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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. They'll never tolerate teachers having OnlyFans accounts. They'll sooner get rid of education. Kids should be working and dying in meat packing plants and on farms, after all.
  2. And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly
  3. He was talking about her boobs. Also happy birthday!
  4. The war of brother against brother. Which makes StoneWaluigi Jackson a canon character. Peach has to be Confederate too, because Georgia. Which means Daisy is Union? The Civil War happened because Go-Karts hadn't been invented yet, is what I'm getting to.
  5. We already know, that's why Grampa Chong was so angry and stole his bandana after putting him in a temporary coma.
  6. My grandparents were Frank Dux and Chong Li.
  7. What time is the best time to schedule a dental appointment? Tooth-Hurty Why does a chicken coop have two doors? Because if it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan. Why do firefighters wear red suspenders? To keep their pants up.
  8. What do you call a black man who sells you drugs? A pharmacist. What do you call a gay man who flies a plane? A pilot.
  9. I usually don't have football opinions, because Lions fan. But goddamn did they throw the game at the end. Like, they literally stopped playing after the first half and it got me down because I had really built up hope they'd pull it out and go all the way. Better luck next year.
  10. Okay, so hear me out, as I just had this realization earlier. Detroit is technically two games away from winning it all. Being the ultimate underdog team and making a huge jump to become champions of the sport. This happened before, in 2016, when the Chicago Cubs finally broke the curse of the goat and won the World Series. That's the same year Donald Trump was elected to president. It's now 2024, and Donald Trump is running for president again. I'm afraid that if the Lions win it'll be another sports curse that was broken at the expense of putting Trump in office.
  11. I can't wait to see the trailers for the bad Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman slasher movies.
  12. Yesterday AND today. Working in the school system kicks ass.* *Does not apply to those in Florida or Texas
  13. Courtesy of DreamMoods.com Dream Dictionary -- Temple To see a temple in your dream represents inspiration, spiritual thinking, meditation and growth. It is also symbolic of your physical body and the attention you give it. Perhaps you need to pamper yourself. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking for a place of refuge and a place to keep things that are dear to you. Underground To dream of going or living underground indicates that you are trying to force certain thoughts and issues into your subconscious mind. You really need to confront and explore your unconscious. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are expressing a desire to go unnoticed or to lie low. To dream that you are riding in an underground railway signifies anxiety and distress arising from a peculiar situation. Scared To dream that you are scared indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt, incompetence, and lack of control in your waking life. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about a decision you have made. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life. Cold To dream that you are cold indicates that you are experiencing a breakthrough in some area in your life. Alternatively, you may be feeling isolated or emotionally restrained. Your sense of coldness could reflect your feelings about a lover or a certain person. The dream may also occur as a result of your immediate environment in which you are really feeling cold. To see the word cold in your dream suggests that you need to be more neutral or objective in your decision making. You need to remain emotionally detached. To dream that you touch something cold suggests that you should avoid that object or what that object represents in your waking life. Seems like the idea of how easily everyone else found this underground temple interesting while you were afraid implies that you're afraid to allow yourself comfort and sanctuary. People leaving you behind as they confront and conquer their subconscious thoughts while you back away from them, even though it would make you feel better if you confronted them.
  14. You'd have thought the fuckers would've learned from what happened to cable.
  15. Isn't Detroit making the playoffs one of the signs of the apocalypse? I welcome the end of humanity.
  16. Big spoon. Can't stir Kool-Aid with a little spoon, it doesn't reach to the bottom of the pitcher.
  17. Difficult one: join the gym down the street, lose 100 pounds by end of the year. Simple one: read at least one book each month, and write at least one short story or poem each month.
  18. Also, although it was short-lived, Big Show's Cobra Clutch Back Breaker was the shit.
  19. That was always my least favorite part of the five star frog splash. I liked how RVD decided to hit it straight in one of his last WWE appearances, bouncing off dude and standing up to do the thumb point, then remembering it was a match and going back for the pin.
  20. It is not a selfie, but instead it is cute fluffers cuddling.
  21. Having put nearly 300 hours into Persona 5 Royal on Switch, I have determined that it's a pretty good game. Except for the part after the interrogation where Akechi and Shido have a long ass expository conversation that literally makes no sense to have, except to explain the whole plot of the game up to that point. This is a very bad narrative point. Other than that, my only complaint is that I have not figured out how to optimize the time to max out all confidants in one playthrough, and also I'm stuck at 99% Personas registered, and I can't figure out which one it is that I'm missing. I've got all the maxed Confidant ones and all the treasure ones, and also Satanael. I just find it obnoxious that there's like one little minor douche canoe that's hiding somewhere and I can't find it.
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