just randomly show up. “Char Aznable.” Yes, that’s who he looks like. The Fifty Shades Darker Collection: all of the BDSM fun with none of the creepy safeword neglect. Only at Columbus’s least seedy adult toy store. HUNTER x HUNTER Ah, Whale Island. Nice to see it again. Why is it only now that I realized Gon’s house is near the edge of a cliff? What a heartwarming reunion. owo Oh yeah, and Killua’s here too. Mito is a master of plate fu. And so the shota-shipping begins… DINNER AT GON’S: Meatballs on a bed of lettuce, salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, and some type of mashed potato mix with carrots, onion and parsley, and what appears to be Twinkies but are most likely rolled omelets. Of course Killua would be the kind to eat before saying grace. How American of him. Oh, there’s also fish, bread, creamed corn and PANCAKES. DINNER MONTAGE. She’s lucky the license is flexible. ISLAND EXPLORATION TIME! Oh hey, I remember that giant tree from the first episode. Aww, look at all the woodland critters. I really hope they aren’t Satanists… Wait, I forget, when exactly did Gon figure out that his dad was in Yorknew City? Or is that just an assumption he’s making based on the fact that he and Killua are gonna meet up with Kurapika and Leorio there later on? And now for Killua to gripe about his family. I kinda wanna know more about this other girl. Gon/Killua is clearly this series’ OTP. It’s times like this that I remember that Mito’s just his aunt. Oh man that’s pretty terrible. Wait, so does that mean it wouldn’t be wrong for me to call Mito a MILF? Yes, we know, Killua’s mom is ridiculous. WHAT’S IN THE BOX? Ooh, exposition about Gon’s father? Wait, if Ging is your cousin, then you aren’t really Gon’s aunt. You’re his first cousin once-removed. No time to talk, too busy drinking it all in. And I don’t even have a blender! He was “still a baby”, and yet he had a full head of hair and clothes his size. That’s… kinda misleading. Yeah, I can imagine why they were separated. I love this great-grandmother. [continues drinking in the exposition] Aaaaaaand Killua’s still asleep. Cute birds. Personally, I’d try whacking the box a few times. Clearly the answer is to try using Nen! Gon, you precious idiot. Inside the box… is a smaller box! Turns out Gon was only half-right. And inside the smaller box…. are a wedding ring of death, an 8-track, and a data chip containing 12 terabytes of porn. But of what genre? Fuck yeah ancient tape players. So that’s what Ging sounds like. I don’t recognize it. Luckily, the credits should tell me who did the voice. GING’S VOICE ACTOR: Marc Diraison. Still haven’t learned to place his voice yet. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Blow those bubbles all you want, girl, you’ll never get on Caesar’s level doing it that way. Oh crap it’s Dean Venture again. I don’t know why but I love anime birds. And there’s Vic Mignogna, sounding slightly more douchey than he normally does! What the hell is that thing on Dean Venture’s chest? “A loose mouth reveals an empty brain.” Interesting choice of words. And what is it with Naruto filler and effeminate-looking enemies? Clearly this old man has a death wish. I assume this filler arc started the night before Taka’s confrontation with Killer Bee. IT’S RAINING SLUG! Shino always gets the short end of the stick in this show. And he knows it. An old film-style filler flashback with decent animation? Now that, I can get behind. [DRACONIAN METHOD INTENSIFIES] But seriously, Naruto’s just curious as to why Kakashi’s not coming along with them. Yep, that old man’s dead. Mt. Katsuragi looks rather columnar for a mountain. I unironically enjoy it whenever Naruto is smarter than usual, even by just a little. In the DBZ-verse, Florida has shrunk to micropenis size thanks to global warming. I missed creepy Yamato. And Naruto’s not too bad at the scary-face-and-speech-pattern thing either. Took me a second to realize those were ink rats. So does that mean Sakura’s gonna sit out of the rest of the arc? GOOD. Oh, so he