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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. if i sneeze into an envelope and mail it to pat will i go to jail?
  2. That would be incredibly disappointing
  3. My ears are popping, maybe the tide is starting to turn. Victory over the microbes mayhapst be nearst?
  4. It looks like something I'd see Ashens or Cult Moo eat on youtube, because it was from the 80s or 90s and someone found it and sent it to them
  5. that looks sketch as hell, like dollar store bargain bin shit.
  6. I wonder if we'll ever find out what it is that meatloaf won't do for love...
  7. I like making the joke "Looking for love?" when I check in that particular flavor
  8. I've never seen it mixed up, but it looks like soup base in the package. Not sure what it looks like when it's rehydrated.
  9. That stuff worked for me when I was in my teens, seemed like it stopped being as effective during the college days. Considering how sick I used to be years ago, I haven't actually been diseased like this in a long time.
  10. Potato salad can be good with or without mustard, it just depends on what you're going for flavorwise. And like with anything strong tasting, you don't want to overdo it.
  11. I should come to your house and sneeze on all your doorknobs ...That wouldn't really disprove anything, would it?
  12. Tea with honey, and warm broth helps a lot, plus is actually food sort of.
  13. Sick all weekend from a cold I'm pretty sure I got from work. Time to go back to work soon and re-infect everyone with a newer offspring of disease. My coworker was patient zero, what does that make me? An asshole?
  14. The only thing I don't like in potato salad is celery, but that's because I hate celery. Celery seed, fine, but too much is also not right. I just hate the texture and the flavor of celery. Don't like it in soup, don't like it in salads, don't like it in life.
  15. I'm almost certain its referring to hockey, because a hockey fight with the gloves on isn't going to be as serious.
  16. Just remember that everything that happened in "Twister" is a load of bull. Except maybe the cow flying around part.
  17. ...I feel dirty after watching this... the fuck, youtube...
  18. I think I had strep a couple times when I was younger, pretty fucking awful. Only thing worse was bronchitis.
  19. wololo
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