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Everything posted by Daos

  1. Is Demarco really this delusional or does he just say things like this for attention?
  2. Well lets see.. the Star Wars franchise has made $46.7 billion dollars. How much has FLCL made? I'm sure it's near there.
  3. Really? I was like.. 99 percent sure that was Kari.
  4. Well I'll be darned, it doesn't look like shit. I have a feeling it will be 3 episodes of memberberries and Fena Pirate Princess level of incoherence but at least it will look good while doing it.
  5. There's an entire cult built around this guy, tons of people that think he did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, he's a Saint! The comments on this video pretty much sums up how they think. "You know what really pisses me off all of this controversy because Vic was very kind to everybody he hugged everybody, he was not discriminatory against anybody and they called him a pedophile just because he was a very kind person? He's been a legend for a long time only to bullied online for something he didn't do, because some voice actors such as Monica real Jamie Marchi and Christopher had a shit beef with him because of his faith how sad they are." "We need to keep showing things like this, I mean basically this proves that Vic Mignona is a saint unlike Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, D.C Douglas, Chris Sabat, or any other member of KickVic"
  6. That's not what happened =P He wasn't found liable for anything, he was the one suing. He decided he was going to win a defamation suit with absolutely no evidence, a strategy that most legal experts referred to as "dumb." His lawyer wasn't a big help.
  7. Yes, people will do anything for money. Why didn't Roiland get fired for not showing up to work for 2 years? Because it would have hurt a show that made a lot of money. Oh and Vic was a huge draw with his own fan club of teen girls. This is a reddit post from 10 years ago, well before MeToo or the scandal. The incident she talks about happened 15 years ago, when she was 14. "Vic has habit of getting drunk and trying to pick up fan girls to go back to his hotel room. It's happened quite a few times and you could probably google it at this point. I was talking with him over email once and he got kinda creepy, it turned into a "I look forward to meeting you on Friday Lets talk more at the con, let me know at the autographs." After a series of strange messages. My creep radar exploded especially when I actually got to the con, the way he held fangirl's hands when doing autographs and the way he looked at the young girls was just too much. I got the autograph, he tenderly caressed my hand when he gave my book back, and I got the hell out of there without ever telling him who I was. Luckily my story isn't like my friend's. She went to a con with a girl who ended up in an elevator with shitfaced Mignogna. The girl refused to go back to his room with him, but damn, he tried pretty hard. I don't disagree that he's a chill guy. But he's got some weird stuff back there. Our emails were great until it started to sound like an internet hookup. Just sorta ruined the guy for me forever. This was also 6 years ago, so I don't doubt that he's changed since then. Edit: it wasn't my friend's friend in the elevator, talked to her about it yesterday. It was herself. She went on about how she was ready to punch the dude in the face if he puked on her and that it was disgusting just being by him while that intoxicated. YEARS LATER EDIT since this post is still getting circulated somehow: to the people saying he's only guilty of talking to someone of the opposite sex, I was 14 at the time and he was trying to hook up with me when he found out I had a hotel room for the con. I'm lucky my room fell through. No I was not an adult. Again, I repeat, since I didn't mention this in the first place, I WAS FOURTEEN. My age was the FIRST thing he asked me in our email exchanges and it encouraged him instead of dissuading. I knew I was doing something wrong talking to an older man this way and didn't tell my parents, I kept it an uncomfortable secret, and dodged a bullet by just getting my shit signed and going the fuck home. And for the record, it was Nan Desu Kan 2008" The number of girls this guy hit on in over a 30 year span is staggering, there are more stories like this than episodes of One Piece, just reading them all would take forever.
  8. People got swept up in the culture war aspect of it. If the guys on the other side want to get Vic, then obviously he's innocent and they have to do whatever they can to help him. People still argue that Roiland should get his job back now that the charges were dropped, and ignore the other behavior that Roiland was engaging in at work which was borderline psychotic. “He would skip important meetings, cancel last minute or arrive drunk, and leave writers waiting until the last second to file phoned-in voice performances.” “openly discussed threesomes and was involved in at least one instance of alleged sexual harassment” They're never going to see that part, they're just going to see "Roiland charges dropped" and wonder how this cruel fate could have befallen him.
