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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. That's a lot of strawberries and grapes
  2. I did a shit job of it, problem solved. ABORT THREAD
  3. Cat hair and dandruff, mostly. I don't usually jizz all over the mouse. Usually.
  4. I already took it apart and cleaned it, unless I did a shit job of it, it was working fine and now doesn't want to wheel at all. Guess I should take it apart again and clean it again. I'm minorly inconvenienced by this if I have to get a new mouse because the wheel decided to die. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS
  5. I actually talked to one of the freshman slaves they get to call alums to try and get money from them, and I even told her how at the time I had no job and no money despite my degree. She didn't quite know what to make of it, but I don't get phone calls anymore. I do still get shit in the mail, but that's easier to ignore.
  6. You worry your desire to do kind deeds is a burden, or that people see it as a way to take advantage. But from a paranoia perspective, how do you know the tortoise wasn't in on it?
  7. ...who's marketing drugs to "god"? Or is he talking to himself? And if taking drugs is fine for mr. lord there to do, huffing humans and smoking an entire pack of children, why is it a sin to smoke meth all day and masturbate for 16 hours? Hypocrisy is what it is, mmhmm.
  8. It was like eating cardboard. I've had actual unripe plantains that were better than these "supposedly" ripe and "delicious" ones. I suppose food is food, but it was a miserable breakfast.
  9. Eaten out is better than being chewed out, I suppose.
  10. So... uh... So they get people to buy soy sauce from one guy, and they more people they get, the more money they make... ....flavored...
  11. Sounds more like a ponzu scheme to me...
  12. Probably easier to buy a cut of beef and make your own, assuming you have the time and the kitchen space.
  13. pretty much
  14. i dont think i can even get good pastrami around here. Although I haven't really looked very hard.
  15. Call 911, then take a video and post on instagram
  16. I took them in the morning, if I took them that night, it would gradually screw up my whole routine, and I don't want to take double in a short amount of time because of how high the dosage is
  17. I feel like I should clarify that most of the withdrawal is probably from forgetting my prescription yesterday, but coupled with the no booze, I think it was just a double-hit to my brian chemicals. I was having the weird dreams and the sweats all week from not drinking, though, that I can confirm. The shakes and mild hallucinations were definitely from missing the pills, it's happened before, it was just surprisingly intense for being only one day without them. Also, I slept like shit, flopping around, weird dreams that weren't quite nightmares but weren't exactly fun either. Too hot, too cold, too hot with a blanket and one leg out of the blanket, too cold with no blanket. It was like having a fever, but I don't think cowbell would've helped.
  18. How many boards would the mongol hordes hoard if the mongol hordes got bored?
  19. The only time the DMV was shitty for me was when I went to the one in Albany, the giant ass one where everyone is full of despair and hatred, and there's 35 windows but no one gets called. I go to the one like 15 min away in the other direction from me, and I'm in and out of there in like 20 min, even when it's packed.
  20. I appreciate the suggestions, but I think I'd take the withdrawal over the panic attacks
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