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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Honestly I never saw Die Hard, and its been so long since I've seen Batman Returns I remember literally nothing from it.
  2. I'll be sure to echo this sentiment to you in every Biden thread you make.
  3. Oof, now I see. I assumed the lost day's work would be spread out over the rest of the week.
  4. Disagree. I've been working 4 10's for almost three years now. 3 day weekends are SO worth those extra two hours a day. THOUGH since you are salary, maybe you're working like 14 hour days or something ridiculous, in which case I would definitely see your point.
  5. Damn, I got the wrong wrestler?
  6. In that pic with Calico Jack you totally look like this dude I work with.
  7. @Dr. MrsGirlfriend can you corroborate this as good advice?
  8. This morning I woke up from a bizarre dream.... I had two girlfriends, one of them a cat who could turn into a human and was basically our pet.... the cat/human got lost in the sand carpet.... once she came back there were the three of us and a whole bunch of other people together in a room in the house I grew up in from the ages of 0-12.... we were playing a game that was on TV but could interact with us.... the answer to one of the questions was Earthworm Jim, which I got correct, but then the second part of the question was who was the maker of the game, which I couldn't remember and someone else answered correctly so they got the point.... then my mom came in and was bugging me about was that my brother in the other room, so she wanted me to go with her to see if that was him and I was mad like, "Mom, I have company!" So she sulked away and in a few minutes my dad came in berated me for making my mom upset.... then I told him that when they had company over that I have to focus all my attention on their company.... then he understood and will talk to my mom about it, then I went back to the room to join my company and the game was over, then I noticed my vision was blurry and my glasses must have fallen off without my noticing..... Then I found another pair of glasses on the ground and put them on, and they only helped a little bit, but not enough.... then I noticed my actual glasses hanging on a ledge thing on the sliding glass door so I put them on and they were mine.... then my cat gf and I started cuddling and all my company other than her went home.... then I think that's when I woke up.....
  9. Subway: Please let us all forget about that pedophile we had as our spokesman for many years.
  10. Going to Hawaii with my parents and brother when I was around 14. We stayed in beach front property in Lanikai, Oahu. What really made this trip special to me was my dad telling us a bunch of stories of when he grew up there at the various sites we went to. Snorkeling in crystal clear water full of exotic looking fish was great. Speaking of, it takes a lot to get me in the ocean, because I'm used to heated pools. Any Cali beach the water is too cold, fuck that. Hawaii beach? I mean, it's no heated pool, but warm enough to get me to swim around. Body surfing was fun. Went to some touristy places that were cool. My dad really wanted to take us to a luau but that never happened, I think he couldn't find one happening in the time frame we were staying. I remember the room in the house that was originally dubbed my room had huge cockroaches in it (which according to my dad was inevitable there, not at all a sign of filth). I have a phobia of many small harmless bugs common over here so a huge cockroach was freaking me the fuck out. I begged my dad to kill it for me, he refused, just told me to deal with it. After bugging him some more, he said I could sleep on the couch, which I did. There there were geckos crawling around on the walls, which my dad figured would freak me out as well and have me back in my room. Instead I quite enjoyed watching the geckos crawl along the walls and happily slept on the couch.
  11. I swear to god that's the guy who plays Dennis in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  12. The thing though is that "You spoony bard" was in a battle scene, and in battle scenes the dialogue boxes self scroll quickly, as I recall usually one line at a time, rather than giving you as much time as you need to read a massive box than press A when you're ready like overworld dialogue boxes.
  13. Holy shit, did we find an AS show katt HATES?
  14. No, no, no, no...... Tom from Tom Goes to the Mayor is a walking doormat, while Tommy Pickles is anything but.
  15. That's some hella obscure trivia right there.
  16. From what I used to watch on ID, women just slowly poison their victims and try to pretend it was just some kind of illness or something. Especially if that particular murderer was a nurse and poisoning her patients.
  17. Ah, but before the Tick was a TV cartoon character, he was a comic book character debuting in 1986 and getting his own comic in 1988. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tick_(character) When did he start using his "spoon" war cry though? I have no idea.
  18. I was hoping it was related to how The Tick uses "SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!"
  19. How about 'Otto Moe Biel"?
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