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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. good. i dunno whats good about it, i just felt it was good.
  2. aaahhhh........... there are like 60 links to my profile and i only post like two posts are you guys trying to sell me? i dont want a new mom and dad.
  3. there are way too many links to my profile, i cant upload icons, @Adminderaptorpat, what is going on?
  4. everything is an hilarious mistake that embarrasses your worst enemies, and gives you bragging rights.
  5. i think she just wants anal, and his religion say no anal.
  6. work is hard. getting people to recognize your hard work is almost impossible
  7. stay calm, and try to do something relaxing
  8. mary jane isnt a dangerous habit, but it can effect your concentration, energy and a few things. no worse than booze.
  9. the inability to prioritize when you are entirely consumed by heavy drugs, is the hidden angle Pat @Adminderaptorpat
  10. ohhh... 8 years and it must be rough.... my experience tells me when you dont know when to put down the drugs, or cant, its time to evaluate how and when to get clean. you are past that into the world of keeping safely away from the substance, and i can tell you that you must remind yourself how difficult it is to stop the habit and affliction in its grip. if you need a sober buddy, i might not be 100% sober, but i can listen and at least help with my experiences and not to preach but listen, so PM or @ me if you need to.
  11. i thought there must be a strong connection to religion in your family because of the respect you have for your parents. i went to a Christian school for a year and met a couple metal heads that were religious. you remind me of them sometimes.
  12. i said in the OP. i just wanted to talk about the determination it takes.
  13. how are you even fighting with me? its phillies' thread.
  14. lolno. i wasnt talking about something personal, you are too quick to accuse. if phillies thinks your vag is a black hole, then im going to poke fun.. you simply shouldnt take it personally. if there were threads about my junk theyd probably be worse. and yes i want nudes
  15. when theyre like that they usually also become an unholy torment of a completely evil bitch.
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