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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. An ant that had climbed into a bottle of Pepsi and I didn't realize it until I drank it and found it to be very clingy to my tongue.
  2. I would listen to that man read a phone book.
  3. Tears in the rain
  4. Neither Blade Runner nor Akira came true. The future is bullshit.
  5. There sure isn't much boob in this thread. So at least here are some balloons for the party part.
  6. I mean, why wait though? Cleavage is always good.
  7. I would but I'm lazy.
  8. Cat is fully charged. Please unplug your cat.
  9. It's okay that you can't read today. I will still flirt with you. Ay gurl how YOU doin 😘❤
  10. 12:21am, 1/1/19.
  11. No, furries don't engage in bestiality. They just fuck while wearing wolf costumes.
  12. I also wish for this. Also to just see all the boobs.
  13. "The Great Yiffing Age began in 2014. Much like all transitional periods, the pieces were met with scorn in the beginning. However as time went by the works only gained in popularity, and even became mainstream in 2027 when Sanrio produced the film Hello Kitty Does Dallas."
  14. Cuddling puppies and going to bed by 10.
  15. Unions? In Kentucky? That shit won't fly around here.
  16. Here is a picture of what Santa brought me. I was on the naughty list.
  17. 7 AM Sharp, Shadow beckons me for food. She wants her breakfast.
  18. This is almost a haiku.
  19. I have, but it only works briefly but also I'm at work so it is frowned upon.
  20. I want it.
  21. Cuddling puppies and sleeping.
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