  9. About 1.8 million people so far I guess? You don't have to like him. He's hard to please, so seeing him give a positive review to a live action One Piece is something I never thought I'd see, but he likes plenty of movies with female leads. "Everything Everywhere All at Once" and "Arcane" are two he recommends.
  10. The critical reviews are in, it's good. Even the Critical Drinker likes it.
  11. Except a lot of the stories about Vic online predated the Me too movement/ Cancel culture by many years. So unless the accusers had time machines you can't blame it on a MeToo conspiracy. It's literally everyone who worked at every convention he's ever been to, all of his coworkers, and hundreds of convention attendee's. How many witnesses are you requiring before you change your mind here?
  12. I think you're misremembering the trial. Vic was never on trial. He sued for defamation vs his former employer and two of its employees. The people accusing him of bad conduct would have not been asked to testify, just the people he accused of defamation and anyone with any evidence supporting his claim. Witness testimony is a form of proof and accepted in all courts in the US. So you can't say witnesses saying a certain thing happened isn't proof. One witness can usually be discounted as he said she said unless they have physical proof. When you have dozens of women saying the same thing, you are what is known as boned. There were a lot of accusers. "This spurred io9 to conduct interviews with approximately two dozen of Mignogna's accusers, censoring their names to protect their identities. Multiple women recounted their stories of Mignogna inappropriately touching them and aggressively kissing them, with one voice actress recalling a traumatic experience in which Mignogna kissed her and forced her onto his hotel bed, only being saved from further assault by a "door knock." Another industry peer asserts that, after a separate instance of harassment, Mignogna convinced her to briefly visit his hotel room. When she tried to leave, Mignogna forcibly embraced her and began caressing the backs of her thighs without consent, repeating, "'Let me be sweet to you' - over and over, at least five or six times."
  13. Vic had a solid 20 years of hitting on women/girls to the point where everyone at every convention knew they needed to keep him away from the younglings. There were literally hundreds of people with Vic stories that they personally experienced, which in court would be referred to as witness testimony, not hearsay. Hearsay is when a witness refers to something they didn't experience, such as "Sarah told me Vic tried to kiss her" Witness testimony would be something like "Vic tried to kiss me" The Roiland thing is the least surprising news of the century. He's a massive alcoholic and has to be a sex addict. A good hint that someone is gonna bang children is when they start saying "wellll 100 years ago....."
  14. "ITF data shows Williams didn’t take an OC test at all in 2010 or 2011." She didn't.
  15. Hey, Dragonsinger wanted to pull the "show the positive test" card on the woman that dodges drug tests, then cry racism when you point out a few things from her 20 year career. I know this is going to blow your mind, but being black or female does not make you immune to criticism. Your hypersensitivity makes me raise my eyebrows.
  16. The whole point of out of competition tests is that you show up unannounced to test people, and if you get very very lucky you'll have shown up at the right time to catch them when steroids are still in their system, which for modern steroids in 2023 is down to about 5 hours. Serena started playing in 1995, the panic room incident happened in 2011. She should have been pretty used to unannounced testing by then. It just happened to occur at a point in her career where she was massively jacked, she wasn't that buff for most of her career. How about another incident? "This question arises because on June 14, there was, according to sources familiar with the situation, a previously unreported conflict of sorts over an unannounced USADA drug test at Serena Williams’s residence in Florida. A doping control officer showed up to test Williams at 8:30 a.m, when she was not at home. An assistant let the USADA officer into the home, and the officer refused to leave until Williams had been tested. There was a standoff; the test was not administered." Drug tester basically says, it's fine, I'll wait until she comes home. Serena decides to not come home. No penalty for missed test. Serena then complained that the testing is unfair. Where have you read about black women being unfairly targeted for tests in the last 20 years? That would be a big scandal if it was actually true.
