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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Live action pterodactyl record player and wooly mammoth shower.
  2. I don't want to pay for essentially an anime only service.
  3. Interesting stance, but fair enough, I guess.
  4. Its not that he disagrees, he disagrees so much he downvoted it.
  5. Ok @tsar4, explain yourself.
  6. I think the only Saturday morning cartoon I was into was Garfield and Friends, which was one of my favorites. Other than that lone exception, I echo your sentiments. All of that sounds awful and is probably making Kudasai's case stronger.
  7. Fucking love that one. How do you rate this album compared to Heaven and Hell?
  8. What streaming services could I find season 1 on?
  9. Pearl doesn't look at all like Mr. Krabs or crab-like at all, so I'm assuming Krabs is either the step dad or else Pearl was adopted. It seems all the other characters whose relatives we see are the same species as them, just not with Mr. Krabs and Pearl.
  10. Happy belated!
  11. I was watching Archer on Netflix last night and they censored some swear or vulgar word or something.
  12. Damn, RIP.
  13. Petition to refer to Packard as she/her from now on.
  14. You guys are going to have to fill me in on what this contest was, lol.
  15. And yet you act as if your retirement validates you as a human being.
  16. I would figure it was the Fender equivalent of a Chibson.
  17. Just in case this is the problem: URLs that start with yo.utube or whatever the fuck it is won't embed. These URLs usually occur when you open a playlist, and select another video in the playlist. URLs that start with youtube.com should embed just fine.
  18. Happy belated!
  19. Those smoking bans really hurt all the restaurants and bars, huh? "I love gambling! Wait, I'm going to have to step outside for a minute for a cigarette? That's it, I'm never going gambling again!"
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