can do the bubble thing too. Huh, her hair’s much blonder than I expected it to be. And his browner. DIRTY BUBBLE NO JUTSU. Yeah, chakra bubbles are a bitch, even moreso than Hamon bubbles. How sad that it isn’t nearly as cool. To be fair, she would’ve been caught in the crossfire of those weird tentacle things had you not stepped in out of self-defense. So you did save her, just not on purpose. AND IN COMES NARUTO. “I don’t know who you are, but you remind me of Sasuke, and that makes me angry!” Girl, you delusional. He always completes his missions, even when they’re humiliating D-rank missions. Okay, that’s a pretty sweet exit. I’m now confident that she wants his dick regardless. ”If your teacher’s being bullied, tell him to grow a pair.” A better alternative to being laughed at by the police, I’ll give you that much. Also, after-school spankings FTW. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Brook. Of course Hogback and Absalom would escape with Moria. Yes, I know the article about Ace is important and that it’s terrible that he’s going to be executed, but check out Iceberg’s help wanted ad on the back! :-D Did somebody say Maelstrom? (I feel like we’ve been here before…) One collective 24-hour coma later… What about that salted fish from earlier? Surely it’s still around. Thank you very much, Perona, wherever Kuma transported you to. Nami sure does love her treasure. : Aww, how generous of you, Namizo. Usopp likes the knife. Lola is the best ugly chick in this whole show (thus far). Okay I think I’m starting to genuinely enjoy One Piece again. Enjoying the sun’s rays so much, you start getting off on them. Meanwhile, Chopper just finished removing most of Zoro’s colon. So Zoro’s little one-on-one time with the pain monster had witnesses, huh? Even Sanji can’t believe how crazy Kuma’s powers are. ONE DOZEN CIRCULAR SAWS. True, it was extremely moving. Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all… I missed Funi’s subtitles. Clever Robin. Okay, that cover-up was pretty damn sweet. O0 AFTERPARTY TIME. SKULL JOKE! Brook is the best living skeleton. Sometimes, you just don’t need booze to have fun. A taco shell made of fried chicken. This truly is the best worst timeline. Meat’s only medicine when Luffy eats it. Maybe the same thing applies to Zoro with booze? Brook’s playing Old West saloon music on that sweet-ass piano. BROOK IS THE BEST MUSICIAN. Geez, how many witnesses to Zoro’s show of gusto were there, even? Requests start after this one ditty! Oh hey, I recognize this song! Of course Robin would know that song. I will never understand what’s so funny about that “chopsticks up the nose” gag. It just comes off as disgusting, even if it is One Piece. Even Luffy recognizes it! Okay so that does mean Brook will join up with the Straw Hats. Sort of. :-\ Laboon: proof that 4Kids did this series absolutely zero justice. Let the tears flow free, even if they logically shouldn’t. I sense a tragic, or at the very least moving, backstory coming… Huh, so that’s what Brook looked like when he was still alive. WE GRAND LINE SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA NOW. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX SAC is one of those shows that I’ve almost always seen out of order. The first time I tried to watch the first season in order – back when Toonami first returned in 2012 – it was taken off after episode 19. (Easily the biggest crime committed by GXP. ) But yeah, feels good to watch this episode again, even moreso knowing what’s actually going on. By the way, I still have a VHS recording of the show’s 2004 premiere hidden away somewhere in my house. Part of the reason this show means so much. Well, that and it partly inspiring the setting for NIBAI MUGENDAI. [still slacking on it] -
Naruto Shippuden Episode #144 Discussion
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Hell, you could even say it was cringe incarnate. More cringe than the fact that this is the start of a - thankfully 8-episode long - filler arc. -
Code MENT 1-16 [team death match!]
