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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. I wonder how many dragon dildos $25 would even buy. Probably not enough to be whimsical or fun
  2. Stealing a Jimmy Carr joke, "My father always used to say, 'what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.'... before the accident..."
  3. It's so I can watch movies on the tv instead of my laptop screen. I have the tv set up as a second monitor, and the cable I have now is not only way longer than necessary, it's also got something wrong with it where if you look at it funny it disconnects. Makes watching stuff a bit inconvenient.
  4. I still don't know what to buy with it. Part of me was going to get a new hdmi cable, but i don't really NEED one. Then again, do we really NEED most things? The fuck should I buy? In before dragon dildos I had books I wanted but I don't remember what they were. Same with some movies.
  5. are you pragnent
  6. I liked the South Park take on it, where Earf is a reality show for the rest of the galaxy because of how ridiculous we are
  7. They can master travelling light years away, but they haven't mastered putting on some fucking pants Filthy sex perverts is what they are
  8. I like how I keep posting things like this folder isn't dead, expecting some kind of response or dialogue or other people posting videos of songs that have some kind of significance or meaning to them.
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