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Everything posted by Daos

  1. You know what that means. It's time to pay respect to the man that died for all our sins.
  2. Lol, well you can't insult anything WB or Disney does or they cut you off.
  3. I think the director tried to play the "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO SUCK" angle.
  4. Is that the actual opening? It sounds more like FLCL than Superman. If we don't hear this at some point imma riot.
  5. Don't know anything about him, but Tom Goes to the Mayor and Tim and Eric were some of the worst shit I've ever seen. I'm surprised he was behind the Old Spice ads. It just shows the line between random humor that's funny and random humor that's painfully unfunny is actually very thin.
  6. Meh I dunno the last few seasons were pretty weak, probably shoulda left it alone.
  7. “Adult Swim, our animated block is so popular that we've started airing it one hour earlier every night at 7. And in September, it will kick off at 6...”, Lol Copium.
  8. At first I saw Bukkake on Titan and thought Toonami was about to take an odd turn.
  9. Has Eric been working out or something?
  10. Well looks like we ran out of anime. Toonami is gonna have to roll with the times and become a Vtuber channel. Anime girls singing is kind of anime right?
  12. I mean, at least it's an actual anime with things to talk about and not a 5 year running gag of "girl eats food and has metaphorical orgasm"
  13. It's kind of a "B tier" generic anime, but it's surprisingly watchable and kind of underrated. Apparently it's very rushed and deviated from the Manga way too much, so people turned on it.
  14. Oh wait is Farg the same guy? Banned on the other account?
  15. We're trying to figure out how to communicate with it. Perhaps... dance?
  16. Darmok and Jalad... on the ocean.
  17. Usually companies are protective of their big money making, iconic characters. Usually they have someone who has final say over what you can or can't do with the character when they "loan" him out to another franchise. That guy apparently did not show up for work because that character doesn't remotely resemble any version of batman I've ever seen.
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