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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. i like cheese, so fuck those nerds gotta die of something, I can forgo a glass of milk or whatever, but cheese is something we all need, and no one can live forever anyway, so fuck it.
  2. Is farts really that bad for you? Really? Ten years more? How many more years we need? Everything after 70 is shit. 90 is a prison.
  3. Depression always comes in waves, over time you learn how to ride them out. Some people can do it by talking things out, some people can do it alone, some people need medication. It's up to you to figure out which one you are, unfortunately, but the fact you recognize it is a good step, it means you know you need to fight to keep swimming. It's a cliche metaphor, but it's literally the best one.
  4. I think I had read it somewhere, to be honest I don't recall this part from the show. I like how Krillin forgave her for the genocides to get his dick wet.
  5. There was a point where the floodgates burst. The same way drowning people can only hold their breath for so long until their body reflexively inhales water, there was only so much I could do. To clarify, this wasn't normal, this dropped on me suddenly. It was like getting mugged, but with my bowels.
  6. umm, akshually, the reason 18 and krillin have a child is because krillen made a wish with the dragon balls And you're right, it was definitely 16 who pooped. Probably thinking about Goku too hard
  7. ...but which android actually shit themselves? Can androids poop?
  8. I think I should probably throw out the rest of the deli meat. Pretty sneaking suspicion that might be at fault.
  9. This was a bad afternoon. I feel like I need to make light of it to help cope with reality.
  10. 1. Denial "Am I gonna shit myself? Maybe it's just gas. I think I'm good, I'll just clench and wait." 2. Anger "Come on, people get the fuck out of the way, I need to shit!" 3. Bargaining "If I fart a little, maybe I can make it. Just gotta get out of the parking lot..." 4. Depression "FFFFFFUUUUUCK" 5. Acceptance "I'm powerless to stop this from happening. Jesus take the wheel."
  11. Couple songs my dad used to play get me from time to time if I hear them out and about.
  12. That lady probably has cancer. Or some kind of boob demon.
  13. Couple years ago NYS sent me this giant packet of forms and papers in the mail telling me I owed something like $3 and change. Guaranteed it cost them more than that in the paper and ink cost to tell me about it. I laugh about it now, but come on. I think a year or two after that, I got my state refund, and it was for like $10. I bought a sandwich.
  14. How the hell do you launder that much money, though? You'd need to be some kind of genius or som.... wait a minute....
  15. Two weeks, then had a few beers on the weekend because I gave in. So starting again from Sunday. Couple years ago I managed to quit booze for almost a full year. 9-10 months maybe. I lost 30 pounds.
  16. the real question is, if sonic and tails had sex, which one wuold get pragnant?
  17. That's a bit more than what's on the gift card
  18. can't charge it properly alone...
  19. i don't have cable, and I don't really care for either of them.
  20. I'm watching penn & teller "fool us" clips on the youtubes at the moment. It's... something...
  21. I feel like a kid again. Whoopee.
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