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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. coffee is a staple food for me, but thats going to basically be my last vice. Along with furiously masturbating, I suppose, but is that really a vice anymore? its 2018
  2. Weed gives me panic attacks and extreme paranoia, what with the anxiety. And I basically exercise at my job, moving bags of pet food around, which is probably why I didn't gain back weight. Running out of vices. Can't afford coke, I like having teeth so meth's out. I could take up killing for sport I guess, but who has the time these days?
  3. Publicly shaming myself about it helps me accept it and resolve myself to commit to quitting booze. The whole analogy of it being like an abusive girlfriend wasn't something I just came up with, it was a realization I had years ago. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to quit smoking, or hard drugs like pills or heroin. Oh, here's the stupidest part of all of it, as I'm withdrawing and detoxing from forgetting the antidepressants and possibly also booze, alcohol has a negative effect on the drug I'm on, not quite cancelling it out, but coming close, so not only am I not helping myself, I still get the wondrous effects of forgetting the pills while making them not as effective at treating my mental health. Shooting myself in both feet in order to get goofy on beer. Hopefully someone will learn from my past mistakes. Hopefully me, but my track record isn't the best.
  4. You should've seen the closet of shame I had when I lived at my apartment, even though I lived alone, I would hide the empty liquor bottles from...myself? My cat? idk. Yeah, it was pretty bad. And then lately I had only been having a 6 pack of tallboys, so really like an 8 pack, towards the end of the week, maybe a 12 on the weekend. That started turning into every other day, and then daily... Fell right back into that stupid cycle. Getting that much back on deposits, though... Doesn't exactly feel good, it's not like returning the cans from a college party, where it's 3 trash bags of cans from like 30-40 people. 100+ beers over the course of 2 weeks. Probably not good.
  5. even freedom costs a buck oh five
  6. My issue today is more to do with forgetting the meds this morning, but things must be compounding because it's usually not quite this intense for only forgetting one day.
  7. When I was drinking heavily years ago, it was mostly liquor, fucking gallons of it. Managed to quit for almost a year, started up again but was sticking with beer. Easier to control myself, harder to overdo it etc But christ, it adds up. I'm surprised I didn't put weight back on from all this beer if I'm honest. When I was drinking years ago and then quit, that was the only change I made, and I lost 25-30 pounds over like 6 months. I don't even want to think about how much money was poured directly into my liver.
  8. Trying to quit drinking cold turkey because how else would I do it. After taking out 3 full trash bags of cans for the second time in a month, and getting almost $10 back in deposits again, I think I finally hit the point where I can kick it. So, it's been since Sunday, and been a struggle, though not as bad as the last time I quit a few years ago. But the weird, awful dreams and the sweats during the day are pretty bad. Today was shit, though, because I forgot to take my antidepressants this morning because I was running late, and by about 7-8pm I was feeling the withdrawal. Usually if I forget to take them I don't get hit with the detox bullshit unless I forget for two days in a row, but I think between that and no booze, my body is fucking done. Got the shakes like Michael J Fox, and my old friend distorted depth perception is back. Hope I can actually get to sleep or tomorrows gonna be worse. Kill me.
  9. If you like lobster and cooking, you'll like these. They put the warnings in because youtube commenters are goons, it's cooking a lobster, it's not going to be clean.
  10. I agree with you on that, it's stupid that it costs so much for what it is. Trash fish can be tasty, but trash fish shouldn't be $7 a fucking pound. Maybe closer to the ocean they sell for what they should.
  11. First you crack open the lobster, then you crack open her heart ...and then the police come
  12. Flounder is good if cooked right. It's really easy to overcook, that's when it gets ruined.
  13. The other book would be called "So You Just Got a Little Bit of Money, and Now it's Gone"
  14. "101 Ways to Hide Your Bad Habits So People Don't Judge You: A Guide to Accepting that Everyone Knows Exactly What You're Doing"
  15. That looked like it was fun, actually. I assuming it wasn't a real fight, what with the things they did.
  16. The sun wants to give you that D
  17. I remember this guy from an old ass prehistoric animals VHS I used to watch when I was a kid, it was mostly stop motion with a narrator. They had this guy, and the giant sloth, others. I think he got attacked by a saber tooth, and then shrugged it off because armor.
  18. I mean, am I supposed to post something in every thread? Even the ones where I have nothing to really contribute? There's a time and a place for shitposting.
  19. Maybe it'll go on the adventures I could never provide to it. Fly free, penis. Godspeed, and good luck.
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