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Well, that was entertaining and I enjoyed it. But I don't understand why they decided to butcher the entire plot and have a cop out ending like that. So weird.
After Superman goes nuts, Plastic man is one of the few people not afraid of him.
When the game starts Superman already has total unquestioned control of Earth. This is all the pre game stuff that leads up to it.
Plastic man is actually super powerful, and basically immortal.
So this movie is weird.... it's all pre game stuff, there's no way they'll even be able to wrap this up unless they have another 3 hours. Rushed ending incoming.
This all happens before the main plot of the first game even starts. They're wasting a lotttt of time here.
Uhhh I don't think flash dies like that in the games, they're taking way too many liberties already. And wasting way too much time on this pre game stuff.
You never know, I mean He-Man and Skeletor show up. Anything's possible.
Yeah I heard the ending sucked, the games story is actually really good though. I'm just going to assume they manage to miss all the great moments from the games. There's apparently an injustice comic that's absolutely nuts with superman becoming a yellow lantern and Trigun fighting Mr Mxzzptlk. There's also an injustice crossover with HE-MAN.
It always seems like the only way something gets on Demarco's radar is if it's absolutely everywhere, like One Punch Man. MHA and Assclass took years and years and years. Great pickups, but if we're picking up anime that are 5 years old, why not 10? Instead of say.... follow ups to legacy series that already ran for 700 episodes. And Gundam.
I always thought the block would be best served by airing older anime that's actually considered good. I have to believe someone would be happy to have one of their older products get renewed attention. Instead of chasing pointless cash grabs like Yashahime and Boruto. It's almost malpractice that this block has never aired Stein's Gate, Haruhi Suzumiya or Toradora. Instead we get FLCL sequels and Fena Pirate Princess.
My point was that looking at a downward trend for a 30 year old show is like telling a 120 year old man "your vitals aren't quite as good as they used to be." Just the fact that he's still alive is beyond any and all expectations. The best explanation of IP/ Celebrity fame I've seen is that it's like getting a large boulder up a mountain. All the effort goes into getting it to the peak. Then you can push it off and it will sustain itself on it's own energy for quite some time before eventually petering out. It's why the Simpsons can still rake in a quarter bil a year when it hasn't been good in two decades. It's why Britney and Madonna are still famous despite not having a hit song in decades.
The trend?? The trend??? The fact that it was still selling 750 mil a year in 2008 is MIND BLOWING. The show debuted in 1989! 2008 was almost 20 years in, and the general consensus is that the show began a massive downward slide around season 10. So if you think a show well past its prime can't rake in the big bucks, you are mistaken. A 30 year run where you're still making a quarter bil a year despite the fact that no one watches or talks about your show is like... best case scenario any of these guys could ever hope for. They're gonna pump out another 70 eps of Rick and Morty, continue keeping it on peoples minds, and keep selling that sweet sweet merch. Yeah but Roiland gave them an easy out. He has no creative input, and the writers haven't seen him in years. Some have never even met him. And there's several people that can do spot on impressions. It's even possible all the extra publicity will increase viewership for the first episode of next season.
I would argue the exact opposite. Becoming a globally recognized brand makes the merchandise self sustaining. The Simpsons haven't been culturally relevant in 20 years. "Ratings: “The Simpsons” Drops Below 1 Million Viewers for the First Time in 33 Seasons" So why do they continue to keep this corpse of a once great show animated? The merch. In 2008, consumers worldwide spent about $750 million in “Simpsons” related products, with half of all sales coming from the United States, Fox told USA Today. Eleven years later, that number has dropped by more than half. Worldwide merchandise sales for “The Simpsons” was expected to be $245 million in 2018, according to Forbes contributor Jonathan Berr, citing the trade publication Licensing Letter. 2018 and they were still selling 245 mil in merch. It's probably lower now, but that's passive income that you just don't get from anything but the biggest of hits. But....you have to keep the show going or that number will drop way off. For all we know the Rick and Morty merchandise empire hasn't even peaked yet.
Viewership means squat at this point. It's a globally recognized brand that sells merch. It's why so many shows like Sym-bionic Titan get canceled, they don't sell merch. “Rick and Morty” now boasts more than 150 global licensees — spanning fashion, accessories, home, toys and games — that generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Airing in more than 110 countries and dubbed in 26 languages, the show was basic cable’s No. 1 comedy in 2019 and has won two Emmys for animated program, in 2018 and 2020. “That is surreal to see all the merch,” says co-creator Justin Roiland. “That was my lifelong dream. I was like, if I can create a franchise that gets toys made, I could hang my hat up and walk off into the sunset, having accomplished my ultimate fantasy. And it happened.”
Yeah I'm pretty surprised they put up with any of that shit. The remote control car with the microphone? Trying to talk your coworker into a 3 way? Just flat out not showing up for work? Also a fun takeaway, he was managed by famous Svengali enabler Sam Lutfi. If you're a crazy celeb that needs drugs he's the guy to call. Replacing him on the show is going to be easier than they thought though.
I looked up the charges and actually no, it does not mean a weapon was used. "Roiland has been charged with two felonies: one count of “domestic battery with corporal injury” and one count of “false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud, and/or deceit,” "A corporal injury is a physical injury that causes a traumatic condition" It can be anything from a bruise or a cut, to a bullet wound. "Domestic battery is a misdemeanor. Convictions carry up to: 1 year of jail time in county jail, and/or $2,000 in fines.3 Inflicting corporal injury on a spouse, though, is a wobbler. Prosecutors can pursue either misdemeanor or felony charges." This is why I advise against a rush to judgement on a case where the evidence is sealed.
Except that's more he said/ she said only with 1000 she's. He was kissing underage girls necks. They don't like that. They also confirmed he gave out his personal phone number to at least one 15 year old. He was trying to bang everything that moved at those cons and he wasn't too picky about age. "This spurred io9 to conduct interviews with approximately two dozen of Mignogna's accusers, censoring their names to protect their identities. Multiple women recounted their stories of Mignogna inappropriately touching them and aggressively kissing them, with one voice actress recalling a traumatic experience in which Mignogna kissed her and forced her onto his hotel bed, only being saved from further assault by a "door knock." Another industry peer asserts that, after a separate instance of harassment, Mignogna convinced her to briefly visit his hotel room. When she tried to leave, Mignogna forcibly embraced her and began caressing the backs of her thighs without consent, repeating, "'Let me be sweet to you' - over and over, at least five or six times." Let's be real here, you don't have two dozen accusers if you're innocent, and if they had wanted to they could have found another 10 dozen. He was never charged with any crimes but that is something you can be fired for, in the same way that whatever Roiland did to get booted from the writers room wasn't an actual crime, but something he should likely have been fired for. But we'll find out what he did after the nondisclosure agreements expire and the other writers can talk.
Well, the Niners incident just happened. There's an arrest, and charges. No one really knows what happened yet. The team decided not to rush to judgement and let him play. It's a stark contrast to what is happening with Roiland. I would argue Vic is a bad example to use against this case. Hundreds of people had stories about him, every convention worker knew they had to try to keep him away from the younglings. OJ levels of evidence there.