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Everything posted by Daos

  1. Fun fact, the famous Skeletor "Wat" meme is a direct reaction to Hordak telling him some crazy shit about She-Ra being from Eternia
  3. I always thought Vicky Vale was a one off for the original Batman movie, apparently it's way older than I thought. "Vicki Vale is a journalist, usually based in Gotham City, who has worked for a number of publications across various iterations of the character and the surrounding DC universe. She is frequently depicted as a romantic interest of Bruce Wayne, the alter-ego of Batman.[2] the character debuted in Batman #49 (October 1948)"
  4. Vicky Vale?? From.. the original Batman movie?
  5. If this had been created today they'd probably cancel it for sexual assault on a minor.
  6. Gratuitous ass shot! Much appreciated.
  7. Oh man, I finally get to see the shitty ending everyone hated!
  8. You mean you guys don't want to rewatch the HIT SEQUELS TO FLCL???? These were huge hits! HUGEEEEE.
  9. Oddly enough, Shakira is in far more legal trouble than Pee Wee ever was.
  11. What do you expect from a country where it's a crime to pay someone for sex.... but it is 100 percent legal to pay a woman to have sex with you on camera and then sell the video.
  12. Gilbert, Norm, Bob Saget, and now Pee Wee. Sounds like Pee Wee pulled a Norm and told pretty much no one that he had cancer.
  13. Does it bring back any memories?
  14. The last sequels flopped, so they're trying to make the new sequel more like the original. Only this time it looks like shit.
  15. Ehhh the story goes into nutty territory, the animation becomes slideshow quality, and the power scaling reaches DBZ levels of silliness.
  16. Sequel? Uhhh why would they do this after the sound mocking the last seasons received?
  17. NEW MOVIE? Uhh didn't the anime end years ago? I still need to force myself to finish that crap. First season was amazing. Shame about the rest.
  18. Is this better or worse than what they did to Indiana? I can't tell.
  19. This may surprise you but Superman is kind of a big deal for the last 80 years or so =P Fun Superman fact, he couldn't fly when he first debuted.
  20. Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation here is.... They dumb. While I'm here I'll debunk some other conspiracy theories for you guys. 911 was not an inside job. We landed on the moon. The earth isn't flat. Vaccines work and have saved billions of lives. OJ murdered those people.
  21. So it's the same effect as their food? ZING
  22. This show really was lightning in a bottle wasn't it? They should have known better than to try and make sequels.
  23. On an unrelated note, has anyone seen this amazing new singer Austrian Painter? There's just something about his voice that really sweeps me away. I wonder if he has a fan club I can join?
  24. Honestly, she should have just ignored it. The video has 12k views even after the controversy. Now she's kicked the hornets nest of human garbage that is Twitter and gotten harassed to the point where she felt the need to delete her account. Legally, all these AI covers are probably protected and won't be going away. Now if someone is using the AI to misrepresent themselves as the actual person, then something can be done. But other than that it's all fair use and parody protected.
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