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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. well idunno. some garlic bread is good, but if it comes with sauce you mean garlic knots, which are also very good.
  2. i used to use met rx candy bars and whey shakes to replace meals, and use concentrated herbal + caffeine pills https://jet.com/product/detail/a26ae8770c104b25be37c626988e8ff1?jcmp=pla:ggl:nj_cons_win_health_beauty_a2:health_beauty_sports_nutrition_diet_protein_meal_replacement_a2:na:PLA_785418949_39997121654_pla-305020877456_c:na:na:na:2PLA15&code=PLA15&pid=kenshoo_int&c=785418949&is_retargeting=true&clickid=97b231e0-0fe4-426c-a672-fe71726e02e4&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2cvtso_G2QIVjrjACh2cugB0EAYYCSABEgJ_cvD_BwE
  3. jobstatusfashion
  4. i was supposed to spend six hours reading stuff and taking quizzes on a computer, then finish up the training material the next day. i went in and the computers were down so they put me in food court cooking fried chicken all day. today im going in for paid orientation, and i still have two days of computer training before my actual schedule starts.
  5. ahh i see. no one is saving any money
  6. i opened a phone case and still havent been paid.
  7. if she wants to be really close, but they arent mutual reasons, it feels like a waste of time
  8. @CutieQuesadilla, you have a really nice butt. its the perfect amount of butt-squeeziness.
  9. just like your opinion on love. no one has the exact same one. i know some people are going to tell me i cant evaluate that for everyone. but every single relationship is different. you are reserved on love, and not available to someone you possibly love more than the one you are tied down to...., right? not really in immaculate love, just reserved. imo. but another thing is, no one would know that unless they have experienced it. it wouldnt be obvious unless you loved and lost enough times.
  10. i advise you to take off your clothes and sit in a chair.
  11. throw rolls of pennies at them.
  12. just a bad day. wait it out. what are you going college for?
  13. oh i know. shes gonna have to prove it was an unwarranted attack they used cuffs illegally, and concentrate on the assault
  14. so thats the thing then. only use legal consent to prosecute, and make taking your clothes off while you are on duty equivalent of rape
  15. cuffing someone, and the raping them, is just not normal. even in criminal psychology, that would amount to kidnapping or something, not just rape. so this is a particular example, but how far does the abuse of power go? is it a normal encounter by the way of patrolling to be seduced? doesnt that betray a code or oath, to engage in relationships with the people they serve?
  16. "Illegal Vaginal Tender...... (a short story by thousands of whores)......"
  17. your doctor must not like vegetables
  18. pigs on either side of the equation if ya ask me
  19. some women probably straight celibate if they cant do their sexy ol lawmen
  20. seriously i got to admit, if its impossible to consent to a cop, there will be more women forced to keep their pants ON
  21. "put your hands up, bend over, and freeze"
  22. most rapists dont care what the law says.
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