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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't even know what "spoony" means in that context.
  2. It broke my heart when I realized this quote probably wasn't in the original Japanese version.
  3. ............................Have you tried looking it up on youtube?
  4. Your thread sucks because every image you posted is broken.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. I like how you were able to post this before I got to the thread, because I was going to remark about the glockenspiel, which I toyed with a little bit in elementary school music class. I could've sworn I remember my music teacher pronouncing it glockenSHpiel, but my memory may be wrong, as it has been a long while.
  7. Poof went *poof*
  8. Zelda 1 Zelda 1 Zelda 1.
  9. Totally me, though not quite this young:
  10. If you don't break the law, cops leave you alone, blah blah....
  11. Where's poof when you need her?
  12. It's no secret that in Cali we have a wildfire problem on a fairly regular basis, and in recent years other parts of the world such as Australia and Brazil have had really devastating wildfires..... I think it's safe to say that most young kids at least LIKE Smokey the Bear, if not love him, but are we really reaching the right audience? In the U.S., how are most wildfires started? Campfires, BBQ's, cigarette butts, fireworks..... and just because, now we have "gender reveal parties...." Are young kids the ones we need to be tailoring this message to? How many young kids find themselves in these kinds of roles out in the woods? I think we need a more "adult" or "older teen" friendly mascot, because I just have a feeling these demographics are far more responsible for wildfires than the demographics that probably Smokey resonates the most with.
  13. I. Fucking. Hate. This. Dream. So. Fucking. Much. I have it way too often. It sounds like though dream-you only reacts mildly embarrassed by the non-silencable alarm.... my-dream-self is always driven to the point of insanity trying to get that goddamn infernal beeping to stop. Like my-dream-self literally jumping up and down stomping on watches trying to smash them to bits, but the alarm still goes.... One time it took a full 6 minutes of it beeping (irl and in my dream) before I woke up. Thought I was gonna go literally insane.
  14. What do you think all those anal probes were?
  15. At first I thought there was a giant mystery hand choking Jesus.
  16. Nature always wins the battles, but man will win the war.
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