  17. Tennis has horrible testing that's almost incapable of catching anyone using steroids or HGH, and it's well documented. It's ok at catching people doing cocaine and stimulants, but that's about it. That's why people keep making blogs about it. Name one player that's been caught using steroids. It's happened, but it's a rarity. And amazingly... it won't be any of the top players. It's almost like they have a vested interest in their top players not getting caught so their sport doesn't take a massive financial hit like cycling after Lance Armstrong. Tennis is also a sport where keeping muscle mass on isn't easy. When people show up with ridiculously jacked arms and asymmetrical muscle growth, suspicions are going to be aroused. When you call the police on a drug tester and refuse to produce a test, there's going to be more suspicion. The fact that you call it "muscle definition" when Serena and Stosur's arms are just flat out absolutely massive is just silly. Yeah their muscles are just a bit more defined huh? Why in the world do you think women get arms like that from playing tennis? Just to let you know, they don't. Victor Troicki refused to produce a blood sample at the Monte Carlo masters in 2013. 18 month ban. Appealed down to 12 months. He refused because he was going to get caught because he'd recently juiced. Serena refuses to take a test and..... somehow nothing happens? Serena literally refused to take the test after police came and confirmed he was their to test her for drugs. And you're still asking for a positive test.... when she's literally ducking the test that would have likely confirmed her using PEDS. Can't beat that logic. If you actually want to know why drug testing in tennis is so ineffectual, read this article https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/tennis-clean-record-peds-appears-accident/story?id=42531143 Maybe if someone shows up to play tennis looking like this you'll be like... hey... somethings not right here...
  18. Name one thing I've said that was misogynistic. Hey after the police came to her house and cleared up the whole misunderstanding about who the drug tester was, why do you think she didn't take the test?
  19. Yeah it's definitely the angles and not the asymmetrical muscle growth caused by roids huh. You do understand the whole point is these women didn't do strength training, they played tennis and their dominant arm grew much larger than it normally would have due to the roids.. right? You understand that playing tennis doesn't normally cause massive muscle growth right? You understand that it isn't natural to lose and gain massive amounts of muscle very quickly? Well hey it's not like she was a big advocate against steroid testing in tennis, had a long history of mysterious medical problems, and had roid rage incidents on court right? =)
  20. I like how literally hiding in a panic room and calling the police on a drug tester to avoid a test that might actually prove PED use isn't enough to arouse your suspicion. I shouldn't have to tell you that human females not on PEDS don't have a solo Popeye arm from playing tennis. And yes Stosur got a 2 month ban after masking agents were detected in her blood.
  21. Sounds like you have issues. You may not be aware of this, but Serena was the most dominant player and won the most in the last 20 years. Tennis also has a massive steroid problem due to ineffective testing, and sweeping positive tests under the rug. Now if you don't find it fishy that the only time in her entire life she ended up hiding in a panic room and calling the police on someone ringing her doorbell it just happened to be a drug tester... then I think you're taking too much copium. And no, hitting a tennis ball doesn't make your dominant arm grow to twice the size of the other, unless you're juicing. I've played tennis for over 20 years, and even playing 3 hours a day 5 days a week never caused me or any of the hundreds of people I've played with to develop a single Popeye arm. There's actually been multiple sites dedicated to the steroid problem in tennis. https://tennishasadopingproblemblog.wordpress.com/ https://tennishasasteroidproblem.blogspot.com/ Must just be those pesky angles!
  22. Nah bra, that asymmetrical muscle growth is totally natty! She just forgot to lift weights with the left arm that's all! Oh and she called the police on a drug tester that showed up at her house, then didn't take the test... lulz. https://www.foxsports.com.au/tennis/serena-williams-flees-to-panic-room-after-mistaking-a-drug-tester-for-a-dangerous-intruder/news-story/66f5f22cd7c4d6d9acb8b400c7bd33e8
  23. Damn it's nice to see someone winning that isn't roided out like some other players that shall remain nameless.
  24. "Alright we had two failed sequels that no one gave a shit about. What's the plan?" Demarco... "More sequels?"
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