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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Shit like Michael Jackson buying The Elephant Man's skeleton.
  2. Commandment I: Thou shalt eat spinach. Commandment II: Thou shalt not eat any other foods before spinach.
  3. Note to Netflix:
  4. Just saw the Go-tron (Voltron) episode last night, and it was complete and utter ass. Haven't really made it a point to watch R&M this season but I believe I have seen some here and there. I know I've seen the one where Rick feels his private toilet was violated and that was decent. But this one.... If this is any indication of where the show is going, it has jumped the shark. It feels like the whole writing team was fired and was replaced with writers all from TBS era American Dad (which is complete garbage too). It's like Harmon was reading fan forums for ideas... "Yeah a Voltron episode could work... and we can shoehorn name-dropping Naruto in there for no reason for those weebs to jerk off to."
  5. Probably Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy VI.
  6. Hoo boy this hits too close to home..... but it seems a bit of a stretch to say "smart enough to know how awkward you are" rather than "self aware enough."
  7. I stay out of the sports folder, but I gotta say I really appreciate how @StarPanda apparently looked to Mega Man 2 for inspiration on how to title the thread.
  8. Happy birthday! If you want you can imagine Sonic the Hedgehog is The Sonic Rican.
  9. It amazes me that we used to live in a society of "your pizza in 30 minutes or less or else its free!" If I order my pizza at 5:00 pm or later I'm happy if it's less than an hour, but not too mad if it's about an hour and a half, regardless of where I order from. What changed? Did pizza places used to hire like twice as many delivery drivers or something?
  10. Somewhat related, but not a meme that I know of, a pic of the 70s/80s heavy metal band Quartz circa 2016: That dude in the blue shirt that looks like he'll gladly give you Wurther's Originals without even asking..... he's the ever present guitarist. The guy in the purple shirt was the other guitarist on their 77 debut then he left the band to be Black Sabbath's session/live keyboardist until around 2004. In 2011 he rejoined Quartz, in 2016 they put out their first album since 1983, and in 2017 he died of lung cancer. New album's in the works featuring some of the stuff he wrote before his death.
  11. He has tags turned off on all accounts.
  12. I meant BuddyRoe.
  13. Buddy, was this you and your cousin recently?
  14. I was never a Rug Rats fan, can someone confirm this is an actual pic from the show?
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