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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I haven't watched the Netflix one. I like the nightmares from the 70s animation. Howl is amazing, but like you said the others just edge it out due to nostalgia.
  2. The funny thing is whenever I hear a Rush song that's not sung by Geddy Lee I want to hear Geddy Lee sing (unless it's Danny Sexbang).
  3. Top Five Hella Tragic/Bizarre Animated Films That'll Fuck With You for like Way Too Long The Plague Dogs Watership Down Unicorn Wars Felidae Waltz with Bashir Top Five Satoshi Kon Movies (Because the previous list would've just been these without separating them) Millenium Actress Perfect Blue Tokyo Godfathers Paprika Paranoia Agent (because it's not a movie but it's still fuckin' good) Top Five Ghiblis/Miyazakis The Wind Rises Porco Rosso Grave of the Fireflies Spirited Away Princess Mononoke
  4. I haven't in a long time, fortunately. One of my roommates is like ten times as white as I am so she's dinner.
  5. I haven't! It's on my shortlist. The Von Erichs have such a tragic story. At the same time I can't see myself knocking down my favorite Aronofsky movie.
  6. You bow to no one. And yeah, Lebowski is just one of those movies where it's better every single time. I'm going to Lebowskifest someday.
  7. Top Three Things that Shouldn't Be Allowed to Exist Bedbugs Mosquitos Parasitoid Wasps
  8. Top Five Prescription Medications I'm On Fluoxetine, 40mg (because anxiety is a bitch!) Allopurinol, 100mg Colchicine, .6mg Prednisone, 20mg (these three because gout is a bitch!) Contrave (because I'm a fat bitch!)
  9. Top Ten Movies The Big Lebowski Speed Racer The Godfather V for Vendetta Death to Smoochy The Wrestler Hellboy 2: The Golden Army Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers Return of the King
  10. I imagine it is incredibly difficult, but you are rocking it. Small children and skincare is a dangerous combination. (they like to add boogers)
  11. Happy to see those two got out to cast their vote.
  12. First of all how dare you keep being so unbelievably pretty.
  13. I have been thoroughly amused by the Mariah Carey Christmas commercials that come out on/right after Halloween.
  14. My brain has fully shifted to day shift. In the past few years I've been waking up between 6 and 7 without an alarm. Katana ensures this stays true, because she demands breakfast during that time frame. Although I was feeling pretty sick the other day and she let me sleep in until right after 7.
  15. While I'm at it, Billy Joel's newest song. First song after 30 years and it's a tearjerker.
  16. How bout it, another Cohen song. But this time a cover.
  17. Expanding on this, an old British guy called the bathroom "The International," because on the way there you're Russian, while in there European, and you exit when you're Finnish. How do you keep an idiot in suspense?
  18. I have to keep a beard. I have had the beard so long that when I shave it off I don't even recognize myself. Plus my head looks like a thumb if I don't have the beard.
  19. Where's the best place to find taste buds? I forgot, but it's on the tip of my tongue.
  20. Had a friend in college named Allison. I'd always say "show me your boobs" and she would. Thought it was fun and good. We played romantic partners in a play together. Showed me a four leaf clover tattoo right above her vagina and said "It's because anyone who sees this tattoo is about to get lucky." On my 21st birthday, she said "I'd have sex with anyone if they got me drunk." It was a decade later that I put the pieces together.
  21. Little princess had surgery to take out the pins and wires. Vet techs cuddled her all day. Think she's still a little high from the ketamine they used to sedate her.
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