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Everything posted by Daos

  1. You know I kind of felt like they had some potential, but were just slightly missing the mark on the comedy. Like the opening where the guy is naming all the bands. Is there any human alive that would think a 12 year old kid would know any bands from the 90's? He might as well have been tossing out names like the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. Would have been funnier if he was naming bands from 6 years ago, which is basically half the kids lifespan, and him having no idea who any of them are. Also, you can't have EVERY character be an idiot.
  2. There's nothing schwifty about domestic violence.
  3. Plus HBO wasn't the one associated with softcore back in the day, that was Cinemax and Showtime. These companies are run by chimps.
  4. HBO was a globally known brand. You don't just toss that in the shitcan. The people running these corporations are morons. Think Disney is any better? "Disney Lost $123 Billion in Market Value in 2022 as Shares Drop 44 Percent — Worst Year Since 1974" Disney's response to this? More Rey Skywalker movies.
  5. I know Deathklok is silly, but I kinda wanted to know where the story was going. Hopefully this isn't some standalone non canon movie bs =P
  6. Hey isn't this also the same guy that insinuated I was a sex assaulter because I favored waiting for actual evidence in the whole Roiland case thingamjig?
  7. Wow I have a lot of questions about that Titanman cover. I looked it up. It was just a dream. Lame.
  8. Who could possibly have a problem with rape goblins???
  9. Well, it wasn't. This doesn't have anything to do with April Fools, I just wanted everyone to know.
  10. This is actually better than most of their real content.
  11. The title sounds so.... childish. I don't see how this could be any good. What age is this thing aimed at?
  12. This show really hasn't changed much since S1.
  13. If Deku is still going to be like "OMG I HAVE TO SAVE HIM I CAN'T KILL HIM" after all the people Shiguraki has killed I'm gonna facepalm.
  14. That was pretty meh.
  15. Well this is why you wait for evidence before making decisions. I'm not sure how that became such a controversial point of view. He was charged with a count of domestic battery with corporal injury. This is pretty easy to prove usually. If the police show up and the gf has a big shiner on her eye, then it's pretty difficult to worm your way out of that. But for some reason, evidence never got released, and may never get released. The second charge was false imprisonment. This is very hard to prove unless he had her chained in his basement. She can argue false imprisonment by "menace" meaning that he basically said something along the lines of "If you leave my house I'll kill you" but without actual evidence this is just he said she said type stuff. So the question is... can Roiland sue for wrongful dismissal and all that jazz. He can try, but he'll probably lose. All the companies that canned him can simply say "After the troubling allegations of domestic violence surfaced we did a full investigation and found severe and constant behavioral problems with Roiland that were grounds for dismissal. These include refusing to show up for work, repeated sexual harassment of female coworkers and generally disruptive behavior." I doubt they'll let him work on the show again.
  16. How can this be.... we don't like him so that means he's guilty right???
  17. I just assumed different VA. Sounds way different.
  18. As a big Aqua teen fan I hate to say it, but this didn't work. After the first movie came out and disappointed everyone I came to the conclusion that Aqua teen just doesn't work in a long format. I think this proves that.
  19. Welp, this show hasn't changed.
  20. Oh I think Erina wants his seed alright.
  21. So how big is Soma's harem? I didn't see much beyond the first season.
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