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Everything posted by Daos

  1. This show isn't just a little bad, it's bad to the point where they should be honestly embarrassed to show this on their network.
  2. Overlord English dub is out now
  3. Owlchemist is the other alchemist? Lol
  4. Oh, are you not the same as the other alchemist from the other boards? That's gonna get confusing.
  5. DS9 all the way! Really, people actually liked Voyager? I've actually been watching it since it comes on TV every night right after DS9 and most episodes are just... bad. The series got better after Seven of Nine joined, but almost every episode revolves around her since she was the only thing that show had going for it.
  6. It was awful, you just like everything.
  7. It's... It's... not like I like you or anything! BAKA
  8. A ratings thread? I rate myself highly.
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