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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. HEY! what did those twelve slices do to you?
  2. weight loss versus weight gain, the epic drama
  3. “In the new intermediation model, we will simplify our relationship with sellers and plan to charge them a single fee for our Marketplace and payment services,” Chief Financial Officer Scott Schenkel said in a conference call. they are cutting paypal out of the loop. people can still pay with paypal if they choose. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ebay-breaks-up-with-paypal-again-stock-soars-as-paypal-shares-dive-2018-01-31#false http://money.cnn.com/2018/02/01/technology/paypal-ebay-payments-split-adyen/index.html way back when i started using ebay in 2005, you were able to select money order, check, echeck, or paypal, and people would actually wait for mailed payments to arrive, cash them to make sure they were good, and then mail you whatever you bought.
  4. you have to be alive tomorrow to go to work
  5. with its little blanket wrapped around its vulnerable, chewy state of infancy, then hardens into a wrapped for protection, grown adult starburst. wild starbursts have never been outside the wrapper. they stealthly navigate the grocery store isles, careful not to be sighted by obese humans who hunt them regularly. each baby starburst has natural packaging
  6. officer down, hes got a gun, shoot to kill
  7. idunno, just anything embarrassing to be general
  8. i broke the screen trying to shove it through
  9. woah. good thing you have the left one. j/klol
  10. i would probably have not even noticed, but i am guessing you are being less than honest in your thread.. no secrets and nothing in life that can just pop up and surprise, even shock you? sorry bro, heres a rain check
  11. the night we became friends, i upped someones likes count 100 likes and it wasnt you
  12. faggots can pretend to be big news, but i know some really old faggots. https://www.saveur.com/article/recipes/faggots-with-onion-gravy-welsh-style-pork-meatballs-with-onion-gravy
  13. imagine me inside fuggz hoohah. it would be a "your favorite posters" burrito
  14. i am full of surprises, and secrets are way too deep, maybe you'll just get lucky and not hear any of them. but i'll be a back-up friend when you are very lonely.
  15. oh shit, sorry i forgot to put the title in the body. so now i know what your talking about after a re-read. ok so what she had a text she didnt want to show you, and NOW you dont trust her... sorry ok umm, if she dont want you she dont want you. first date isnt a place to demand to read someone's text library i would find that very weird
  16. can you try to just explain what you want us to know and can the fucking showing off. what the fuck are you telling me? i honestly dont even know. is it supposed to be that you think she deleted your text without answering it on purpose and now you dont trust her? is that the fucking message? im having a hard time understanding what about this message is supposed to rub off? can you speak like a civilized human and just tell us what the fuck you are saying, like every other fucking user? are you fucking able to?
  17. theres this song im tryna remember, it goes dundun and then it goes dun pish. i think theres a trombone and the band's name rhymes with "elvis presley."
  18. when i was a toddler i used to yell STINKY when i pooped myself
  19. thats been a thing since things were things
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