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I noticed, and I like it. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Ladies and gentlemen: we have a teaser. The Pillar Men have awoken from their 2,000 year-long slumber, and already they have wreaked havoc upon multiple German army soldiers, one of which was a good friend of Caesar's. Their nonchalant and effortless elimination of the young man throws Caesar into a vengeful frenzy, in which he realizes first-hand how strong even one of these Pillar Men is in comparison to Sanviento. Will Caesar be able to overpower the strange abilities of the Pillar Man known as Wamuu? And better yet, at what point will Joseph enter the fray himself? Regardless of when, Goku attempts to engage Lord Beerus in a non-threatening manner, while training for the World Martial Arts Tournament Gohan learns just how strong his little brother is, Banagher engages Full Frontal (hee) in what I assume is a recreation of the first Amuro vs. Char fight, Gon returns home to Whale Island with Killua in tow, to counterbalance the awesomeness of Killer Bee's debut episodes Shippuden enters yet another filler arc which is only 8 episodes this time, with Moria defeated and Kuma off the island it's finally time for the Straw Hats to have their Thriller Bark victory party, and Public Security Section 9 returns to Toonami in HD format, most likely to tell Scarlett Johansson "up yours". 8:00 - Dragonball Super #5 - Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer! - TV-PGL ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #5 - Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer! - TV-PGL 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #103 - Entering the World Martial Arts Tournament! Goten Shows Off His Explosive Power During Training! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #15 - A Hero's Proof - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #5 - Clash With the Red Comet - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #37 - Ging and Gon - TV-PG 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #144 - Wanderer - TV-PGV 2:30 - One Piece #378 - The Promise From a Distant Day! The Pirates' Song and a Small Whale - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #1 - SECTION 9 - TV-14SV (?) -
Dragon Ball Super Episode 3 Discussion
PokeNirvash replied to Meilag32's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he was always supposed to be voiced by Kent Williams. -
A General Thread for Content Rating Aficionados
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Anime & Manga
Another pseudo-quickie this time. March Comes in Like a Lion #12 - What Lies on the Opposite Shore / Black River -
March Comes in Like a Lion 12
Episode 30: I Can't Confess to Her [deep breath] Well, here we are. Oreimo's infamous three-episode home stretch. I can't say I'm enraged by the opening chapter, but I can see why others would be and in some places, I actually feel for them. The greatest feels coming from the first thing Kyosuke does after turning down Ayase: turning down Kuroneko. I'll admit, that whole sequence was inevitable but heartbreaking regardless. Sure, Kuroneko may have ended the relationship between her and Kyosuke first, but it's not like they were gonna stay apart for long. She kept in touch, made a deal of her and Kyosuke still being bound to one another after the breakup more than once, even teased the possibility of getting back with him. So of course she'd be heartbroken when Kyosuke traveled all away to her apartment building just to tell her that his heart belongs to someone else (more on that later) and that they can no longer go out. And let me tell you, that heartbreak was a real roller coaster. At first, I was expecting her to get angry, but was surprised when she brushed it off in her usual otaku personality way. But then she tore up her Destiny Record. And then she started crying. Ohh. To top it all off, she went back to otaku mode, renamed herself the Angel of Vengeance Yamineko, and replaced the "curse" that bound her and Kyosuke together with an even greater one tied to her immediately recent declaration to deny all love in the world. Yeah, not even I can brush something that heavy off with mere indifference. The new-content flashbacks to more cute moments between the two - a visit to the pool and the requisite one-feeding-the-other scene - didn't really help. AAAAAAnyways, a day or two after that little moment of turmoil, Kyosuke proceeds to ask Kirino if they could go out on another Christmas Eve date. Kirino refuses at first, but manages to come around once Kyosuke mentions the possibility of buying Christmas-themed eroge, plus an event at a store in Akiba where couples can get rare and exclusive goods also relating to the holiday. Eventually, they day comes and the date goes well. They go to their event at the Animart store - where they run into Akagi and Sena, the latter of whom Kirino actually knows because of course she does - and follow it up with a stop at a hotel room Kyosuke rented out so Kirino can play her eroge while the day's still young. After a failed attempt to get a bird's-eye view of Tokyo from the Sky Tree, they settle for watching it snow instead, which would be a nice cap-off to this completely innocuous outing. However, Kyosuke has other plans. Plans that Kirino sees coming from a mile away that prompt her to activate the Joestar Kousaka Secret Technique: run the hell away. Kyosuke fails to catch up with her on foot but, thanks to some help from Kuroneko and Saori - who were successfully spying on the Kousaka's date from a Siscalypse-themed itasha driven by Saori's