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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. More like FARTnight, amirite
  2. Did an obsessed animu fan beat you up or insult your whole family or something?
  3. Sometimes. "Sometimes" is a key word here, because there's a lot of really good ones, and a whole lot more of reeeeeeaaaaallly bad ones
  4. I had hall and oates once, tasted really bland
  5. For every god-tier anime, there's scores of shitty garbage ass ones, same with nearly every other form of media. There's things that can be done in animation that cant be done in live action, at least well. Blah blah blah, weeaboo weeaboo etc
  6. depends on what computer im using, if its one im not super familiar with, i will glance occasionally for the most part, i have my own computers keyboard pretty down, but i've been using computers and also typing for basically my entire life
  7. step 1: take good game idea from other successes step 2: add minecraft step 3: ??? step 4: profit!
  8. FLCL makes me depressed for some reason, I can't watch it. Not sure why exactly.
  9. because they can and do and probably will because they have all the money
  10. https://www.cnet.com/news/humans-should-avoid-aliens-physicist-michio-kaku-says/
  11. The infrastructure is crumbling and corruption is at an all time high, but for gods sake we need to make porn harders to access. People are hhwhackin' off! Bah gawd, the monsters
  12. Wood doesn't give a shit either, mostly due to lack of buttholes.
  13. Gayren Lamegan gayblade jokemon poopin the turd hurrdurr-rararara bleach...ed asshole uuhhhhhhhhhhh....
  14. so, this was what happened, kinda, except i was in my car trying to drive home after going to the mall. Also no one knew what happened, and it was like 6pm. I was alone, and considered trying to re-park and get to a bathroom in the mall, but some instinct told me that wouldn't work. I convinced myself in those few moments that I would be able to hold until I got home. I was a fool.
  15. I like how a thread about a grown man pooping his pants turned into a DBZ discussion. I don't really know what else to say about this.
  16. It wasn;t going to stop me anyway. Any sandwich with no cheese might as well be a late term abortion on bread. The only reason I need to not drink a glass of milk is that I fart for 174 hours straight afterwards, that doesn't mean I should stop putting it in my coffee, I just need to not drink an entire fucking glass of it. Whole societies have been built around dairy, for far longer than we've known or understood cancer. Just saying.
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