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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6WGNd8QR-U youtube does not allow embedding of this video........ ok ... It's "Oblivion" by Mastodon.
  2. Not trying to set the theme with "Heaven Shall Burn", but they make really good music videos.
  3. Maybe this has been done, but music and visuals were once a fucking staple, and the times they are a changin' so things are different, but there was a point where music videos were the thing that got you into a band. So in the post-mtv era, the post radio era, etc, making a music video where things happen in it are, at least to me, a dying art. You ever see a music video where the song and the visuals hit you in such a way that you have trouble explaining why you like it so much? Post them here, unless this has been done before, in which case, fuck. I'm mostly a metal guy, myself, so most of the ones im gonna post are metal-based, but if that's not your thing, don't feel like you shouldn't participate, assuming anyone even comes to this folder. I encourage discussion, assuming this doesn't die immediately like I'm pretty sure it will like the other post I made here. I'll start with this.
  4. It's one of those catch-22s. There's a Willem Defoe movie about the Tas tiger, called "The Hunter", really good but really intense.
  5. ...no? Are they supposed to be?
  6. I think those are referred to as "Lazarus species", imagine if they were sentient and told they were extinct. Coelocanth would probably go "Let me tell all my buddies we don't exist, hang on" I hope the Tasmanian tiger proves to be a lazarus, although realistically, it's likely toast.
  7. I like the regular mochis, the non ice cream ones. I guess you could call them a candy, or a confection, I suppose. I like the taro ones because I'm weird.
  8. Russian dogs would say "cyka blark! Cheeki barki!"
  9. Yeah, I met a couple that had a dog who was in training to be a police dog but for some reason didn't make the cut, I think he was too friendly, but he was trained in Czech, so they had to learn a bunch of Czech words when then adopted him.
  10. wearing their berets and smoking cigarettes with those long tube things, chasing mopeds and stealing baguettes
  11. come on.... what if they did?
  12. Spanish dogs "Estoy barkando! Dice arf!"
  13. BORING next you're gonna tell me French bulldogs don't say "je sui wouffe"
  14. olde english is closer to german and norweigan than anything else
  15. "oy, love, woof" "I daresay woof, old bean" or for the olde english dogs, "wuuf wuuf bjark bjark" ...I wonder if I have brain damage...
  16. The supermarket near me had a sale on various nutmilks, I bought a cashew/almond blend, one regular and one chocolate. Not too bad, honestly. I wouldn't put it in coffee but it might work on cereal, and I could just drink it without getting the farts. Also, "lol nutmilk"
  17. The wet dog smell ain't the weed this time
  18. the names of weeds was always lost on me. Probably because I never made a habit of it, or ever bought it myself, it seems like it's just random words thrown together. That was the first thing I thought of, though.
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