sister (remember her?) - he manages to catch up to her and do the one thing that effectively ruined the series for many expecting something a little more... mundane and reasonable. He confesses his love for Kirino. I'll admit, there's a lot to this scene worth mentioning beyond the question of "what brought these feelings on?" There's the fact that Kyosuke prepared for Kirino to react negatively to it in all possible (non-violent) manners, but went through with it anyways. There's the fact that he realized he fucked up by turning down Ayase and Kuroneko, but decided Kirino was the one he truly loved. There's Kuroneko taking advantage of the stereo system in Saori's car to play a recording she surreptitiously took of Kyosuke confessing his love to Kirino to her, and Kyosuke deciding to roll with it after the initial shock of hearing his own voice. There's the fact that everyone around to hear it can only stand and watch in awe at the scene as it plays out, either nonchalant towards the incest or too distracted by Kyosuke's passionate exclamations to bring it up. And there's Kirino angrily telling Kyosuke he hates him so much, and in the moment she gives Kyosuke the chance to speak again, the clarity her venting granted her making her realize how much Kyosuke cares, and reminding her of how she used to adore him to the point of borderline affection before his laziness and Manami's bitchery brought on her current viewpoint of him. Which is, at least what I believe, the reason why she says "yes" to Kyosuke's passionate, some would say off-the-wall marriage proposal. (By the way, Kuroneko mentioned spotting "that unmistakable brown hair", implying that Manami's somewhere in the vicinity, so I assume that'll be important later.) My prior knowledge of what was going to happen allowed me to suck it up in the face of this sudden reveal, and my tendency to fill plot holes with my own logic that some would (successfully) dispute is nothing more than non-canon allowed me to skip over lapses in logic like Kirino's sudden acceptance, and sudden ass pulls like the speakers blasting Kyosuke's confession in that one poor bystander's ear. I don't hate this episode. I don't even dislike it. But I can see why some would hate or dislike it. And surely, I'll see why they hate or dislike the last two also. To avoid controversy, this episode will not be up for scoring consideration. Besides, there's another rating of greater importance that I must share... RATED: TV-14D WHY? Should be obvious here. The incestuous tone of the whole plot point of Kyosuke confessing that he's love with Kirino pretty much sealed the deal, if Akagi and Sena buying homoge, Kirino mistaking a regular hotel for a love hotel, and the eleven times they said "eroge" weren't enough to justify the D. (There was also Kyosuke worrying that he'd never get to second base with anyone ever, but that came after the fact.) Biggest non-dialogue indicator this episode was some brief nudity on a couple of eroge posters in Akiba - one of which I recognized as Shin Koihime Musou - and Kyosuke saying "dammit" three times in under a minute. SCREENCAPS: For act 1, Kyosuke obtaining the Oreimo blush-face, and for act 2, whoops now he lost it. [check out that foreshadowing]
Oreimo 2 14
Definitely one of their weirder and more experimental episodes, which is saying a lot for Off the Air. The orange puppet video was the best of the bunch, though that's probably because it was the first Off the Air episode to explicitly mention BDSM. [and i'm just getting started]
- 2 replies
- off the air
- found footage
(and 1 more)
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Kuromukuro 9
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I dunno about Hunter (97% retention rate, man), but OP, I'm inclined to agree, if it didn't even make the top 100. Still, if Naruto had to gain from Hunter on any single night, this was it. Killer Bee pushing Sasuke's shit in is always a joy to watch. [and it was my first time watching it] -
Toonami's eventually going to get cancelled.
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I don't think that really counts as ASA. -
Toonami's eventually going to get cancelled.
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Bleach and maybe Kekkaishi, I'll give you, but Durarara!!, no. -
IP Banned from OKC on computer and cell phone
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Free-For-All
Dude, just call it OKCupid. Whenever you abbreviate it like that, all I can think of is Oklahoma City. -
Finale was awesome. April can't come soon enough. [?]
Toonami's eventually going to get cancelled.
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Actually, that was [adult swim] who aired Paranoia Agent. Anime Unleashed aired Gungrave, which is the reason why we got Paranoia Agent as part of the Champloo package deal instead. -
A General Thread for Content Rating Aficionados
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Anime & Manga
Excellent work, Blatch. You deserve this break. As for me, time to jump out of my break with a little something quick. March Comes in Like a Lion #11 - The Old Year / The New Year -
Toonami's eventually going to get cancelled.
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I'm certain the end of ASA was the week before Toonami came back, because when else would it have been? Besides the week before [as] banished Code Geass and Moribito to the graveyard slot and made most of the night all-comedy, much to the anger of Bandai and Media Blasters. -
Rewatched Kuromukuro 8.
Toonami's eventually going to get cancelled.
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]